Winter reached its fiercest (зима достигла своей самой лютой /поры/; fierce — жестокий, лютый). The towers seemed to shake with the force of the gales that raged around them (казалось, башни сотрясались под натиском штормовых ветров, что неистовствовали вокруг них; force — сила, влияние; gale — шторм, сильный ветер /от 7 до 10 баллов/; to rage — бушевать, свирепствовать). The seas smashed against the rocks of Moidel's Mount (волны разбивались о скалы Горы Мойдел; sea — море; волна, волнение) and sometimes the waves seemed to rise higher than the castle itself (а иногда, казалось, валы поднимались выше, чем сам замок).

Days became almost as dark as night (дни стали почти такими же темными, как вечер; night — ночь; вечер). Huge fires were lit in the castle (огромные огни зажигались в замке /в каминах/), but they could not keep out the chill that was everywhere (но они не могли не впускать /в помещения/ холод, который был всюду). Wool and leather and fur had to be worn at all times (шерсть, кожа и мех должны были носиться = приходилось носить постоянно: «во все времена»; to wear) and the inhabitants of the castle lumbered about like bears in their thick garments (обитатели замка неуклюже двигались, словно медведи, в своих толстых одеждах).

fierce [fIqs] leather [`leDq] bear [beq] garments [`gRmqnts]

Winter reached its fiercest. The towers seemed to shake with the force of the gales that raged around them. The seas smashed against the rocks of Moidel's Mount and sometimes the waves seemed to rise higher than the castle itself.

Days became almost as dark as night. Huge fires were lit in the castle, but they could not keep out the chill that was everywhere. Wool and leather and fur had to be worn at all times and the inhabitants of the castle lumbered about like bears in their thick garments.

Yet Corum and Rhalina, a man and a woman of alien species (однако Корум и Ралина, мужчина и женщина, /принадлежащие/ к разным видам; alien — иностранный, чужой, несвойственный), hardly noticed the winter's brawling (почти не замечали, как зима бушует; to brawl — ссориться, скандалить; шуметь, галдеть). They sang songs to each other and wrote simple sonnets (они пели песни друг другу и писали несложные сонеты; to sing; to write) concerning the depth and passion of their love (касавшиеся глубины и страсти их любви). It was a madness that was upon them (безумие охватило их) (if madness is that which denies certain fundamental realities (если безумие — это то, что отвергает неизменные основные реалии)) but it was a pleasant madness, a sweet madness (но это было приятное безумие, сладостное безумие). Yet madness it was (тем не менее, это было безумием).

When the worst of the winter had gone (когда наихудшее = самое холодное /время/ зимы прошло), but before spring elected to show herself (но до того, как весна решила показаться), when there was still snow on the rocks below the castle (когда снег еще лежал на скалах внизу замка) and few birds sang in the grey skies above the bare and distant forests of the mainland (и мало птиц пело в серых небесах над голыми и далекими лесами материка); when the sea had exhausted itself and now washed sullen and dark around the cliffs (когда море выдохлось и теперь плескалось печально и мрачно около утесов; to exhaust — истощать/ся/, исчерпывать/ся/; sullen — печальный, мрачный; гнетущий; dark — темный, мрачный; хмурый), that was when the strange Mabden were seen riding out of the black trees in the late morning (/именно/ тогда были увидены странные мабдены, выезжавшие из-за черных деревьев = леса поздним утром), their breath steaming and their horses stumbling on the icy ground (их дыхание клубилось = изо рта у них шел пар, их лошади спотыкались на обледеневшей земле), their harness and their arms rattling (сбруи и оружие позвякивали).

brawling [`brLlIN] fundamental [, fAndq`mentl] exhausted [Ig`zLstId] icy [`aIsI]

Yet Corum and Rhalina, a man and a woman of alien species, hardly noticed the winter's brawling. They sang songs to each other and wrote simple sonnets concerning the depth and passion of their love. It was a madness that was upon them (if madness is that which denies certain fundamental realities) but it was a pleasant madness, a sweet madness. Yet madness it was.

When the worst of the winter had gone, but before spring elected to show herself, when there was still snow on the rocks below the castle and few birds sang in the grey skies above the bare and distant forests of the mainland; when the sea had exhausted itself and now washed sullen and dark around the cliffs, that was when the strange Mabden were seen riding out of the black trees in the late morning, their breath steaming and their horses stumbling on the icy ground, their harness and their arms rattling.

It was Beldan who saw them first (Белдан увидел их первым) as he went on to the battlements to stretch his legs (когда вышел на зубчатую стену размять свои ноги; battlements — зубчатая стена, стена с бойницами; to stretch legs — разминаться, разминать ноги; to stretch — тянуть/ся/, растягивать/ся/).

Beldan, the youth who had rescued Corum from the sea (Белдан, юноша, который спас Корума из моря), turned and went hastily back into the tower (развернулся и вернулся поспешно в башню) and began to run down the steps until a figure blocked his way laughing at him (побежал вниз по лестнице, пока какая-то фигура не преградила ему путь, смеясь /над ним/).

`The privy is above, Beldan, not below (уединение наверху, Белдан, а не внизу; privy — тайный, скрытый; укромный уголок)!

Beldan drew a breath and spoke slowly (Белдан сделал /глубокий/ вдох и заговорил медленно; to draw; to speak).

`I was on the way to your apartments, Prince Corum (я был на пути = направлялся к твоим покоям, принц Корум). I have seen them from the battlements (я видел их со стен). There is a large force (большое войско; force — сила; войска).

rescued [`reskjHd] hastily [`heIstIlI] privy [`prIvI] apartments [q`pRtmqnts]

It was Beldan who saw them first as he went on to the battlements to stretch his legs.

Beldan, the youth who had rescued Corum from the sea, turned and went hastily back into the tower and began to run down the steps until a figure blocked his way laughing at him.

`The privy is above, Beldan, not below!

Beldan drew a breath and spoke slowly.

`I was on the way to your apartments, Prince Corum. I have seen them from the battlements. There is a large force.

Corum's face clouded and he seemed to be thinking a dozen thoughts at once (лицо Корума помрачнело, казалось, он обдумывал дюжину мыслей сразу; to cloud — покрывать/ся/ облаками, тучами; омрачать/ся/).

`Do you recognise the force (ты узнаешь это войско; to recognise — признавать; опознавать)? Who are they (кто они)? Mabden?

`Mabden, without doubt (мабдены, несомненно: «без сомнения»). I think they might be warriors of the Pony Tribes (думаю, они могут быть воинами = по-моему, это воины племен на пони).

`The folk against whom this Margravate was built (народ, против = для защиты от которого это маркграфство создано)?

`Aye (да). But they have not bothered us for a hundred years (но они не беспокоили нас /уже/ сотню лет).

Corum smiled grimly (Корум улыбнулся мрачно).

`Perhaps we all, in time, succumb to the ignorance that killed the Vadhagh (наверно, мы все со временем

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