`She does not die (она не умрет). She will awaken soon (она вскоре проснется).

`What? Beneath the waves (под волнами = на дне моря)?

gesture [`GesCq] dimension [d (a) I`menS (q) n] beneath [bI`nJT]

`She sails with us, Prince of the Vadhagh. This must be.

Corum looked up. The dead Margrave had raised his hand in a commanding gesture. The eyes of fire burned deeply into Corum's single eye.

Corum tried to alter his perspective, to see into the other dimensions around him. At last he succeeded.

But it made no difference. The ship was in each of the five dimensions. He could not escape it.

`I will not let her sail with you, Corum replied. `Your bargain was unjust. Why should she die?

`She does not die. She will awaken soon.

`What? Beneath the waves?

`She has given this ship life (она дала этому кораблю жизнь). Without it, we shall sink again (без этого мы снова потонем). With her on board, we live (с ней на борту — мы живем).

`Live? You do not live (вы не живете).

`It is better than death (это лучше, чем смерть).

`Then death must be something more awful than I imagined (тогда смерть, должно быть, нечто более ужасное, чем я представлял).

`For us it is, Prince of the Vadhagh (для нас — да, принц вадагов). We are the slaves of Shool-an-Jyvan, for we died in the waters he rules (мы рабы Шул-ан-Дживана, ибо погибли в водах, /которыми/ он правит). Now, let us be rejoined, my wife and myself (теперь позволь нам воссоединиться, моей жене и мне).

`No. Corum took a firmer grip on Rhalina's arm (Корум крепче сжал руку Ралины). `Who is this Shool- an-Jyvan (кто этот Шул-ан-Дживан)?

`She has given this ship life. Without it, we shall sink again. With her on board, we live.

`Live? You do not live.

`It is better than death.

`Then death must be something more awful than I imagined.

`For us it is, Prince of the Vadhagh. We are the slaves of Shool-an-Jyvan, for we died in the waters he rules. Now, let us be rejoined, my wife and myself.

`No. Corum took a firmer grip on Rhalina's arm. `Who is this Shool-an-Jyvan?

`He is our master (он наш господин). He is of Svi-an-Fanla-Brool (он с /острова/ Сви-ан-Фанла- Брул).

`The Home of the Gorged God (жилище прожорливого бога)!

The place where Corum had meant to go before Rhalina's love had kept him at Moidel's Castle (место, куда Корум намеревался отправиться до того, как любовь Ралины удержала его в замке Мойдел).

`Now. Let my wife come aboard (позволь моей жене подняться на борт).

`What can you do to make me (что ты можешь сделать, чтобы заставить меня)? You are dead (ты мертв)! You have only the power to frighten away barbarians (у тебя есть только сила = хватило сил лишь отпугнуть варваров; to frighten away — спугнуть).

`We saved your life (мы спасли тебе жизнь). Now give us the means to live (теперь дай нам средство, чтобы жить). She must come with us (она должна отправиться с нами).

power [`pauq] frighten [fraItn] means [mJnz]

`He is our master. He is of Svi-an-Fanla-Brool.

`The Home of the Gorged God!

The place where Corum had meant to go before Rhalina's love had kept him at Moidel's Castle.

`Now. Let my wife come aboard.

`What can you do to make me? You are dead! You have only the power to frighten away barbarians.

`We saved your life. Now give us the means to live. She must come with us.

`The dead are selfish (мертвые себялюбивы/эгоистичны).

The corpse nodded and the green fire dimmed a little (труп кивнул, и зеленый огонь потускнел немного).

`Aye (да). The dead are selfish.

Now Corum saw that the rest of the crew were beginning to move (тут Корум увидел, что остальные /члены/ экипажа начинают двигаться). He heard the slithering of their feet on the slime-grown deck (он слышал, как скользят их ноги по покрытой склизким илом палубе; slime — липкий ил, тина; слизь; to grow — расти, вырастать; становиться, делаться). He saw their rotting flesh, their glowing eye-sockets (он видел их гниющую плоть, их горящие глазницы). He began to move backwards, dragging Rhalina with him (он начал отступать, таща Ралину за собой). But Rhalina would not go willingly and he was completely exhausted (но Ралина не шла охотно = сопротивлялась, а он был совсем изнурен). Panting, he paused, speaking urgently to her (тяжело дыша, он остановился, настойчиво обращаясь к ней; urgent — срочный, необходимый; настойчивый).

`Rhalina. I know you never loved him, even in life (я знаю, ты никогда не любила его, даже живого: «в жизни»). You love me (ты любишь меня). I love you (я люблю тебя). Surely that is stronger than any bargain (несомненно, это сильнее, чем любая сделка)!

exhausted [Ig`zLstId] urgently [`q: G (q) ntlI]

`The dead are selfish.

The corpse nodded and the green fire dimmed a little.

`Aye. The dead are selfish.

Now Corum saw that the rest of the crew were beginning to move. He heard the slithering of their feet on the slime-grown deck. He saw their rotting flesh, their glowing eye-sockets. He began to move backwards, dragging Rhalina with him. But Rhalina would not go willingly and he was completely exhausted. Panting, he paused, speaking urgently to her.

`Rhalina. I know you never loved him, even in life. You love me. I love you. Surely that is stronger than any bargain!

`I must join my husband.

The dead crew had descended to the causeway and were moving towards them (мертвая команда спустилась на дамбу и приближалась к нему). Corum had left his sword behind (Корум забыл /где-то/ свой меч). He had no weapons (у него не было оружия).

`Stand back (назад; to stand back — отступать, держаться сзади)! he cried. `The dead have no right to take the living (у мертвых нет права забирать /с собой/ живых)!

On came the corpses (трупы приближались).

Corum cried up to the figure of Margrave, still on the poop (Корум крикнул вверх финуре маркграфа, по- прежнему /стоявшему/ на корме).

`Stop them (останови их)! Take me instead of her (возьми меня вместо нее)! Make a bargain with me (заключи сделку со мной)!

weapon [`wepqn] figure [`fIgq] instead [In`sted]

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