`Arioch decides.

It occurred to Corum that these people had not once been so fatalistic. Perhaps they, too, were in a process of degeneration, caused by the Knight of the Swords.

`Why should Arioch destroy so much beauty and learning as you have here?

`Arioch decides.

King Temgol-Lep seemed to be more familiar with the Knight of the Swords and his plans than anyone Corum had yet met (казалось, король был лучше знаком с Рыцарем Мечей и его планами, чем кто-либо, встреченный ранее Корумом). Living so much closer to his domain, perhaps they had seen him (живя так близко от его владений, возможно, они /даже/ видели его).

`Has Arioch told you this himself (Ариох сам сказал вам это)?

`He has spoken through our wise ones (он говорил через наших мудрецов).

`And the wise ones — they are certain of Arioch's will (а ваши мудрецы — они уверены в воле = что такова воля Ариоха)?

`They are certain (они уверены).

Corum sighed (вздохнул).

`Well, I intend to resist his plans (что ж, я намерен препятствовать /осуществлению/ его планов). I do not find them agreeable (я не нахожу их приемлемыми = они меня не устраивают)!

King Temgol-Lep seemed to be more familiar with the Knight of the Swords and his plans than anyone Corum had yet met. Living so much closer to his domain, perhaps they had seen him.

`Has Arioch told you this himself?

`He has spoken through our wise ones.

`And the wise ones — they are certain of Arioch's will?

`They are certain.

Corum sighed.

`Well, I intend to resist his plans. I do not find them agreeable!

King Temgol-Lep drew his lids over his eyes and trembled slightly (прикрыл веками глаза и вздрогнул слегка; to draw over — натягивать поверх, накрывать). The warriors looked at him nervously (воины посмотрели на него беспокойно). Evidently they recognised that the king was displeased (очевидно, они понимали, что король недоволен).

`I will speak no more about Arioch (я больше не буду говорить об Ариохе), King Temgol-Lep said. But as our guest we must entertain you (но, как нашего гостя, мы должны развлекать тебя). You will drink some wine with us (ты выпьешь вина с нами).

`I will drink some wine. I thank you.

Corum would have preferred food to begin with (Корум предпочел бы начать с еды = поесть сначала), but he was still cautious of giving offence to the Ragha-da-Kheta (но по-прежнему опасался обидеть рага-да- кета; cautious — осторожный, осмотрительный; to give offence — оскорбить, обидеть), who might yet supply him with the boat he needed (которые могли предоставить ему лодку, в которой он нуждался; to supply with — снабжать).

displeased [dIs`plJzd] entertain [, entq`taIn]

King Temgol-Lep drew his lids over his eyes and trembled slightly. The warriors looked at him nervously. Evidently they recognised that the king was displeased.

`I will speak no more about Arioch, King Temgol-Lep said. But as our guest we must entertain you. You will drink some wine with us.

`I will drink some wine. I thank you.

Corum would have preferred food to begin with, but he was still cautious of giving offence to the Ragha- da-Kheta, who might yet supply him with the boat he needed.

The king spoke to some servants who were waiting in the shadows near the door into the palace (король сказал /что-то/ слугам, ждавшим в тени у двери, /ведущей/ во дворец). They went inside (они вошли внутрь). Soon they returned with a tray on which were tall, thin goblets and a golden jug (вскоре они вернулись с подносом, на котором были высокие тонкие бокалы и золотой кувшин). The king reached out and took the tray in his own hands, balancing it on his knee (король потянулся и взял поднос в свои руки, удерживая его на колене; to balance — сохранять равновесие; качаться). Gravely, he poured wine into one of the cups and handed it to Corum (серьезно = с мрачным видом он налил вино в один из бокалов и подал его Коруму; cup — чаша, кубок). Corum stretched out his left hand to receive the goblet (Корум протянул левую руку, чтобы взять бокал; to receive — получать, принимать).

The hand quivered (рука задрожала).

Corum tried to control it, but it knocked the goblet away (Корум попытался управлять ей, но она отшвырнула бокал; to knock — ударять, бить). The king looked startled and began to speak (король выглядел испуганным, принялся /что-то/ говорить). The hand plunged forward and its six fingers seized the king's throat (рука бросилась вперед, и ее шесть пальцев вцепились в горло короля; to plunge — нырять; бросаться вперед). King Temgol-Lep gurgled and kicked as Corum tried to pull the Hand of Kwll away (король Темгол-Лепа хрипел и дергал ногами, а Корум пытался оторвать/оттянуть руку Кулла; to gurgle — булькать, журчать).

poured [pLd] receive [rI`sJv] gurgled [`gq: gld]

The king spoke to some servants who were waiting in the shadows near the door into the palace. They went inside. Soon they returned with a tray on which were tall, thin goblets and a golden jug. The king reached out and took the tray in his own hands, balancing it on his knee. Gravely, he poured wine into one of the cups and handed it to Corum. Corum stretched out his left hand to receive the goblet.

The hand quivered.

Corum tried to control it, but it knocked the goblet away. The king looked startled and began to speak. The hand plunged forward and its six fingers seized the king's throat. King Temgol-Lep gurgled and kicked as Corum tried to pull the Hand of Kwll away.

But the fingers were locked on the throat (но пальцы намертво вцепились в горло; to lock — запирать/ся/; сжимать, стискивать). Corum could feel himself squeezing the life from the king (Корум чувствовал, как он выдавливал жизнь из = как жизнь покидает короля).

Corum shouted for help before he realised that the warriors thought that he was attacking the king on his own volition (Корум громко звал на помощь, пока не понял, что воины думают, будто он нападает на короля по своей воле; volition — волевой акт, воля, хотение). He drew his sword and hacked around him as they attacked with their oddly-wrought clubs (он вытащил меч и размахивал им вокруг себя, когда они нападали /на него/ со своими странно сделанными = причудливыми дубинками; to hack — рубить, разрубать; wrought — выделанный, обработанный; кованый). They were plainly unused to battle, for their actions were clumsy and without proper co-ordination (они явно не привыкли к битве, так как их действия неловкими и без должного согласования = несогласованными).

Suddenly the hand released King Temgol-Lep and Corum saw that he was dead (внезапно рука отпустила короля, и Корум увидел, что он мертв).

His new hand had murdered a kindly and innocent creature (его новая рука убила добродушное и невинное создание)! And it had ruined his chances of getting help from the Ragha-da-Kheta (она уничтожила возможность получить помощь от рага-да-кета; to ruin — разрушить, погубить; chance — шанс, /удобный/ случай, возможность). It might even have killed him, for the warriors were very

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