Anakin looked at him curiously as they began to walk. 'I didn't think you ever thought you were wrong.'

'I know that's what other Padawans think. It's because I try not to let it show. Don't you?'

Anakin snapped his mouth shut. Just when he thought he'd have a normal conversation with Ferus, he got caught up short again. Ferus was trying to trap him. He wanted him to admit weakness so he'd have something on him.

'This whole mission is unclear,' Ferus went on, not realizing that Anakin had stiffened beside him. 'I'll be happy when — '

The Force surged again. But this time it was too late. Caught up in their conversation and the relief of finding that it was only Hansel who had tailed them, they had let down their guard.

Their attackers came from behind on airspeeders. They used cables to knock Anakin and Ferus off their feet. Black hoods were thrown over their heads and tied shut.

Anakin rolled away from their attackers and rose to his feet in one fluid motion, ready to fight but not revealing his lightsaber. The hood was fastened in a way he couldn't figure out. That wasn't a problem. He had learned to fight in darkness; it was part of his Jedi training. But on Romin they were under strict orders not to use their lightsabers unless they absolutely had to. They had to retain their cover as part of the Slam gang.

Which meant they might learn more if they allowed themselves to be kidnapped. He could resist later. Anakin hoped that Ferus had come to the same conclusion.

He felt himself being shoved into a vehicle. Ferus hit the seat next to him.

'Any ideas?' Ferus grunted in a whisper.

'We might as well see who kidnapped us, and why,' Anakin whispered back. 'I think you just got your clear objective, Ferus.'

A snort came from under Ferus's hood. 'I would have preferred a different method. But thanks.'

Chapter Seven

The hood was suddenly wrenched off Anakin's head. He took a deep breath of fresh air.

Only the air wasn't fresh. It was dank and murky, not much better than the hot, close air under the hood.

'That's right,' a masculine voice said in a tone edged with sarcasm.

'Take a deep breath of the wholesome country air of Teda Estates.'

Anakin couldn't see who spoke. A bright light was in his eyes, and the rest of the room was in deep shadow. Ferus was next to him, his chin up as he tried to blink against the light. Anakin tensed, as if for a blow. He was ready to fight at any moment.

'Relax. We don't want to hurt you. We want to hire you. For stang's sake, B, turn off that light.'

The light went out. Now the only light came from small windows cut in some sort of wooden structure. Water pooled on the hard-packed dirt floor.

Anakin could hear the steady drip, drip of bad plumbing.

A Romin male emerged from the shadows. He was tall and slender. Energy seemed to be collected in his muscles and radiated out from his gestures and his pale eyes of light gold. The rest of the group stayed in the shadows.

'Sorry for the method,' the tall Romin said. He pointed to Anakin's mask. 'At least you are used to masks.'

'Not really,' Anakin said.

'We can't exactly issue nice personal invitations the way our Great Leader can. We needed to talk to you, and we needed to do it without any prying eyes or ears. We have a proposition.'

'Who are you?' Ferus asked.

'My name is Joylin,' the Romin answered. He brought a chair over by hooking his foot over the rail and dragging it. He sat astride, facing them. 'I am the leader of the resistance on this planet. My face and name are well known to Teda. There's no need for concealment. My compatriots, however, are less well known and will remain hidden from you. The only thing you need to know is that there are many of us, and we do not all reside beyond the wall.'

Which, Anakin reasoned, meant there were resistance members, or spies, in the city itself.

'What do you want with us?' Anakin asked. 'We only just arrived on Romin.'

'Exactly,' Joylin said. 'You do not yet have ties here. You have no friends, no loyalties. So you don't need to betray anyone to help us.

Instead, you will do a straight trade. We will pay you, and you will help us. We are in need of your special skills.'

'Why should we help you?' Ferus asked.

'Because you are thieves, and we will pay you,' Joylin said impatiently. 'And if you wish to remain on Romin, it would be a good idea to be on the winning side.'

'The winning side? Are you going up against Teda and expecting to win?

' Ferus looked around at the decaying structure. He was playing the game well, Anakin saw. A member of the Slams would naturally be incredulous and disdainful.

He decided to give Ferus the lead. In contrast, he would be the sympathetic one. They needed to find out as

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