
But his senses were leaving him (но чувства покидали его). The scene grew dim (сцена = все вокруг померкло/потускнело) …

ached [`eIkId] volume [`vOljHm] scene [sJn]

But then a strange droning sound came to his ears. It made his brain itch. He wrinkled his scalp. He rubbed his face. The droning increased. His ears ached. His teeth were on edge. The volume grew.

He put his good hand to one ear and covered the other with his arm. Tears came into his eye. In the socket where the other eye had been a huge pain pulsed.

He stumbled from side to side of the rotting cabin and even attempted to break through the door.

But his senses were leaving him. The scene grew dim…

… He stood in a dark hall with walls of fluted stone (он стоял в темном зале со стенами из волнистого камня) which curved over his head and touched to form the roof, high above (которые изгибались над его головой и образовывали крышу высоко над /ним/). The workmanship of the hall was equal to anything the Vadhagh had created, but it was not beautiful (мастерство изготовления зала равнялось всему, что вадаги создали = было сравнимо с /мастерством/ вадагов, но зал не был красивым). Rather, it was sinister (скорее, он был зловещим).

His head ached (его голова болела).

The air before him shimmered with a pale blue light and then a tall youth stood there (воздух перед ним замерцал бледно-голубым светом, а затем высокий юноша стоял там = возник). The face was young, but the eyes were ancient (лицо было молодым, но глаза — старые). He was dressed in a simple flowing gown of yellow samite (он был одет в простую ниспадавшую мантию из желтой парчи). He bowed, turned his back, walked a little way (он поклонился, повернулся /спиной/, прошел немного) and then sat down on a stone bench that had been built into the wall (а потом сел на каменную скамью, которая была вделана в стену; to build into).

Corum frowned (нахмурился).

fluted [`flHtId] equal [`Jkwql] sinister [`sInIstq] gown [gaun]

… He stood in a dark hall with walls of fluted stone which curved over his head and touched to form the roof, high above. The workmanship of the hall was equal to anything the Vadhagh had created, but it was not beautiful. Rather, it was sinister.

His head ached.

The air before him shimmered with a pale blue light and then a tall youth stood there. The face was young, but the eyes were ancient. He was dressed in a simple flowing gown of yellow samite. He bowed, turned his back, walked a little way and then sat down on a stone bench that had been built into the wall.

Corum frowned.

`You believe you dream, Master Corum (ты думаешь, что спишь, господин Корум; Master — мастер, господин /в обращении к юноше; ставится перед именем или перед фамилией старшего сына/)?

`I am Prince Corum in the Scarlet Robe, last of the Vadhagh race (я принц Корум в Алом плаще, последний из расы вадагов).

`There are no other princes here, but me (здесь нет других принцев, кроме меня), said the youth softly (сказал юноша мягко). `I will allow none (я не позволю никаких /других/). If you understand that, there will be no tension between us (если ты поймешь это, между нами не будет напряжения = мы с тобой поладим).

Corum shrugged (пожал /плечами/).

`I believe I dream, yes (думаю, я сплю, да).

`In a sense you do, of course (в некотором смысле — да, конечно). As we all dream (как мы все видим сны). For some while, Vadhagh, you have been trapped in a Mabden dream (на какое-то время, вадаг, ты попался в мабденский сон). The rules of the Mabden control your fate and you resent it (правила мабденов управляют твоей судьбой, а ты возмущаешься этому).

youth [jHT] tension [`tenS (q) n] resent [rI`zent]

`You believe you dream, Master Corum?

`I am Prince Corum in the Scarlet Robe, last of the Vadhagh race.

`There are no other princes here, but me, said the youth softly. `I will allow none. If you understand that, there will be no tension between us.

Corum shrugged.

`I believe I dream, yes.

`In a sense you do, of course. As we all dream. For some while, Vadhagh, you have been trapped in a Mabden dream. The rules of the Mabden control your fate and you resent it.

`Where is the ship that brought me here (где корабль, который доставил меня сюда; to bring)? Where is Rhalina?

`The ship cannot sail by day (корабль не может плыть днем). It has returned to the depths (он вернулся на дно: «в глубины»).


The youth smiled (юноша улыбнулся).

`She has gone with it, of course (она отправилась с ним, разумеется). That was the bargain she made (такой была сделка, /которую/ она заключила).

`Then she is dead (тогда она мертва)?

`No. She lives (она живет).

`Where is the ship that brought me here? Where is Rhalina?

`The ship cannot sail by day. It has returned to the depths.


The youth smiled.

`She has gone with it, of course. That was the bargain she made.

`Then she is dead?

`No. She lives.

`How can she live when she is below the surface of the ocean (как может она жить, когда она под поверхностью океана)!

`She lives. She always will (она всегда будет жить). She cheers the crew enormously (она очень веселит экипаж; to cheer — создавать хорошее настроение, веселить).

`Who are you (кто ты)?

`I believe you have guessed my name (полагаю, ты догадался, /как/ мое имя).

`Shool-an-Jyvan (Шул-ан-Дживан).

'Prince Shool-an-Jyvan, Lord of All That Is Dead In The Sea — one of my several titles (повелитель всего мертвого в море — один из нескольких моих титулов).

`Give me back Rhalina (верни мне Ралину).

`I intend to (я собираюсь /это сделать/).

ocean [`quS (q) n] enormously [I`nLmqslI] guessed [gest]

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