сберечь = снять со стен, в главном зале). There they mounted their horses and formed a semicircle behind the archers, waiting for the barbarians to come through (там они оседлали коней и построились полукругом позади лучников, ожидая, /когда/ варвары пройдут внутрь).

More rams pierced the gates and Corum heard the sound of swords and axes beating on the splintered timbers outside (еще несколько таранов пробили ворота, и Корум слышал звук мечей и топоров, ударявших по = рубивших расщепленные бревна снаружи; to pierce — прокалывать, пронзать; прорываться /сквозь/).

Suddenly they were through, yelling and howling (внезапно они ворвались внутрь, крича и ревя). Firelight glinted on their masks of brass, making them look even more evil and terrifying (свет огня ярко блестел на их латунных масках, делая их еще более злыми и устрашающими). Their ponies snorted and reared (их лошади фыркали и вставали на дыбы).

There was time for only one wave of arrows (было время лишь для одного залпа стрел), then the archers retreated to make way for Corum and his cavalry to charge the disconcerted barbarians (потом лучники отступили, чтобы дать дорогу Коруму и его кавалерии для атаки приведенных в замешательство варваров).

semicircle [`semi, sq: k (q) l] howling [`haulIN] cavalry [`kxv (q) lrI]

Corum took all the men he could spare into the main hall. There they mounted their horses and formed a semicircle behind the archers, waiting for the barbarians to come through.

More rams pierced the gates and Corum heard the sound of swords and axes beating on the splintered timbers outside.

Suddenly they were through, yelling and howling. Firelight glinted on their masks of brass, making them look even more evil and terrifying. Their ponies snorted and reared.

There was time for only one wave of arrows, then the archers retreated to make way for Corum and his cavalry to charge the disconcerted barbarians.

Corum's sword smashed into a mask, sheared through it and destroyed the face beneath (меч Корума обрушился на маску, разрубил ее и рассек лицо под ней). Blood splashed high and a nearby brand fizzed as the liquid hit it (кровь брызнула сильно, и расположенная поблизости головня зашипела, когда жидкость попала на нее). Forgetful of the pain of his wounds, Corum swung the sword back and forth (забывчивый = забыв о боли и ранах, Корум размахивал мечом во все стороны: «взад и вперед»), knocking riders from their mounts, striking heads from shoulders, limbs from bodies (выбивая всадников из седел, снося головы с плеч, /отделяя/ конечности от тел; mount — опора; лошадь, мул и т. д. под седлом). But slowly he and his remaining men were retreating as fresh waves of Pony Tribesmen surged into the castle (но понемногу он и его оставшиеся люди отступали, так как свежие волны = новые толпы варваров ломились в замок; to surge — подниматься; /на/хлынуть).

Now they were at the far end of the hall, where a stone stairway curled up to the next floor (теперь они были в дальнем конце зала, где каменная лестница винтом поднималась на следующий этаж; to curl — виться, клубиться; закручивать/ся/). The archers were positioned here, along the stairs, and began to shoot their arrows into the barbarians (здесь располагались лучники, вдоль лестницы, и они начали пускать стрелы в варваров). The barbarians not directly engaged with Corum's men (варвары, не напрямую сражавшиеся с людьми Корума) retaliated with javelins and arrows and slowly Moidel's archers fell (отвечали метательными копьями и стрелами, и медленно = постепенно лучники Мойдела пали).

beneath [bI`nJT] liquid [`lIkwId] engaged [In`geIGd]

Corum's sword smashed into a mask, sheared through it and destroyed the face beneath. Blood splashed high and a nearby brand fizzed as the liquid hit it. Forgetful of the pain of his wounds, Corum swung the sword back and forth, knocking riders from their mounts, striking heads from shoulders, limbs from bodies. But slowly he and his remaining men were retreating as fresh waves of Pony Tribesmen surged into the castle.

Now they were at the far end of the hall, where a stone stairway curled up to the next floor. The archers were positioned here, along the stairs, and began to shoot their arrows into the barbarians. The barbarians not directly engaged with Corum's men retaliated with javelins and arrows and slowly Moidel's archers fell.

Corum glanced around him as he fought (Корум взглянул вокруг = огляделся, сражаясь). There were few left with him — perhaps a dozen (/лишь/ немногие остались с ним — может быть, дюжина) — and there were some fifty barbarians in the hall (и примерно пятьдесят варваров было в зале). The fight was nearing its conclusion (битва подходила к завершению). Within moments he and his friends would all be dead (через /несколько/ мгновений он и его друзья все погибнут).

He saw Beldan begin to descend the stairs (он увидел, что Белдан спускается по лестнице). At first Corum thought he was bringing up reinforcements, but he had only two warriors with him (сначала Корум подумал, что он ведет подкрепление, но с ним было только два воина).

`Corum! Corum!

Corum was pressed by two barbarians (Корум сражался с двумя варварами; to press — сжимать, прижимать; теснить, нападать). He could not reply (он не ответил).

`Corum! Where is the Lady Rhalina (где леди Ралина)?

dozen [dAzn] conclusion [kqn`klHZ (q) n] reinforcement [, rJIn`fLsmqnt] reply [rI`plaI]

Corum glanced around him as he fought. There were few left with him — perhaps a dozen — and there were some fifty barbarians in the hall. The fight was nearing its conclusion. Within moments he and his friends would all be dead.

He saw Beldan begin to descend the stairs. At first Corum thought he was bringing up reinforcements, but he had only two warriors with him.

`Corum! Corum!

Corum was pressed by two barbarians. He could not reply.

`Corum! Where is the Lady Rhalina?

Corum found extra strength now (Корум нашел дополнительные силы теперь). He delivered a blow to the first barbarian's skull which killed him (он нанес удар по черепу первого варвара, который убил его). He kicked the man from his saddle, then stood on the back of his horse and jumped to the stairs (ногой выбил /другого/ из седла, затем встал на спину своего коня и прыгнул на лестницу).

`What? Is the Lady Rhalina in danger (Ралина в опасности)?

`I do not know, prince (не знаю, принц). I cannot discover where she is (не могу обнаружить, где она = не могу найти ее). I fear (боюсь) …

Corum raced up the stairs (Корум бросился вверх по лестнице).

From below the noise of the battle was changing (/доносившийся/ снизу шум битвы изменился). There seemed to be disconcerted shouts coming from the barbarians (казалось, обескураженные крики исходили от варваров). He paused and looked back (он /при/остановился и оглянулся).

delivered [dI`lIvqd] noise [nOIz] shout [Saut] paused [pLzd]

Corum found extra strength now. He delivered a blow to the first barbarian's skull which killed him. He kicked the man from his saddle, then stood on the back of his horse and jumped to the stairs.

`What? Is the Lady Rhalina in danger?

`I do not know, prince. I cannot discover where she is. I fear…

Corum raced up the stairs.

From below the noise of the battle was changing. There seemed to be disconcerted shouts coming from

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