(half town, half desert, dump mound and mesquite)and once in West Virginia (a muddyred road between an orchard and a veilof tepid rain) it came, that sudden shudder,a Russian something that I could inhalebut could nor see. Some rapid words were uttered —and then the child slept on, the door was uttered —and then the child slept on, the door was shut.The conjurer collects his poor belongings —the colored handkerchief, the magic rope,the double-bottomed rhymes, the cage, the song.You tell him of the passes you detected.The mystery remains intact. The checkcomes forward in its smiling envelope.«How would you say „delightful talk“ in Russian?»«How would you say „good night“?» Oh, that would be:Besso?nnitza, tvoy vzor oony?l i stra?shen;lubo?v moya?, otsto?opnika proste?e.(Insomnia, your stare is dull and ashen,my love, forgive me this apostasy.)<2 декабря 1944>; Кембридж, Масс.
The room a dying poet tookat nightfall in a dead hotelhad both directories — the Bookof Heaven and the Book of Bell.It had a mirror and a chair,it had a window and a bed,its ribs let in the darkness whererain glistened and a shopsign bled.Not tears, not terror, but a blendof anonymity and doom,it seemed, that room, to condescendto imitate a normal room.Whenever some automobilesubliminally slit the night,the walls and ceiling would reveala wheeling skeleton of light.Soon afterwards the room was mine.A similar striped cageling, Igroped for the lamp and found the line«Alone, unknown, unloved, I die»in pencil, just above the bed.It had a false quotation air.Was it a she, wild-eyed, well-read,or a fat man with thinning hair?I asked a gentle Negro maid,I asked a captain and his crew,I asked the night clerk. Undismayed,I asked a drunk. Nobody knew.Perhaps when he had found the switchhe saw the picture on the walland cursed the red eruption whichtried to be maples in the fall?Artistically in the styleof Mr. Churchill at his best,those maples marched in double filefrom Glen Lake to Restricted Rest.Perhaps my text is incomplete.A poet's death is, after all,a question of technique, a neatenjambment, a melodic fall.