you meet him wherever you goacross the bright campus, past ivy-clad walls.The wind which is driving him mad (this recalls a rather good line in Hugo),keeps making blue holes in the waterproof glossof college-bred poplars that rustle and toss their slippery shadows at piedyoung beauties, all legs, as they bicycle throughhis shoulder, his armpit, his heart, and the two big books that are hurting his side.Verlaine had been also a teacher. Somewherein England. And what about great Baudelaire, alone in his Belgian hell?This ivy resembles the eyes of the deaf.Come, leaf, name a country beginning with «f»; for instance, «forget» or «farewell».Thus dimly he muses and dreamily heedshis eavesdropping self as his body recedes, dissolving in sun-shattered shade.L'Envoi: Those poor chairs in the Bois, one of whichlegs up, stuck half-drowned in the slime of a ditch while others were grouped in a glade.<13 сентября> 1942
When he was small, when he would fall,on sand or carpet he would liequite flat and still until he knewwhat he would do: get up or cry.After the battle, flat and stillupon a hillside now he lies —but there is nothing to decide,for he can neither cry nor rise.11 ноября 1942; Сент Пол, Миннесота
«Now it is coming, and the soonerthe better», said my swooning soul —and in the sudden blinding lunarlandscape, out of a howling holea one-legged child that howled with laughterhopped and went hopping hopping aftera bloody and bewildered bone,a limb that walked away alone.Perhaps the window shade had billowedand slapped the darkness on the face;but when I had picked up and pillowedthe book of sleep and found the place,I saw him haltingly returningout of the dust, back to the burninghole of his three-walled home — that boyhugging a new, a nameless toy.<16 августа 1944>; Кембридж, Масс.
Moons on the lawn replace the sunsthat mowers happily had missed.Where age would stoop, a babe will squatand rise with star-fluff in its first.30 мая 1950; Итака, Нью-Йорк