`Stop! Corum cried. `Stop! That is enough. Kill no more!

Temgol-Lep turned his glazed eyes on Corum (Темгол-Леп обратил свое остекленевшие глаза на Корума). The dead king had a barbed spear sticking completely through his body (тело мертвого короля пробило насквозь зазубренное копье), but he seemed unaware of it (но, казалось, он и не подозревал об этом). His dead lips moved (его мертвые губы шевельнулись).

`These are our prizes, master. We cannot stop (мы не можем остановиться).

`But they are Vadhagh! They are like me (они такие же, как я)! They are my own people (это мой народ)!

Hanafax put an arm on Corum's shoulder (Ганафакс положил Коруму руку на плечо).

`They are all dead now, Prince Corum (теперь они все мертвы, принц Корум).

Sobbing, Corum ran towards the corpses, inspecting the faces (рыдая, Корум побежал к трупам, заглядывая в их лица). They had the same long skulls, the same huge, almond eyes, the same tapering ears (у них были такие же удлиненные черепа, такие же огромные миндалевидные глаза, такие же сужающиеся уши).

Temgol-Lep turned his glazed eyes on Corum. The dead king had a barbed spear sticking completely through his body, but he seemed unaware of it. His dead lips moved.

`These are our prizes, master. We cannot stop.

`But they are Vadhagh! They are like me! They are my own people!

Hanafax put an arm on Corum's shoulder.

`They are all dead now, Prince Corum.

Sobbing, Corum ran towards the corpses, inspecting the faces. They had the same long skulls, the same huge, almond eyes, the same tapering ears.

`How came Vadhagh here (как вадаги попали сюда)? Hanafax murmured (прошептал Ганафакс).

Now Temgol-Lep was dragging one of the corpses away, aided by two of his minions (Темгол-Леп утаскивал один из трупов, ему помогали двое /из/ его слуг; minion — любимец, фаворит; ставленник). The scaled beasts scattered, some of them splashing through the lava uncaringly (покрытые чешуей животные бросились врассыпную, некоторые бежали по лаве небрежно; to splash — брызгать/ся/, плескать/ся/; шлепать /по лужам, воде и т. д. /).

Through the Eye of Rhynn, Corum saw the Ragha-da-Kheta pull the corpses into their cave (Глазом Ринна Корум видел, как рага-да-кета втаскивают трупы в свою пещеру). With a shudder, he replaced the eye patch (содрогнувшись, он вернул на место глазную повязку). Save for a few weapons and tatters of armour and clothing (за исключением оружия, кусков доспехов и клочьев одежды; tatter — клочья, лохмотья; развалины), save for the disappearing mounts, nothing remained of the Vadhagh of the Flamelands (кроме исчезающих = разбегающихся ездовых животных, ничего не осталось от вадагов Огненных земель).

`I have destroyed my own folk (я уничтожил собственный народ)! Corum screamed (вскричал Корум). `I have consigned them to a frightful doom in that nether world (я отправил = обрек их на ужасную судьбу в том мире мертвых)!

minion [`mInIqn] disappearing [, dIsq`pIqrIN]

`How came Vadhagh here? Hanafax murmured.

Now Temgol-Lep was dragging one of the corpses away, aided by two of his minions. The scaled beasts scattered, some of them splashing through the lava uncaringly.

Through the Eye of Rhynn, Corum saw the Ragha-da-Kheta pull the corpses into their cave. With a shudder, he replaced the eye patch. Save for a few weapons and tatters of armour and clothing, save for the disappearing mounts, nothing remained of the Vadhagh of the Flamelands.

`I have destroyed my own folk! Corum screamed. `I have consigned them to a frightful doom in that nether world!

`Sorcery has a way of recoiling suddenly upon its user (колдовство имеет особенность обращаться внезапно против того, кто его использует; to recoil — отскакивать, отлетать; возвращаться рикошетом /о злых поступках/), Hanafax said quietly. `It is an arbitrary power, as I said (это непостоянная/капризная сила, как я говорил).

Corum wheeled on Hanafax (Корум повернулся к Ганафаксу).

`Stop your prattling, Mabden (хватит болтать, мабден; to prattle — лепетать; болтать)! Do you not realise what I have done (неужели ты не осознаешь, что я наделал)?

Hanafax nodded soberly (Ганафакс кивнул серьезно; sober — трезвый, рассудительный).

`Aye. But it is done, is it not (но это сделано, не так ли)? Our lives are saved (наши жизни спасены).

`Now I add fratricide to my crimes (теперь я добавил братоубийство к своим преступлениям). Corum fell to his knees, dropping his sword on the rock (Корум упул на колени, роняя меч на скалу). And he wept (и заплакал; to weep).

fratricide [`frxtrIsaId] knee [nJ]

`Sorcery has a way of recoiling suddenly upon its user, Hanafax said quietly. `It is an arbitrary power, as I said.

Corum wheeled on Hanafax.

`Stop your prattling, Mabden! Do you not realise what I have done?

Hanafax nodded soberly.

`Aye. But it is done, is it not? Our lives are saved.

`Now I add fratricide to my crimes. Corum fell to his knees, dropping his sword on the rock. And he wept.

`Who weeps (кто плачет)?

It was a woman's voice (это был женский голос). A sad voice (печальный голос).

`Who weeps for Cira-an-Venl, the Lands That Are Now Flame (кто оплакивает Кира-ан-Венл, Земли, которые теперь огонь = стали огнем)? Who remembers her sweet meadows and her fair hills (кто вспоминает ее душистые луга и прекрасные холмы)?

Corum raised his head and got to his feet (Корум поднял голову и встал на ноги). Hanafax was already staring at the apparition on the rock above them (Ганафакс уже пристально смотрел на это видение, /возникшее/ на скале над ними; apparition — видение; привидение).

`Who weeps, there?

meadow [`medqu] apparition [, xpq`rIS (q) n]

`Who weeps?

It was a woman's voice. A sad voice.

`Who weeps for Cira-an-Venl, the Lands That Are Now Flame? Who remembers her sweet meadows and her fair hills?

Corum raised his head and got to his feet. Hanafax was already staring at the apparition on the rock above them.

`Who weeps, there?

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