Corum's face was grim (лицо Корума было мрачным/грозным). He pushed up his eye patch (он сдвинул наверх глазную повязку). For a moment his vision clouded and then he saw into the netherworld once again (на мгновение его зрение затуманилось, затем он снова увидел преисподнюю; to see into — всматриваться; проникать взором о что-либо). He wondered for a moment if it would not be better to die at the hands of the Flameland dwellers (на миг он усомнился, не лучше ли умереть от рук обитателей Огненных земель) but now he was looking at a cavern in which tall figures stood as if frozen (но вот он /уже/ смотрел на пещеру, в которой высокие фигуры стояли, словно замороженные). With a shock Corum recognised them as the dead warriors of the Ragha-da-Kheta (с потрясением Корум узнал в них мертвых воинов рага-да-кета), their wounds now bloodless, their eyes glazed (их раны теперь были бескровны, их глаза остекленели), their clothes and armour torn, their weapons still in their hands (одежда была порвана, доспехи пробиты, а их оружие по-прежнему в руках; to tear — рвать/ся/, разрывать/ся/; пробивать, ломать). They began to move towards him as his hand stretched out to summon them (они начали двигаться к нему, когда его рука протянулась, чтобы призвать их).

cavern [`kxvqn] recognised [`rekqgnaIzd]

`None may leave the Flamelands save to suffer a mighty doom. The voice was sonorous, even sad. `There is only one gateway and that is through the Lion's Mouth.

`Can we not…?

The riders began to close in. Corum and Hanafax drew their swords.

`Well, Prince Corum, it seems we are to die.

Corum's face was grim. He pushed up his eye patch. For a moment his vision clouded and then he saw into the netherworld once again. He wondered for a moment if it would not be better to die at the hands of the Flameland dwellers but now he was looking at a cavern in which tall figures stood as if frozen. With a shock Corum recognised them as the dead warriors of the Ragha-da-Kheta, their wounds now bloodless, their eyes glazed, their clothes and armour torn, their weapons still in their hands. They began to move towards him as his hand stretched out to summon them.

`NO! These, too, are my enemies (это тоже мои враги)! Corum shouted (закричал Корум).

Hanafax, unable to see what Corum saw, turned his head in astonishment (Ганафакс, не способный видеть /то/, что Корум видел, обернулся: «повернул голову» в изумлении).

The dead warriors came on (мертвые воины продолжали идти). The scene behind them faded (вид позади них исчез). They materialised on the obsidian rock of the Flamelands (они материализовались на обсидиановой скале Огненных земель).

Corum backed away, gesticulating wildly (Корум попятился, дико размахивая руками). The Flameland warriors drew their mounts to a stop in surprise (воины Огненных земель удивленно осадили своих животных). Hanafax's face was a mask of fear (лицо Ганафакса было маской страха = исказилось от ужаса).

`No! I…

shouted [`SautId] gesticulating [Ge`stIkjuleItIN]

`NO! These, too, are my enemies! Corum shouted.

Hanafax, unable to see what Corum saw, turned his head in astonishment.

The dead warriors came on. The scene behind them faded. They materialised on the obsidian rock of the Flamelands.

Corum backed away, gesticulating wildly. The Flameland warriors drew their mounts to a stop in surprise. Hanafax's face was a mask of fear.

`No! I…

From the lips of the dead King Temgol-Lep came a whispering voice (с губ мертвого короля Темгол-Лепа слетел шепот).

`We serve you, master (мы служим тебе, повелитель). Will you give us our prizes (дашь ли ты нам нашу награду)?

Corum controlled himself (Корум взял себя в руки). Slowly, he nodded (медленно он кивнул).

`Aye (да). You may take your prizes (можете взять свою награду).

The long-limbed warriors turned to face the mounted warriors of the Flamelands (длинноногие и длиннорукие воины повернулись лицом к конным воинам Огненных земель; to face — стоять лицом к; сталкиваться лицом к лицу). The beasts snorted and tried to move back but were forced to stand their ground by their riders (животные зафыркали и пытались пятиться, но их наездники заставили их оставаться на месте). There were about fifty of the Ragha-da-Kheta (было около пятидесяти /воинов/ рага- да-кета). Dividing into groups of two or three, their clawed clubs raised (разделяясь на группы по двое и по трое, подняв свои когтевидные дубинки), they flung themselves at the mounted beings (они бросились на всадников).

From the lips of the dead King Temgol-Lep came a whispering voice.

`We serve you, master. Will you give us our prizes?

Corum controlled himself. Slowly, he nodded.

`Aye. You may take your prizes.

The long-limbed warriors turned to face the mounted warriors of the Flamelands. The beasts snorted and tried to move back but were forced to stand their ground by their riders. There were about fifty of the Ragha-da- Kheta. Dividing into groups of two or three, their clawed clubs raised, they flung themselves at the mounted beings.

Barbed lances came up and stabbed down at the Ragha-da-Kheta (зазубренные копья взметнулись и пронзили /воинов/ рага-да-кета; to come up — подниматься, повышаться; to stab — наносить удар /острым оружием/). Many were struck, but it did not deter them (многих поразили /эти копья/, но это их не остановило; to deter — удерживать; отпугивать; останавливать). They began to drag the struggling riders from their saddles (они принялись стаскивать отбивавшихся всадников с седел).

Pale-faced, Corum watched (бледный: «бледнолицый», Корум наблюдал). He knew now that he was consigning the Flamelands warriors to the same nether world from which he had summoned the Ragha-da-Kheta (он понимал теперь, что отправляет воинов Огненных земель в ту же преисподнюю, из которой он вызвал рага-да-кета). And his actions had sent the Ragha-da-Kheta to that netherworld in the first place (его действия отправили рага-да-кета в тот мир изначально = раньше).

On the gleaming rock, around which ran rivers of red rock, the ghastly battle continued (на блестящей скале, вокруг которой текли реки красного камня = лавы, продолжалась ужасная битва). The clawed clubs ripped the cloaks from the riders, revealing a people whose faces were familiar (когтевидные дубинки срывали плащи с всадников, открывая людей, чьи лица были знакомы).

`Stop! Corum cried. `Stop! That is enough (довольно). Kill no more (больше не убивайте)!

ghastly [`gRstlI] familiar [fq`mIlIq]

Barbed lances came up and stabbed down at the Ragha-da-Kheta. Many were struck, but it did not deter them. They began to drag the struggling riders from their saddles.

Pale-faced, Corum watched. He knew now that he was consigning the Flamelands warriors to the same nether world from which he had summoned the Ragha-da-Kheta. And his actions had sent the Ragha-da-Kheta to that netherworld in the first place.

On the gleaming rock, around which ran rivers of red rock, the ghastly battle continued. The clawed clubs ripped the cloaks from the riders, revealing a people whose faces were familiar.

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