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Oliver Millar. Zoffany and his Tribuna (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1967)


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Jean Sutherland Boggs et al. Degas (Paris: Grand Palais; Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada; New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1988)

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Русск. перевод: Джон Ревалд. История импрессионизма. Перев. А.Н. Изергиной (Л.-М.: Искусство, 1959; 2-е изд.: перев. П.В. Мелковой под ред. М.А. Бессоновой; М.: Республика, 1995)

Robert L. Herbert. Impressionism: Art, Leisure and Parisian Society (New Haven- London: Yale U.P., 1988)

Albert Elsen. Rodin (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1963)

Catherine Lampert. Rodin: Sculptures and Drawings (London: Hayward Gallery, 1986)

Andrew Maclaren Young, ed. The Paintings of James McNeill Whistler (New Haven-London: Yale U.P., 1980)

K.E. Maison. Honore Daumier: Catalogue of the paintings, Watercolours and Drawings (2 vols., London: Thames and Hudson, 1968)

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