Snyder, “West Volhynian Jews,” 85-89.

70 Grynberg, Zycie, 602; Spektor, “Zydzi wolynscy,” 477; Snyder, “West Volhynian Jews,” 91-96; Pohl, “Schauplatz,” 158-162.

71 For the Judenrat negotiations, see letters of 8 and 10 May 1942, DAR 22/1/10=USHMM RG-31.017M-2. See also Grynberg, Zycie, 588; Spektor, “Zydzi wolynscy,” 477; and Snyder, “West Volhynian Jews,” 91-96.

72 ZIH 301/1982; ZIH 301/5657; Sefer Lutsk, “Calendar of Pain, Resistance and Destruction”; Grynberg, Zycie, 584-586, quotation at 586.

73 Spektor, “Zydzi wolynscy,” 477; Snyder, “West Volhynian Jews,” 91-96. For “useless eaters,” see Grynberg, Zycie, 577. Regarding the Great Synagogue in Kovel and for the quotations in the next paragraph, see ZIH/1644. The inscriptions were noted by Hanoch Hammer. The Soviets used the synagogue to store grain.


1 Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 374; Szybieka, Historia, 337. Compare Edele, “States,” 348, 361. On the 19 July ghetto order, see Verbrechen, 80.

2 On the first killing actions, see Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 506, 549, 639; Matthaus, “Reibungslos,” 260; Longerich, Vernichtung, 370 (women); Epstein, Minsk, 81; and Ehrenburg, Black Book, 116. On the 7-9 November killings, see Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 506, 509, 624; Smolar, Ghetto, 41; Ehrenburg, Black Book, 118; and Rubenstein, Unknown, 237-238, 245, 251. Other symbolic murders: the Germans carried out an action on 23 February 1942 (Red Army Day) and shot Jewish women on 8 March 1942 (International Women’s Day).

3 On the promised parade, see Braithwaite, Moscow, 252.

4 Smilovitsky, “Antisemitism,” 207-208; Braithwaite, Moscow, 262.

5 See Brandenberger, National Bolshevism, 118-119.

6 Quotation: Brandenberger, National Bolshevism, 119.

7 Quotation: Projektgruppe, “Existiert,” 90.

8 On the boots taken from dead or captured soldiers, see Ich werde es nie vergessen, 66, 188; and Merridale, Ivan’s War, 138.

9 Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 768; Epstein, Minsk, 22; Smolar, Ghetto, 15; Projektgruppe, “Existiert,” 221.

10 On the humiliations reserved for Jews, see Rubenstein, Unknown, 256; also Ehrenburg, Black Book, 125. On Eberl, see Grabher, Eberl, 66. On the film, see Longerich, Himmler, 552.

11 On the “beauty contest,” see Ehrenburg, Black Book, 132; and Smolar, Ghetto, 22. On the evening in autumn 1941, see Smolar, Ghetto, 46. Quotation: Rubenstein, Unknown, 244. At the nearby Koldychevo concentration camp, guards serially raped and murdered women; see Chiari, Alltag, 192.

12 Epstein, Minsk, 42 and passim. On the Soviet documents, see Chiari, Alltag, 249.

13 Epstein, Minsk, 130.

14 Projektgruppe, “Existiert,” 228. For biographical details on Smolar, see “Ankieta,” 10 August 1949, AAN, teczka osobowa 5344.

15 Cholawsky, “Judenrat,” 117-120; Chiari, Alltag, 240; Smolar, Ghetto, 19.

16 On the signaling of danger, see Smolar, Ghetto, 62. On the Jewish policemen, see Epstein, Minsk, 125. On the gloves and socks, see Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 680. On the guides, see Smolar, Ghetto, 95; and Projektgruppe, “Existiert,” 164. For the ball, see Epstein, Minsk, 215.

17 Brakel, “Versorgung,” 400-401.

18 On the funding, see Epstein, Minsk, 96, 194.

19 Klein, “Zwischen,” 89. See also Hull, Absolute Destruction; Anderson, “Incident”; and Lagrou, “Guerre Honorable.”

20 On Franz Halder and his nuclear-weapon fantasy, see Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 558. On Himmler and the thirty million Slavs, see Sawicki, Zburzenie, 284. Quotation: Luck, “Partisanbekampfung,” 228.

21 Quotations: Birn, “Anti-Partisan Warfare,” 286; Verbrechen, 469. See also Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 566.

22 Szybieka, Historia, 348; Mironowicz, Bialorus, 158; Luck, “Partisanbekampfung,” 232; Klein, “Zwischen,” 90.

23 Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 680, 686.

24 Quotation: Matthaus, “Reibungslos,” 261.

25 Smolar, Ghetto, 72; Cholawsky, “Judenrat,” 125. For the figure 3,412, see Matthaus, “Reibungslos,” 262. On Lipski, see Projektgruppe, “Existiert,” 158.

26 Cholawsky, “Judenrat,” 123; Epstein, Minsk, 133. On Heydrich, see Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 694. On the fur coats, see Browning, Origins, 300.

27 On the figure cited, see Smolar, Ghetto, 98. Quotation: Ehrenburg, Black Book, 189. See also Cholawsky, “Judenrat,” 126; and Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 704.

28 On the gas vans, see Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 1075; and Rubenstein, Unknown , 245, 248, 266-267. For “soul destroyers,” see Projektgruppe, “Existiert,” 162.

29 Rubenstein, Unknown, 246; see also Ehrenburg, Black Book, 132.

30 Smolar, Ghetto, 158; Projektgruppe, “Existiert,” 231; Brakel, “Versorgung,” 400-401. On the women and children, see Smilovitsky, “Antisemitism,” 218.

31 On Zorin, see Slepyan, Guerillas, 209; and Epstein, Minsk, 24. On the raid, see Ehrenburg, Black Book, 135. On Rufeisen, see Matthaus, “Reibungslos,” 254.

32 Tec, Defiance, 80, 82, 145, 185, quotation at 80; Slepyan, Guerillas, 210; Musial, “Sowjetische,” 185, 201-202.

33 On the 23,000 partisans and the “partisan republics,” see Luck, “Partisanbekampfung,” 231. On the civilians, see Brakel, Unter Rotem Stern, 290, 304; Szybieka, Historia, 349; Slepyan, Guerillas, 81; and Mironowicz, Bialorus, 160. On the locomotives, see Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 868.

34 Musial, Mythos, 189, 202; Luck, “Partisanbekampfung,” 238; Ingrao, Chasseurs, 131; Verbrechen, 495.

35 Slepyan, Guerillas, 17, 42.

36 Kravets and Gerassimova are quoted in Projektgruppe, “Existiert,” 47, 126. For the use of “whore” as the standard mode of address, see Chiari, Alltag, 256. On the game of hide-and-seek, see

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