`A bargain?

Beldan gasped (Белдан крикнул, задыхаясь). `The Margravine (маркграфиня)!

Corum saw that Rhalina, still walking in a trance (Корум увидел, что Ралина, по-прежнему шагая в трансе), had left the gates and was moving, calf-deep, along the causeway towards the ship (вышла из ворот и пошла, /погружаясь в воду/ по икры, по дамбе к кораблю). The head of the dead Margrave turned slightly and the green fire in his eye-sockets seemed to burn more deeply (голова мертвого маркграфа повернулась немного и зеленый огонь в его глазницах, казалось, запылал ярче; deep — глубокий; насыщенный, темный, густой /о цвете, красках и т. д. /).


Corum raced from the battlements, leapt down the stairway (Корум бросился /вниз/ со стены, спрыгнул с лестницы; to leap; stairway — лестница, пролет лестницы) and stumbled through the main hall over the corpses of the fallen (и /побежал/, спотыкаясь о трупы павших, через главный зал).

`NO! Rhalina! NO!

calf [kRf] corpse [kLps]

`A bargain?

Beldan gasped. `The Margravine!

Corum saw that Rhalina, still walking in a trance, had left the gates and was moving, calf-deep, along the causeway towards the ship. The head of the dead Margrave turned slightly and the green fire in his eye-sockets seemed to burn more deeply.


Corum raced from the battlements, leapt down the stairway and stumbled through the main hall over the corpses of the fallen.

`NO! Rhalina! NO!

He reached the causeway and began to wade after her (он достиг дамбы и пошел вброд за ней; to wade — переходить вброд; пробираться /по грязи, снегу и т. д. /), the stench from the ship of the dead choking him (зловоние от корабля мертвых душило его).


It was a dream worse than any he had had since Glandyth's destruction of Castle Erorn (это был сон хуже, чем любой другой, виденный им после разрушения Гландитом замка Эрорн; to have a dream — видеть сон).


She had almost reached the ship when Corum caught up with her and seized her by the arm with his good hand (она почти дошла до корабля, когда Корум догнал ее и схватил за руку своей здоровой рукой).

She, seeming oblivious of him, continued to try to reach the ship (она, словно не видя его, продолжала пытаться дойти до корабля; obvious — забывающий, непомнящий; не обращающий внимания).

`Rhalina! What bargain did you make to save us (что за сделку ты заключила, чтобы спасти нас)? Why did this ship of the dead come here (зачем этот корабль мертвых приплыл сюда)?

destruction [dIs`trAkS (q) n] seized [sJzd] oblivious [q`blIvIqs]

He reached the causeway and began to wade after her, the stench from the ship of the dead choking him.


It was a dream worse than any he had had since Glandyth's destruction of Castle Erorn.


She had almost reached the ship when Corum caught up with her and seized her by the arm with his good hand.

She, seeming oblivious of him, continued to try to reach the ship.

`Rhalina! What bargain did you make to save us? Why did this ship of the dead come here?

Her voice was cold, toneless (ее голос был холодным и монотонным).

`I will join my husband now (теперь я воссоединюсь с моим супругом; to join — присоединять/ся/, примыкать).

`No, Rhalina. Such a bargain cannot be honoured (такая сделка не может быть выполнена; to honour — почитать; выполнять /обязательства/, соблюдать /условия/). It is obscene (это отвратительно; obscene — непристойный, грязный; оскорбительный). It is evil (это зло). It — it… He tried to express his knowledge that such things as this could not exist (он пытался выразить знание = хотел сказать, что подобные вещи, вроде этой, не могут существовать), that they were all under some peculiar hallucination (что они все под /действием/ какой-то странной галлюцинации). `Come back with me, Rhalina (вернись со мной, Ралина). Let the ship return to the depths (пусть корабль вернется в глубины = на дно).

`I must go with it (я должна отправиться с ним). Those were the terms of our bargain (таковы были условия нашей сделки).

He clung to her, trying to drag her back, and then another voice spoke (он прильнул к ней, пытаясь оттащить = увести ее обратно /к замку/, затем другой голос раздался; to cling to — прилегать, касаться). It was a voice that seemed without substance and yet which echoed in his skull and made him pause (это был голос, который, казалось, без материи = звучал из иного мира, и все же который отдавался эхом в его черепе и заставил его остановиться).

honoured [`Onqd] obscene [qb`sJn] hallucination [hq, lHsI`neIS (q) n]

Her voice was cold, toneless.

`I will join my husband now.

`No, Rhalina. Such a bargain cannot be honoured. It is obscene. It is evil. It — it… He tried to express his knowledge that such things as this could not exist, that they were all under some peculiar hallucination. `Come back with me, Rhalina. Let the ship return to the depths.

`I must go with it. Those were the terms of our bargain.

He clung to her, trying to drag her back, and then another voice spoke. It was a voice that seemed without substance and yet which echoed in his skull and made him pause.

`She sails with us, Prince of the Vadhagh (она плывет с нами, принц вадагов). This must be (так должно быть).

Corum looked up (посмотрел вверх). The dead Margrave had raised his hand in a commanding gesture (мертвый маркграф поднял руку во властном жесте). The eyes of fire burned deeply into Corum's single eye (глаза огня пылали = проникли глубоко в единственный глаз Корума).

Corum tried to alter his perspective, to see into the other dimensions around him (Корум попробовал изменить перспективу = зрение, заглянуть в другие измерения /вокруг него/). At last he succeeded (наконец, у него получилось).

But it made no difference (но это не сделало разницы = ничего не изменило). The ship was in each of the five dimensions (корабль находился в каждом из пяти измерений). He could not escape it (Корум не мог уйти от него).

`I will not let her sail with you (я не позволю ей уплыть с вами), Corum replied (ответил Корум). `Your bargain was unjust (ваша сделка была несправедливой). Why should she die (почему она должна умереть)?

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