`Where go you, Corum (куда ты идешь, Корум)?

`I go to fight Glandyth and most probably to die (я иду сразиться с Гландитом и, скорее всего, умереть), he said. `I shall die loving you, Rhalina (я умру, любя тебя, Ралина).

Her face was a mask of horror (ее лицо было маской ужаса = на лице застыл ужас).

`Corum! No!

descending [dI`sendIN] assistance [q`sIst (q) ns] die [daI]

Corum took his time descending the steps. He did not want to die at Glandyth's hand and he knew that if Glandyth did, by some luck, fall to him, the Earl of Krae's men would swiftly leap to their master's assistance. All he hoped for was to gain a few hours for the defenders.

Rhalina met him outside their apartments.

`Where go you, Corum?

`I go to fight Glandyth and most probably to die, he said. `I shall die loving you, Rhalina.

Her face was a mask of horror.

`Corum! No!

`It is necessary, if this castle is to have a chance of withstanding those warriors (это необходимо, если = чтобы у этого замка была возможность выдержать /натиск/ тех воинов; to withstand — устоять, выдержать; противостоять).

`No, Corum! There may be a way to get help (возможно, /у нас/ есть способ получить помощь). My husband speaks of it in his treatise (мой муж говорит об этом в своем трактате). A last resort (последнее средство).

`What help?

`He is vague on that score (он смутно /пишет/ на этот счет; vague — неопределенный, нечеткий). It is something passed on to him by his forefathers (что-то, /что/ передано ему праотцами; to pass on to — передавать кому-либо, перекладывать на кого-либо). A summoning (заклятие). Sorcery, Corum (колдовство, Корум).

Corum smiled sadly (Корум улыбнулся печально).

`There is no such thing as sorcery, Rhalina (не существует такой вещи, как колдовство, Ралина). What you call sorcery is a handful of half-learned scraps of Vadhagh wisdom (/то/, что ты называешь колдовством, — горстка полуизученных = недопонятых осколков вадагской мудрости; scrap — rклочок, кусочек, обрывок).

necessary [`nesIs (q) rI] vague [veIg] sorcery [`sLs (q) rI] wisdom [`wIzdqm]

`It is necessary, if this castle is to have a chance of withstanding those warriors.

`No, Corum! There may be a way to get help. My husband speaks of it in his treatise. A last resort.

`What help?

`He is vague on that score. It is something passed on to him by his forefathers. A summoning. Sorcery, Corum.

Corum smiled sadly.

`There is no such thing as sorcery, Rhalina. What you call sorcery is a handful of half-learned scraps of Vadhagh wisdom.

`This is not Vadhagh wisdom — it is something else (это не вадагская мудрость — это что-то еще). A Summoning.

He made to move past her (он попытался пройти мимо нее; to make — делать; пытаться /сделать что-либо/). She held his arm (она держала = схватила его руку).

`Corum, let me try the Summoning (позволь мне испытать заклятие)!

He pulled his arm away and, sword in hand, continued down the steps (он отдернул руку и, с мечом в руке, продолжил спускаться по лестнице).

`Very well, try what you will, Rhalina (хорошо, попробуй, что хочешь, Ралина). Even if you are right, you will need the time I can gain for you (даже если ты права, тебе понадобится время, /которое/ я могу выиграть для тебя).

He heard her shout wordlessly and he heard her sob (он слышал, как она кричала безмолвно и всхлипывала/рыдала), and then he had reached the hall and was walking towards the great main gates of the castle (потом он достиг зала и направился к огромным главным воротам замка).

shout [Saut] wordlessly [`wq: dlIslI] castle [kRsl]

`This is not Vadhagh wisdom — it is something else. A Summoning.

He made to move past her. She held his arm.

`Corum, let me try the Summoning!

He pulled his arm away and, sword in hand, continued down the steps.

`Very well, try what you will, Rhalina. Even if you are right, you will need the time I can gain for you.

He heard her shout wordlessly and he heard her sob, and then he had reached the hall and was walking towards the great main gates of the castle.

A startled warrior let him through and he stood at last upon the causeway (потрясенный воин пропустил его, и Корум встал, наконец, на дамбу; to startle — испугать; поразить, сильно удивить). At the other end, his chariot and horses led away, the body of the Brown Man kicked to one side, stood Earl Glandyth-a-Krae (на другой стороне, убрав колесницу и лошадей и отшвырнув тело мохнатого человека в сторону, стоял граф Гландит-а-Краэ; to lead away — уводить, отводить; to kick — пнуть; отшвырнуть ногой). And beside Glandyth-a-Krae, holding his war-axe for him (возле Гландита, держа боевой топор для него), was the gawky figure of the youth, Rodlik (находилась неловкая фигура юноши, Родлика).

Glandyth reached out and tousled his page's hair and bared his teeth in a wolfish grin (Гландит протянул руку и потрепал своего пажа по волосам, обнажил зубы в волчьей = хищной ухмылке; to tousle — взъерошивать, растрепывать). He took the axe from the youth's hand and began to advance along the causeway (он взял топор из руки юноши и начал двигаться вперед по дамбе).

Corum walked to meet him (Корум пошел навстречу ему).

chariot [`CxrIqt] gawky [`gLkI] tousled [`tauzld]

A startled warrior let him through and he stood at last upon the causeway. At the other end, his chariot and horses led away, the body of the Brown Man kicked to one side, stood Earl Glandyth-a-Krae. And beside Glandyth- a-Krae, holding his war-axe for him, was the gawky figure of the youth, Rodlik.

Glandyth reached out and tousled his page's hair and bared his teeth in a wolfish grin. He took the axe from the youth's hand and began to advance along the causeway.

Corum walked to meet him.

The sea slapped against the rocks of the causeway (море билось о скалы дамбы; to slap — громко, с силой хлопать; шлепать; глухо ударяться). Sometimes a seabird cried out (иногда морская птица кричала). There was no sound from the warriors of either side (не было = не доносилось ни звука от воинов каждой стороны = все хранили молчание). Both defenders and attackers watched tensely as the two approached each other and then, in the middle, stopped (и защитники, и атакующие наблюдали напряженно, как эти двое приблизились друг к другу, а потом, посередине /дамбы/, остановились). About ten feet separated them (около десяти футов разделяло их).

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