the barbarians. He paused and looked back.

The barbarians were beginning to retreat in panic (варвары начинали отступать в панике). Corum could not understand what was happening, but he had no more time to watch (Корум не мог понять, что происходит, но у него не было времени наблюдать /за врагом/). He reached his apartments (он добрался до своих покоев).

`Rhalina! Rhalina!

No reply (ответа не было).

Here and there were the bodies of their own warriors and barbarians (тут и там лежали тела их собственных воинов и варваров) who had managed to sneak into the castle through poorly defended windows and balconies (которым удалось пробраться в замок через плохо охраняемые окна и балконы; to sneak — /про/красться; делать что-либо незаметно, тайком).

Had Rhalina been taken by a party of barbarians (неужели Ралину захватил отряд варваров)?

Then, from the balcony of her apartment, he heard a strange sound (затем, с балкона ее комнаты, он услышал странный звук).

balcony [`bxlkqnI] defended [dI`fendId] party [`pRtI]

The barbarians were beginning to retreat in panic. Corum could not understand what was happening, but he had no more time to watch. He reached his apartments.

`Rhalina! Rhalina!

No reply.

Here and there were the bodies of their own warriors and barbarians who had managed to sneak into the castle through poorly defended windows and balconies.

Had Rhalina been taken by a party of barbarians?

Then, from the balcony of her apartment, he heard a strange sound.

It was a singing sound, like nothing he had experienced before (это был звук пения, не похожий ни на что, слышанное им раньше; to experience — испытывать, знать по опыту; переживать). He paused, then approached the balcony cautiously (он замер, потом подошел к балкону осторожно).

Rhalina stood there and she was singing (Ралина стояла там и пела). The wind caught her garments and spread them about her like strange, multi-coloured clouds (ветер подхватывал ее одежды и раздувал их вокруг нее, словно необыкновенные, многоцветные облака; to catch). Her eyes were fixed on the far distance and her throat vibrated with the sounds she made (ее глаза смотрели неотрывно вдаль, а ее горло дрожало от звуков, /которые/ она произносила; to fix on — выбрать /что-либо/; сосредоточить/ся/).

She seemed to be in a trance and Corum made no sound, but watched (казалось, она была в трансе, и Корум не произносил ни звука, но наблюдал). The words she sang were in no language he knew (слова, которые она пела, были на языке, которого он не знал). Doubtless it was an ancient Mabden language (несомненно, это был древний мабденский язык). It made him shudder (это /пение/ заставило его дрожать = от пения Корума бросило дрожь).

experienced [Ik`spI (q) rIqnst] cloud [klaud] vibrated [vaI`breItId] ancient [`eInS (q) nt]

It was a singing sound, like nothing he had experienced before. He paused, then approached the balcony cautiously.

Rhalina stood there and she was singing. The wind caught her garments and spread them about her like strange, multi-coloured clouds. Her eyes were fixed on the far distance and her throat vibrated with the sounds she made.

She seemed to be in a trance and Corum made no sound, but watched. The words she sang were in no language he knew. Doubtless it was an ancient Mabden language. It made him shudder.

Then she stopped and turned in his direction (потом она прекратила /петь/ и повернулась в его сторону). But she did not see him (но она не видела его). Still in the trance, she walked straight past him and back into the room (по-прежнему /находясь/ в трансе, она прошла прямо мимо него и снова /вернулась/ в комнату; straight — прямо; немедленно, сразу).

Corum peered around a buttress (Корум посмотрел за контрфорс/устой; to peer — заглянуть, выглянуть, посмотреть). He had seen an odd green light shining in the direction of the mainland (он увидел странный зеленый свет, сиявший в направлении материка).

He saw nothing more, but heard the yells of the barbarians as they splashed about near the causeway (он не увидел больше ничего, но услышал вопли варваров, когда они прыгали с плеском в воду с дамбы; to splash — брызгать/ся/, плескать/ся/; бултыхаться). There was no doubt now but they were retreating (теперь не было сомнения — они отступали).

Corum entered the apartments (вошел в покои). Rhalina was sitting in her chair by the table (Ралина сидела в своем кресле у стола). She was stiff and could not hear him when he murmured her name (она была одеревеневшей и не услышала его, когда он прошептал ее имя). Hoping that she would succumb no further to the peculiar trance (надеясь, что она не впадет больше в этот странный транс; to succumb — поддаваться, становиться жертвой /чего-либо/), he left the room and ran for the main battlements (он вышел из комнаты и помчался к главной стене).

trance [trRns] buttress [`bAtrIs] peculiar [pI`kjHlIq]

Then she stopped and turned in his direction. But she did not see him. Still in the trance, she walked straight past him and back into the room.

Corum peered around a buttress. He had seen an odd green light shining in the direction of the mainland.

He saw nothing more, but heard the yells of the barbarians as they splashed about near the causeway. There was no doubt now but they were retreating.

Corum entered the apartments. Rhalina was sitting in her chair by the table. She was stiff and could not hear him when he murmured her name. Hoping that she would succumb no further to the peculiar trance, he left the room and ran for the main battlements.

Beldan was already there, his jaw slack as he watched what was taking place (Белдан был уже там, его челюсть отвисла, когда он наблюдал за тем, что происходит; to slack — слабеть, провисать /о веревке/). There was a huge ship rounding the headland to the North (огромный корабль огибал мыс с севера). It was the source of the strange green light and it sailed rapidly, though there was no wind at all now (он был источником странного зеленого света и плыл быстро, хотя теперь совсем не было ветра). The barbarians were scrambling on to their horses (варвары взбирались на своих лошадей; to scramble — карабкаться, цепляться), or plunging on foot through the water that was beginning to cover the causeway (или спешили пешком по воде, которая начинала покрывать дамбу; to plunge — нырять; погружать/ся/; бросаться вперед). They seemed mad with fear (казалось, они обезумели от страха). From the darkness on the shore, Corum heard Glandyth cursing them and trying to make them go back (из темноты на берегу Корум слышал, как Гландит ругает их и пытается заставить вернуться).

The ship flickered with many small fires, it seemed (казалось, корабль мерцал множеством маленьких огоньков). Its masts and its hull seemed encrusted with dull jewels (его мачты и корпус /были/ словно инкрустированы тусклыми драгоценными камнями). And Corum saw what the barbarians had seen (Корум увидел /то/, что увидели варвары). He saw the crew (он увидел экипаж). Flesh rotted on their faces and limbs

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