Joylin only half turned. 'We must tell them! Once they know, they will help us.' He turned back to Anakin and Ferus. 'We'll start by disrupting communication systems — just some low-level interference at first. We have already infiltrated Teda's Security Management Control. We have one chance to sabotage the CIP controls for the droid army that Teda uses to control the city and guard the wall. If we strike that blow simultaneously with the capture of all government officials and Teda himself, we can win without bloodshed. We'll simply lock the officials and their personal troops inside their houses. Without the officials, without the droid army, we can take over.'

Ferus and Anakin didn't say anything for a moment. 'You can assure us that the droid army will be in your control?' Ferus asked.


'You will pay us double the rate?' Anakin asked. He named the figure.

'We have it. It has taken years,' Joylin said. 'Every family, every individual, has gone without in order to feed our treasury.'

'We're not interested in how you got it,' Ferus said with a wave of his hand. 'But we need to assure for ourselves that you do have it. Half before, half after the revolt.'

'Agreed,' Joylin said.

'We need more detailed information on where we can find the codes,'

Anakin said, all business now.

'All you have to do is get beyond the guards. I understand that you are somewhat expert at that.'

Anakin and Ferus nodded. 'We must take this back to Slam and Valadon,'

Anakin said. 'We will need a way to contact you.'

'We will be contacting you tomorrow morning,' Joylin said. 'Don't look for us. We'll be there. Now, I'll escort you as far as the wall. I'm sure you were told it is planted with cloudflower vines. It may not surprise you to find that isn't the case. Like peace and justice on Romin, the name of the wall is just an illusion.'

Anakin and Ferus stood. 'Just one more thing,' Anakin said.

Joylin looked at him. With a deal so close to being made, his anxiety had increased. Anakin could feel it humming like a charge in the air.

'We are interested in one of the residents here,' Anakin continued casually. 'A scientist named Jenna Zan Arbor. You must guarantee safe passage for her off-planet. We will arrange transportation.'

Ferus's eyes flickered with surprise at Anakin's proposal. What if Joylin backed out? Anakin knew he wouldn't. Joylin was good at concealment.

It was most likely a way of life for him. But Anakin could feel his hunger.

If the coup went through as planned, Zan Arbor would be desperate to get away. The Slams could offer her a way out. With the collapse of Teda, her security would crumble. She would need help.

'That is not a problem,' Joylin said. 'As long as you are in.'

Chapter Eight

'He tells us there is no risk, but of course there is risk,' Ferus said later that evening. Obi-Wan, Siri, Anakin, and Ferus had eaten a meal around a tiled table in a small, lovely room overlooking the garden. They were careful to speak of nothing of consequence during the meal. They had to assume that the villa had listening devices. But afterward they had gone into the garden. Then they had continued the discussion that had begun when Anakin and Ferus had first returned to the villa and beckoned to Obi-Wan and Siri to come outside.

'It's a risk worth taking,' Anakin said. Obi-Wan was glad to hear that there was not the usual edge in his voice. Anakin was disagreeing with Ferus. That was usual. But he was doing it without resentment. That was good.

Their adventure together had brought Anakin and Ferus closer. Obi-Wan didn't delude himself that they were friends. But he did think something had changed.

He kept only half his attention on the argument, letting the words of the others wash over him. With the other half of his mind, he was flipping through the holofile he'd copied at Zan Arbor's. He had read every word of the uncoded files, enough to tell that she was planning a new operation, this time with partners. Everything depends upon secrecy and speed.

The rest of the files were coded, and he had tried the most difficult formulas he knew to break the code. He had called for help from the Temple and had worked with one of their codebreakers. No luck.

Siri was hanging back, letting the two apprentices discuss the situation. It was good for them to do so, and they were doing it well.

'If we help them, we will be actively supporting an overthrow of power on a planet,' Ferus said. 'We have no Senate authorization to do so.'

'We are not the ones overthrowing Teda,' Anakin objected. 'And the citizens of Romin are suffering. If we can help them and achieve our mission, why shouldn't we?'

'Because it can get out of control,' Ferus argued.

'Joylin can surprise us. We don't know anything about this resistance movement. We don't know who they are or what they want, apart from overthrowing Teda.'

'They are an established resistance group,' Siri broke in. 'I contacted Jocasta Nu to ask about them. They have been put down in brutal reprisals, but the movement has been growing steadily in response to Teda's crackdowns. Madame Nu believes there may be support within Teda's government as well. They, too, are tired of living in fear. Teda's prisons are notorious and overcrowded, and you earn a harsh sentence if you displease him. She would not be surprised if many in the army desert. Many of them have families who live outside the wall. They

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