`The Vadhagh.

The king sucked at his lips and smacked them (король пососал губы и чмокнул ими).

haltingly [`hLltINlI] centuries [`senCqrIz]

`Are you of the Mabden race?

It was of the old speech of the Nhadragh, which Corum had learned as a child.

`I am not, he replied haltingly.

`But you are not Nhedregh.

`Yes — I am not — «Nhedregh». `You know of that folk?

`Two of them lived among us some centuries since. What race are you?

`The Vadhagh.

The king sucked at his lips and smacked them.

`The enemy, yes, of the Nhedregh (враг, да, недрегов)?

`Not now (теперь нет).

`Not now? The king frowned (король нахмурился).

`All the Vadhagh save me are dead (все вадаги, кроме меня, погибли), Corum explained (пояснил Корум). `And what is left of those you call Nhedregh have become degenerate slaves of the Mabden (а /те/, что остались от тех, кого ты называешь недрегами, стали выродившимися = жалкими рабами мабденов).

`But the Mabden are barbarians (но мабдены — варвары)!

`Now they are very powerful barbarians (теперь они очень могущественные варвары).

The king nodded (король кивнул).

`The enemy, yes, of the Nhedregh?

`Not now.

`Not now? The king frowned.

`All the Vadhagh save me are dead, Corum explained. `And what is left of those you call Nhedregh have become degenerate slaves of the Mabden.

`But the Mabden are barbarians!

`Now they are very powerful barbarians.

The king nodded.

`This was predicted (это было предсказано). He studied Corum closely (он внимательно рассматривал Корума). `Why are you not dead (почему ты не погиб)?

`I chose not to die (я решил не умирать).

`No choice was yours if Arioch decided (никакой выбор не был бы твоим = никто не посчитался бы с твоим выбором, если бы Ариох решил).

`Who is «Arioch» (кто такой «Ариох»)?

`The God.

`Which God?

`The God who rules our destinies (бог, который управляет нашими судьбами). Duke Arioch of the Swords (герцог Ариох Мечей).

`The Knight of the Swords (Рыцарь Мечей)?

predicted [prI`dIktId] destiny [`destInI] duke [djHk]

`This was predicted. He studied Corum closely. `Why are you not dead?

`I chose not to die.

`No choice was yours if Arioch decided.

`Who is «Arioch»?

`The God.

`Which God?

`The God who rules our destinies. Duke Arioch of the Swords.

`The Knight of the Swords?

`I believe he is known by that title in the distant south (полагаю, он известен под этим титулом на дальнем юге). The king seemed deeply disturbed now (король казался глубоко встревоженным теперь). He licked his lips (он облизнул губы). `I am King Temgol-Lep (я король Темгол-Леп). This is my city, Arke (это мой город, Арк). He waved his thin hand (он обвел /кругом/ своей тонкой рукой). `These are my people, the Ragha-da-Kheta (это мои подданные, рага-да-кета). This land is called Khoolocrah (эта страна называется Кулокрах). We, too, soon shall die (мы тоже вскоре умрем).

`Why so (отчего же)?

`It is Mabden time (это время мабденов). Arioch decides (/так/ решает Ариох). The king shrugged his narrow shoulders (король пожал узкими плечами). `Arioch decides. Soon the Mabden will come and destroy us (скоро мабдены придут и уничтожат нас).

`You will fight them, of course (выбудете с ними сражаться, конечно)?

distant [`dIst (q) nt] destroy [dIs`trOI]

`I believe he is known by that title in the distant south. The king seemed deeply disturbed now. He licked his lips. `I am King Temgol-Lep. This is my city, Arke. He waved his thin hand. `These are my people, the Ragha- da-Kheta. This land is called Khoolocrah. We, too, soon shall die.

`Why so?

`It is Mabden time. Arioch decides. The king shrugged his narrow shoulders. `Arioch decides. Soon the Mabden will come and destroy us.

`You will fight them, of course?

`No. It is Mabden time. Arioch commands (Ариох /так/ велит). He lets the Ragha-da-Kheta live longer because they obey him, because they do not resist him (он позволяет рага-да-кета жить дольше, потому что они повинуются ему, потому что не сопротивляются ему). But soon we shall die.

Corum shook his head (покачал головой).

`Do you not think that Arioch is unjust to destroy you thus (вы не думаете, что Ариох несправедлив, уничтожая вас таким образом)?

`Arioch decides.

It occurred to Corum that these people had not once been so fatalistic (Коруму пришло в голову, что эти люди когда-то не были столь фаталистичны = покорны судьбе). Perhaps they, too, were in a process of degeneration, caused by the Knight of the Swords (возможно, они также были в процессе = пережили упадок, вызванный Рыцарем Мечей).

`Why should Arioch destroy so much beauty and learning as you have here (зачем Ариоху уничтожать такую красоту и знания, которые у вас здесь)?

`Arioch decides.

obey [q (u) `beI] unjust [An`GAst] fatalistic [, feItq`lIstIk]

`No. It is Mabden time. Arioch commands. He lets the Ragha-da-Kheta live longer because they obey him, because they do not resist him. But soon we shall die.

Corum shook his head.

`Do you not think that Arioch is unjust to destroy you thus?

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