salt intake, 416
sugar intake, 428–29
Vanuatu, 371, 377
Vaupes River Indians, 385–86
Verdi, Giuseppe, 240,
vervet monkeys, 337
vigilantism, 98–99, 107, 109,
violence, 29, 271–72, 277–78, 286–92
among war-free peoples, 156–57
feuds, 89, 95–96
language differences and, 403–4
protective measures, 290–92
religious codes of peaceful behavior, 358–59
state suppression of, 97–99, 115, 148, 286, 288, 290
stranger contacts and, 4, 50, 290
unplanned escalations of, 138, 289
vigilantism, 98–99, 107, 109
vs. warfare, 129–30
when dispute resolution fails, 97
vitamin deficiencies, 299
Vogt, Evon, 327
Voltaire, 359
Wahl, Joachim, 134
Wanigela people, 411, 439
Waorani Indians, 139, 163
warfare, 119–70
absence of, 155–56
definitions of, 129–31
genetic basis for, 155–57
hand-to-hand fighting in, 142–43
religion and, 356–57, 359–61, 366, 367
trade and, 74, 75, 164–66, 287
warlike animals, 154–55
wasps, 282
water-witching, 342, 350–51,
weaning and birth intervals, 179–81
weapons, 18
accidental wounds, 281
state warfare, 142–43, 144
trade in, 68–69
traditional warfare, 121, 135, 150, 151
food availability and, 301, 302–3, 308
weather hazards, 280–81
Weber, Max, 224
WEIRD societies, 8–9
advantages, 455–57, 461–62
child development scholarship, 174–75
child-rearing practices, 180, 182–83, 184–85, 187, 189, 190–91,
defined, 6
environmental hazards in, 276–77, 279
friendship in, 51–52
individualism in, 91, 224
life expectancies, 231, 233
shortcomings of, 457–61
social bonds in, 51–52, 88, 91, 456–58
stranger contacts in, 1–2, 53
trade in, 61–65
Welsh language, 409
Westernized lifestyle adoption
health and, 4, 31–32, 411–14, 432–33, 449–50
for safety and comfort, 280
Westernized societies.
widow strangling, 21, 216
widowhood, 233
Wiessner, Polly, 479
Wilson, David Sloan, 363–66
Wilson, Michael, 139
Witoto Indians, 214
Wollaston, A. F. R., 298
wolves, 154–55
women, 177, 233, 290, 298
as foragers, 187, 278
as information sources, 166–67, 291
treatment of old women, 215, 216
war and, 141, 146, 157–58, 163, 166–67
work and work ethic, 224, 353, 460
World Trade Center attack, 127, 128
World War I, 102, 127, 139–40, 142, 160–61, 361
World War II, 137, 165, 169–70, 361, 407
atomic bomb, 127,
food shortages, 314
mortality, 127, 128, 139–42
personal stories of, 238
related conflicts, 102, 130
Wrangham, Richard, 139, 155
writing, 3, 7, 18
Xingu Indians, 73–74, 419
Yahi Indians, 398
Ishi, 398, 456,
Yakut people, 215
Yamana language, 397