Music of windy woods, an endless songRippling in gleaming glades of Long Ago,You follow me on tiptoe, swift and slow,Through many a dreary year.... Ah, it was wrongTo wound those gentle trees! I dream and roamO'er sun-tormented plains, from brook to brook,And thence by stone grey thundering cities. Home,My home magnificent is but a wordOn a withered page in an old, dusty book.Oh, wistful birch trees! I remember daysOf beauty: ferns; a green and golden mare;A toadstool like a giant lady bird;A fairy path; bells, tinkling bells, and sighs;Whimsical orioles; white-rimmed butterfliesFanning their velvet wings on velvet silver stems....All is dead. Who cares, who understands?Not even God.... I saw mysterious landsAnd sailed to nowhere with blue-winged wavesWhirling around me. I have roved and ravedIn southern harbours among drunken knaves,And passed by narrow streets, scented and pavedWith moonlight pale. There have I called and kissedVeiled women swaying in a rhythmic mist,But lonesome was my soul, and cold the night....And if sometimes, when in the fading lightChance friends would chatter, suddenly I grewRestless and then quite still, — Ah, it wasMusic of you, windy woods!<Ноябрь 1920>
I dream of simple tender things:a moonlit road and tinkling bells.Ah, drearly the coachboy sings,but sadness into beauty swells;swells, and is lost in moonlight dim…the singer sighs, and then the moonfull gently passes back to himthe quivering, unfinished tune.In distant lands, on hill and plain,thus do I dream, when nights are long, —and memory gives back againthe whisper of that long-lost song.<1923>
To many things I've said the word that cheatsthe lips and leaves them parted (thus: prash-chaiwhich means «good-bye») — to furnished flats, to streets,to milk-white letters melting in the sky;to drab designs that habit seldom sees,to novels interrupted by the dinof tunnels, annotated by quick trees,abandoned with a squashed banana skin;to a dim waiter in a dimmer town,to cuts that healed and to a thumbless glove;also to things of lyrical renownperhaps more universal, such as love.Thus life has been an endless line of landreceding endlessly.... And so that's that,you say under your breath, and wave your hand,and then your handkerchief, and then your hat.To all these things I've said the fatal word,using a tongue I had so tuned and tamedthat — like some ancient sonneteer — I heardits echoes by posterity acclaimed.But now thou too must go; just here we part,softest of tongues, my true one, all my own....And I am left to grope for heart and artand start anew with clumsy tools of stone.<21 октября 1941>; Уэлсли, Macc.