Rhalina there (было очень поздно, когда он отыскал /в темноте/ свою постель и обнаружил там Ралину).

He looked down at her face (он наклонился и посмотрел в ее лицо). She had plainly wept herself to sleep (она, /совершенно/ очевидно, плакала до тех пор, пока не уснула).

He knew that it was his turn to offer her comfort (он знал, что была его очередь предложить ей утешение = утешить ее).

But he had no time (но у него не было времени) …

He undressed (он разделся). He placed himself into the bed (он поместил себя в постель = тихо лег в постель), between the silks and the furs (между шелками и мехами), trying not to disturb her (стараясь не тревожить ее). But she awoke (но она проснулась; to awake).

hour [`auq] reference [`ref (q) rqns] captain [`kxptIn]

The hours passed as he copied out the charts and reference points given by the captain of the ship that had visited Moidel's Mount thirty years before. And it was very late when he sought his bed and found Rhalina there.

He looked down at her face. She had plainly wept herself to sleep.

He knew that it was his turn to offer her comfort.

But he had no time…

He undressed. He placed himself into the bed, between the silks and the furs, trying not to disturb her. But she awoke.


He did not reply (он не ответил).

He felt her body tremble for a moment, but she did not speak again (он чувствовал, как ее тело задрожало на миг, но она не заговорила снова).

He sat up in bed, his mind full of conflict (он сел в постели, его душа была полна противоречий = в смятении; conflict — конфликт, противоречие). He loved her. But he should not love her (но он не должен был любить ее). He tried to settle back, to go to sleep, but he could not (он попытался улечься снова, заснуть, но не смог; to settle — усаживать/ся/, укладывать/ся/, устраивать/ся/).

He reached out and stroked her shoulder (он протянул /руку/ и погладил ее по плечу).


`Yes, Corum?

reply [rI`plaI] conflict [`kOnflIkt] shoulder [`Squldq]


He did not reply.

He felt her body tremble for a moment, but she did not speak again.

He sat up in bed, his mind full of conflict. He loved her. But he should not love her. He tried to settle back, to go to sleep, but he could not.

He reached out and stroked her shoulder.


`Yes, Corum?

He took a deep breath, meaning to explain to her (он глубоко вздохнул, собираясь объяснить ей) how strongly he needed to see Glandyth dead (как сильно ему необходимо увидеть Гландита мертвым), to repeat that he should return when his vengeance was taken (повторить, что он вернется, когда отомстит: «его месть исполнится»). Instead he said (вместо /этого/ он сказал):

`Storms blow strongly now around Moidel's Castle (штормы дуют сильно = бушуют сейчас вокруг замка Мойдела). I will set aside my plans until the spring (я отложу мои планы до весны). I will stay until the spring (я останусь до весны).

She turned in the bed and peered through the darkness at his face (она повернулась в постели и посмотрела сквозь тьму ему в лицо; to peer at — вглядываться, всматриваться).

`You must do as you desire (ты должен поступать, как ты желаешь). Pity destroys true love, Corum (жалость разрушает истинную любовь, Корум).

`It is not pity that moves me (не жалость движет мной).

`Is it your sense of justice (твое чувство справедливости)? That, too, is (это тоже) …

breath [breT] vengeance [`venG (q) ns] pity [`pItI] desire [dI`zaIq] justice [`GAstIs]

He took a deep breath, meaning to explain to her how strongly he needed to see Glandyth dead, to repeat that he should return when his vengeance was taken. Instead he said:

`Storms blow strongly now around Moidel's Castle. I will set aside my plans until the spring. I will stay until the spring.

She turned in the bed and peered through the darkness at his face.

`You must do as you desire. Pity destroys true love, Corum.

`It is not pity that moves me.

`Is it your sense of justice? That, too, is…

`I tell myself that it is my sense of justice that makes me stay, but I know otherwise (я говорю себе, что это чувство справедливости заставляет меня остаться, но я знаю, что это не так; otherwise — иначе, по-другому; что-либо другое, противоположное).

`Then why would you stay (тогда почему ты остаешься)?

`My resolve to go has weakened (моя решимость уйти ослабла; resolve — решимость; намерение).

`What has weakened it, Corum (что ослабило ее, Корум)?

`Something quieter in me, yet something, perhaps, that is stronger (что-то тихое во мне, однако /это/ что-то, возможно, сильнее /моей решимости/). It is my love for you, Rhalina (любовь к тебе, Ралина), that has conquered my desire to have immediate revenge on Glandyth (победила мое желание немедленно отомстить Гландиту; to conquer — завоевать, подчинить; побороть; to have revenge on). It is love. That is all I can tell you (это все, /что/ я могу сказать тебе).

And she began to weep again, but it was not from sorrow (и она заплакала снова, но не от горя).

otherwise [`ADqwaIz] resolve [rI`zOlv] conquered [`kONkqd] immediate [I`mJdIqt]

`I tell myself that it is my sense of justice that makes me stay, but I know otherwise.

`Then why would you stay?

`My resolve to go has weakened.

`What has weakened it, Corum?

`Something quieter in me, yet something, perhaps, that is stronger. It is my love for you, Rhalina, that has conquered my desire to have immediate revenge on Glandyth. It is love. That is all I can tell you.

And she began to weep again, but it was not from sorrow.

CHAPTER TEN (глава десятая)

A Thousand Swords (тысяча мечей)

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