'I'll kill you all!'

Frustrated, Obi-Wan tried to get through the crowd. The beings had formed a solid wall of flesh and muscle. The Jedi could not move. But they weren't about to fail in their objective before the Games had even begun.

Chapter Two

Anakin saw a sudden flash of blue. A lightsaber danced in the air and came down, slicing expertly through the thick slabs of stone. The movement was so fast that a tiny curl of smoke was the only evidence of the lightsaber's trail. The slabs dissolved into rocks and dust. The Phlog howled as one of the stone pieces fell on his foot.

'That should slow you down a minute.'

Jedi Knight Siri's tone was pleasant, but it rang with the shimmer of durasteel. Next to her stood Ferus Olin, her Padawan. His lightsaber was raised and ready, his expression hard. He was prepared to spring if anyone moved, and everyone seemed to know it. A hush settled on the crowd.

The Phlog stood awkwardly, holding his foot. 'Who are you?' he bellowed.

The Euceron whose table had been pulverized quickly shoved his blaster into his belt. 'Ah, Jedi. Just defending myself,' he muttered, backing away.

The Ortolan nodded rapidly, his blue fur flying. 'Easy in such crowds to bump by accident.'

'Exactly,' Siri said. 'So an apology is called for.' 'Sorry,' the Ortolan said quickly.

'By both of you,' Siri said meaningfully, her gaze boring into Phlog, who towered several meters over her blond head.

The Phlog hesitated. He was not accustomed to apologizing for his temper. Even with a lightsaber centimeters from his neck.

For a moment, it seemed that the Phlog would launch an attack on Siri.

She was ready.

By now Obi-Wan and Anakin had snaked through the crowd and were standing by, close enough to spring forward if needed. With a look, Obi-Wan told Anakin to hang back.

Ferus Olin stepped forward. 'Think twice, my friend,' he said in a soft tone. 'Then think again.'

Anakin saw the admiration on his Master's face at the coolness of Ferus's approach. A flare of jealousy rose inside him. Ferus always knew the right thing to say and the right way to say it. Ferus was only two years older than Anakin, but he was known for his maturity.

'Well, well, my fault,' the Phlog said in false cheerfulness. 'Let me buy you another juice.'

He bent over the small Ortolan and led him into the cafc.

Siri deactivated her lightsaber. 'There. Everyone is sorry. Incident over.' Her clear voice sailed out over the crowd. 'We can all get back to what we were doing.'

The crowd that had been eager to witness a brawl suddenly melted away.

Siri caught sight of Obi-Wan.

'Just a minute too late, as usual,' she said.

'We were just waiting to see how you'd handle it,' Obi-Wan answered.

'I always wanted to see you go against a Phlog.'

Anakin watched Obi-Wan and Siri. A stranger would never know that they were old friends.

He nodded a greeting at Ferus, who nodded stiffly back. There was no need to pretend that they liked each other. Ferus had warned him once that he did not trust him and would keep an eye on him. This had infuriated Anakin, and he still wasn't over it. He had let his anger go, but his resentment still simmered. He knew how a Jedi was supposed to handle that, but he couldn't.

He could not speak to Obi-Wan about it, either. He didn't want his Master to know that a fellow Padawan, especially one as gifted and respected as Ferus, did not trust him.

He turned his attention back to Siri and Obi-Wan, who were talking in low voices.

'… with the crowds like this,' Obi-Wan was saying. 'It was hard to get to you at all.'

'And where was security?' Siri asked. 'I saw officers all around undercover, but when they were needed, they were strangely absent.'

'Perhaps fewer of them should be undercover,' Obi-Wan suggested. 'Some should be more visible.'

Siri frowned. 'The Eucerons hate the security forces. That's why they're undercover. But still, with so many visitors, keeping the peace is the first order of business.'

'I'll talk to Liviani Sarno about it,' Obi-Wan said, referring to the head of the Games Council.

Anakin couldn't believe it. Obi-Wan hadn't seen Siri in a while, and he only spoke of the mission! Anakin had great respect for Obi-Wan's wisdom, but sometimes he wondered how his Master could connect to the Living Force when his feelings were kept so tightly under wraps.

'Anakin!' Anakin heard the cheerful voice behind him and quickly turned. Tru Veld was loping across the plaza next to his Master, the tall and silent Ry-Gaul. Tru extended one long, flexible arm in a floppy wave that conveyed his excitement and happiness at seeing his friend. He and Tru had been in the same year of training at the Temple, but they had become friends after they had been chosen as Padawans.

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