Ry-Gaul nodded at Obi-Wan and Siri as they came up, but gave no verbal greeting. The three Masters huddled together for a discussion, leaving the three Padawans to talk among themselves.

'I can't decide, can you?' Tru asked Anakin, his eyes dancing. They were the color of the silver seas of Teevan, his home planet, and when he was excited they sparkled like sunlight on waves.

Anakin was used to Tru starting a conversation midway through. He lifted an eyebrow at him.

'Which Game events to attend,' Tru explained. 'They all sound fun.'

'We are here to keep the peace,' Ferus said. 'Not to have fun.'

Annoyance ran through Anakin. Ferus could spoil a good mood quicker than a double nova. Tru merely shook his head good-naturedly and nudged Ferus with a shoulder. 'Relax, friend. I can keep the peace and watch the Games, too. Even our Masters will allow that.'

'We haven't received our instructions,' Ferus said.

'I am sure our instructions will be to avoid having a good time at all costs,' Tru said to Ferus in a mock- serious tone, his eyes still twinkling with silent amusement.

Ferus sighed. 'Padawans are always trying to get me to relax,' he said. 'I'm just not made that way.'

Siri, Ry-Gaul, and Obi-Wan turned away from their conference and approached their Padawans.

'We've decided that you three can go off on your own for a while,'

Obi-Wan told them. 'But be sure your comlinks are functioning at all times.

' Anakin and Tru exchanged an excited glance. They hadn't expected this good fortune. They had hoped to run into each other, but now they could actually attend at least some of the Games together! Anakin would even put up with Ferus if it meant he could spend time with Tru.

'I contacted Liviani Sarno. She's on her way here,' Obi-Wan told them.

'After we receive a briefing, you'll be free to go. Then we'll all meet back at the Games quarters for the evening meal.'

Within moments they saw a tall female Euceron heading toward them. She was dressed in a scarlet robe embroidered with orange and gold threads, and her crown of braids was woven with bright jewels. Liviani Sarno was not hard to spot.

Traveling in her wake were three other beings, and Anakin was surprised that he knew two of them. He had met Didi and Astri when they still owned the Coruscant cafc that Dexter Jettster now ran. He knew that they had been close to Qui-Gon Jinn and were friends with Obi-Wan as well.

Didi's round brown eyes widened when he saw Obi-Wan. Astri ran forward, her pretty face flushed.

'Obi-Wan!' Dark curls flying, Astri threw herself at Obi-Wan, wrapping her arms around him. Anakin was surprised to see his reserved Master break out into a huge smile and hug Astri back. Didi came up and tried to hug both of them, but his plump arms were too short. He settled for thumping Obi-Wan on the back.

'This makes my eyes new and my heart glad!' Didi cried.

'It is so good to see you!' Astri exclaimed.

'It is good to see you, too,' Obi-Wan said. 'You are here to see the Games?'

'In an official capacity,' Astri said. 'I'd like you to meet my husband, Bog Divinian. He's on the Games Council. Bog, this is the great Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi.'

Bog Divinian was a tall, handsome man in a plumfruit-colored tunic almost as bright as Liviani Sarno's.

'I am honored to meet a Jedi,' Bog said. 'Do you know Liviani Sarno?'

'This is our first meeting,' Obi-Wan said with a quick nod. He introduced the Padawans. Siri coolly assessed the Council member. Ry-Gaul stood silent.

'We are glad the Jedi accepted the request of the Ruling Power to monitor the Games,' Liviani said. 'We can use the help. Many more came than we expected.'

'We have to keep things running smoothly,' Bog added. 'Liviani is doing an amazing job of organization.'

Liviani inclined her head in the fashion of one who is used to compliments.

'If you need an insider's perspective, I'll be glad to help,' Bog added, speaking to Obi-Wan. 'Because you're such a good friend of Astri's, I'll make time for you.'

Obi-Wan's polite expression did not falter, but Siri's ice-blue eyes flashed at the notion that Bog would only help the Jedi because one of them was a personal friend. Ry-Gaul just blinked impassively.

'Thank you,' Obi-Wan said smoothly. No doubt he had noticed Astri's embarrassment.

'Obi-Wan Kenobi is the greatest of all Jedi Knights,' Didi said proudly. 'He will not need our help, I guarantee.' He suddenly realized that he had insulted Siri and Ry-Gaul and turned to them quickly. 'Not that Siri and Ry-Gaul aren't equally great. All Jedi are great!' Didi beamed at all of them. 'Even Padawans!'

'How are the preparations going?' Obi-Wan asked Liviani. 'Any problems?'

'So smoothly, no problems,' Bog Divinian answered. 'The Games Council is handling everything beautifully. Maxo Vista is a native of Euceron and on the Council, and he has been very helpful. You know of him, of course.'

Obi-Wan shook his head politely. Anakin couldn't believe his Master didn't know the great Euceron hero who had stunned the galaxy seven years before by winning five events at the Galactic Games on Berrun.

'But everyone knows Maxo Vista!' Bog said, surprised. 'He is renowned throughout the galaxy! He might not be wealthy, but he is famous. And he is a good friend of mine, so if you need an introduction…'

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