porthole [`pLthqul] afford [q`fLd] predicament [prI`dIkqmqnt] quarters [`kwLtqz]

As they sailed through the night, Corum made many attempts to waken Rhalina from her trance, but nothing worked. She lay among the damp and rotting silks of a bunk and stared at the roof. Through a porthole too small to afford escape came a faint green light. Corum paced the cabin, still barely able to believe his predicament.

These were plainly the dead Margrave's own quarters. And if Corum were not here now, would the Margrave be sharing the bunk with his wife…?

Corum shuddered and pressed his hand to his skull (Корум содрогнулся и прижал руку к черепу = схватился за голову), certain that he was insane or had been entranced — certain that none of this could be (уверенный, что он сумасшедший или погружен в транс — уверенный, что ничего из этого не может быть).

As a Vadhagh he was prepared for many events and situations that would have seemed strange to the Mabden (как вадаг, он был готов ко многим событиям и ситуациям, которые показались бы странными мабденам). Yet this was something that seemed completely unnatural to him (однако это было чем-то, что казалось ему совершенно неестественным/необычайным). It defied all he knew of science (оно опровергало все, что он знал о науке; to defy — бросать вызов; игнорировать, попирать /принципы/). If he were sane and all was as it seemed, then the Mabden's powers were greater than anything the Vadhagh had known (если он был в здравом уме и все было так, как казалось, тогда силы мабденов были больше, чем что-либо, известное вадагам). Yet they were dark and morbid powers, unhealthy powers that were quintessentially evil (тем не менее, это были темные и отвратительные силы, вредные силы, исполненные зла; quintessential — являющийся квинтэссенцией, наиболее типичный) …

insane [In`seIn] science [`saIqns] quintessentially [, kwIntI`senS (q) lI]

Corum shuddered and pressed his hand to his skull, certain that he was insane or had been entranced — certain that none of this could be.

As a Vadhagh he was prepared for many events and situations that would have seemed strange to the Mabden. Yet this was something that seemed completely unnatural to him. It defied all he knew of science. If he were sane and all was as it seemed, then the Mabden's powers were greater than anything the Vadhagh had known. Yet they were dark and morbid powers, unhealthy powers that were quintessentially evil…

Corum was tired, but he could not sleep (Корум устал, но не мог заснуть). Everything he touched was slimy and made him feel ill (все, к чему он прикасался, было липким/покрыто илом, и ему становилось плохо от этого). He tested the lock on the cabin door (он проверил замок на двери каюты). Although the wood was rotten, the door seemed unusually strong (хотя дерево было гнилым, дверь казалась необыкновенно прочной). Some other force was at work here (какая-то иная сила работала здесь). The timbers of the ship were bound by more than rivets and tar (балки корабля скреплялись /чем-то большим/, чем = не только заклепками и дегтем).

The weariness did not help his head to clear (усталость не помогала его голове проясниться = мешала размышлять). His thoughts remained confused and desperate (его мысли оставались спутанными и отчаянными). He peered frequently through the porthole, hoping to get some sort of bearing (он заглядывал часто в иллюминатор, надеясь получить какую-нибудь ориентацию = сориентироваться; bearing — направление; азимут), but it was impossible to see anything more than the occasional wave and a star in the sky (но было невозможно увидеть что-нибудь, кроме нерегулярных/возникавших время от времени волн и звезды в небе).

rivet [`rIvIt] desperate [`desp (q) rIt] frequently [`frJkwqntlI] bearing [`beqrIN]

Corum was tired, but he could not sleep. Everything he touched was slimy and made him feel ill. He tested the lock on the cabin door. Although the wood was rotten, the door seemed unusually strong. Some other force was at work here. The timbers of the ship were bound by more than rivets and tar.

The weariness did not help his head to clear. His thoughts remained confused and desperate. He peered frequently through the porthole, hoping to get some sort of bearing, but it was impossible to see anything more than the occasional wave and a star in the sky.

Then, much later, he noticed the first line of grey on the horizon and he was relieved that morning was coming (потом, значительно позднее, он заметил первую серую линию на горизонте и успокоился /от того/, что наступает утро). This ship was a ship of the night (этот корабль был кораблем ночи). It would disappear with the sun and he and Rhalina would awake to find themselves in their own bed (он исчезнет с /восходом/ солнца, а он и Ралина проснутся и обнаружат себя в своей постели).

But what had frightened the barbarians (но что напугало варваров)? Or was that part of the dream (или это было частью сна)? Perhaps his collapse within the gates after his fight with Glandyth had induced a feverish dream (может быть, его падение без сознания в воротах после боя с Гландитом вызвало лихорадочное сновидение; collapse — полный упадок сил, обморочное состояние; обвал, разрушение)? Perhaps his comrades were still fighting for their lives against the Pony Tribesmen (может, его товарищи по-прежнему сражаются за свои жизни с варварами на пони). He rubbed his head with the stump of his hand (он потер голову обрубком руки). He licked his dry lips and tried to peer, once again, into the dimensions (он облизал сухие губы и попытался еще раз заглянуть в /другие/ измерения). But the other dimensions were closed to him (но другие измерения были закрыты для него). He paced the cabin, waiting for the morning (он зашагал по каюте, ожидая утра).

horizon [hq`raIz (q) n] relieved [rI`lJvd] collapse [kq`lxps] feverish [`fJv (q) rIS]

Then, much later, he noticed the first line of grey on the horizon and he was relieved that morning was coming. This ship was a ship of the night. It would disappear with the sun and he and Rhalina would awake to find themselves in their own bed.

But what had frightened the barbarians? Or was that part of the dream? Perhaps his collapse within the gates after his fight with Glandyth had induced a feverish dream? Perhaps his comrades were still fighting for their lives against the Pony Tribesmen. He rubbed his head with the stump of his hand. He licked his dry lips and tried to peer, once again, into the dimensions. But the other dimensions were closed to him. He paced the cabin, waiting for the morning.

But then a strange droning sound came to his ears (но затем странный жужжащий звук дошел до его ушей; to drone — жужжать, гудеть; монотонно говорить). It made his brain itch (он заставил его мозг зудеть). He wrinkled his scalp (Корум поморщился; scalp — кожа черепа, кожа головы). He rubbed his face (он потер лицо). The droning increased (жужжание усилилось). His ears ached (его уши заболели). His teeth were on edge (зубы заломило; to be on edge — быть раздраженным; нервничать; edge — кромка, край). The volume grew (громкость /звука/ возросла; volume — объем, масса; величина; уровень громкости).

He put his good hand to one ear and covered the other with his arm (он приложил /ладонь/ здоровой руки к одному уху и прикрыл другое /покалеченной/ рукой). Tears came into his eye (слезы выступили в глазу). In the socket where the other eye had been a huge pain pulsed (в глазнице, где /раньше/ был другой глаз, страшная боль пульсировала).

He stumbled from side to side of the rotting cabin and even attempted to break through the door (он ходил, спотыкаясь, из одной стороны гниющей каюты в другую и даже попытался пробиться через = выломать

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