battlements and into the ranks of the Pony Tribesmen. More ponies went down than men, but it added further to the confusion.

Slowly Corum retreated down the causeway until he was almost at the gate (медленно Корум отступал по дамбе, пока не оказался почти у ворот). His shield arm was completely paralysed and his sword arm aching dreadfully (его рука со щитом была полностью парализована, а рука с мечом ужасно болела), but he still managed to continue defending himself against the riders (но он по-прежнему мог продолжать защищаться от всадников).

Glandyth was screaming at the pony barbarians (Гландит кричал на варваров на пони), trying to force them to retreat and regroup (пытаясь заставить их отступить и перестроиться). Evidently his plans of attack had not been followed (очевидно, его планы атаки не были приняты; to follow — следовать; придерживаться, разделять взгляды). Corum managed to grin (Корум сумел усмехнуться). At least that was something he had gained (по крайней мере, это было что-то, чего он добился = он добился разногласий в рядах врага).

Now the gates of the castle suddenly opened behind him (тут ворота замка внезапно открылись позади него). Beldan stood there with fifty archers poised to shoot (там = внутри стоял Белдан с пятьюдесятью лучниками, готовыми стрелять; to poise — удерживать в равновесии; быть готовым к действию).

`In, Corum, quickly (внутрь, Корум, быстро)! Beldan cried.

paralysed [`pxrqlaIzd] dreadfully [`dredfulI] regroup [, rJ`grHp]

Slowly Corum retreated down the causeway until he was almost at the gate. His shield arm was completely paralysed and his sword arm aching dreadfully, but he still managed to continue defending himself against the riders.

Glandyth was screaming at the pony barbarians, trying to force them to retreat and regroup. Evidently his plans of attack had not been followed. Corum managed to grin. At least that was something he had gained.

Now the gates of the castle suddenly opened behind him. Beldan stood there with fifty archers poised to shoot.

`In, Corum, quickly! Beldan cried.

Understanding Beldan's intention (понимая намерение/замысел Белдана), Corum flung himself from the back of the pony and bent double (Корум соскочил со спины лошади и согнулся пополам; to fling — бросаться, кидаться), running towards the gates as the first flight of arrows rushed over his head (побежал к воротам, когда первый полет = залп стрел пронесся над его головой; to rush — бросаться, нестись). Then he was through the gates and they had closed (затем он вбежал в ворота и они закрылись).

Corum leant panting against a pillar (Корум прислонился, тяжело дыша, к столбу; pillar — столб, колонна; опора). He felt he had failed in his intention (он чувствовал, что не выполнил свой замысел; to fail — потерпеть неудачу, не исполнить). But now Beldan was slapping his shoulder (но теперь Белдан хлопал его по плечу).

`The tide's coming in, Corum (прилив прибывает, Корум)! We succeeded (у нас получилось; to succeed — достигать цели, удаваться)!

The slap was enough to topple Corum (этого хлопка было достаточно, чтобы опрокинуть Корума). He saw Beldan's surprised expression as he fell to the flagstones (он видел удивленное выражение /лица/ Белдана, когда падал на плиты) and for a moment he was amused by the situation before he passed out completely (и на миг его позабавила эта ситуация, прежде, чем он совсем потерял сознание; to pass out — падать в обморок, терять сознание, «отключаться»).

succeeded [sqk`sJdId] through [TrH] amused [q`mjHzd]

Understanding Beldan's intention, Corum flung himself from the back of the pony and bent double, running towards the gates as the first flight of arrows rushed over his head. Then he was through the gates and they had closed.

Corum leant panting against a pillar. He felt he had failed in his intention. But now Beldan was slapping his shoulder.

`The tide's coming in, Corum! We succeeded!

The slap was enough to topple Corum. He saw Beldan's surprised expression as he fell to the flagstones and for a moment he was amused by the situation before he passed out completely.

As he awoke, in his own bed with Rhalina sitting at the table nearby, still reading from the manuscripts (когда он проснулся в своей постели, Ралина сидела за столом недалеко, по-прежнему читая рукописи; to awake), Corum realised that no matter how well he trained himself to fight (Корум понял, что как бы хорошо он ни подготовился к бою; no matter how — независимо от того, как; как бы ни), no matter how well he had survived during the battle of the causeway (как бы ни выдержал = ни проявил себя в бою на дамбе), he would not survive long in the Mabden world with both a hand and an eye gone (он долго не проживет в мире мабденов без руки и без глаза; to survive — выжить, уцелеть; пережить).

`I must have a new hand (мне необходима новая рука), he said, sitting upright (сказал он, садясь прямо). `I must have a new eye, Rhalina.

Rhalina did not appear to hear him at first (казалось, Ралина не услышала его сначала). Then she looked up (затем она подняла глаза). Her face was tired and drawn in lines of heavy concentration (ее лицо было усталым и покрыто морщинами от тяжелого = глубокого сосредоточения). Absently, she said (она сказала рассеянно): `Rest (отдохни), and returned to her reading (и вернулась к чтению).

survived [sq`vaIvd] eye [aI] absently [`xbs (q) ntlI]

As he awoke, in his own bed with Rhalina sitting at the table nearby, still reading from the manuscripts, Corum realised that no matter how well he trained himself to fight, no matter how well he had survived during the battle of the causeway, he would not survive long in the Mabden world with both a hand and an eye gone.

`I must have a new hand, he said, sitting upright. `I must have a new eye, Rhalina.

Rhalina did not appear to hear him at first. Then she looked up. Her face was tired and drawn in lines of heavy concentration. Absently, she said: `Rest, and returned to her reading.

There was a knock (раздался стук /в дверь/). Beldan came in quickly (вошел быстро). Corum began to get out of bed (Корум начал вставать с постели). He winced as he moved (он морщился /от боли/, когда двигался). His wounded leg was stiff and his whole body was bruised (его раненая нога одеревенела и все его тело было в ушибах).

`They lost some thirty men in that encounter (они потеряли примерно тридцать человек в этой схватке; encounter — столкновение, бой), Beldan said. `The tide goes out again just before sunset (отлив начинается непосредственно перед закатом; to go out — выходить; гаснуть, догорать /о свете, огне и т. д. /; происходить /от отливе/). I`m not sure if they'll try another attack then (я не уверен, начнут ли они новую атаку тогда). I would say they will wait until morning (я бы сказал = думаю, они подождут до утра).

Corum frowned (нахмурился).

`It depends on Glandyth, I'd say (это зависит от Гландита, по-моему). He would judge that we wouldn't expect an evening attack and would therefore try to make one (он может решить, что мы не ожидаем вечерней атаки и поэтому попытается предпринять ее). But if those Pony Tribesmen are as superstitious as we think, they might be reluctant to fight at night (но если те варвары на пони настолько суеверны, как мы думаем, они,

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