77. Dante, Purgatorio, 33:43, quoted in Ronald B. Herzman, “Dante and the Apocalypse,” in Emmerson and McGinn, Apocalpyse, 401.

78. Quoted in Schussler Fiorenza, Apocalypse, 8.

79. Bernard McGinn, “Revelation,” in Alter and Kermode, Literary Guide, 529.

80. Quoted in McGinn, 529 (adapted).

81. Quoted in Roberto Rusconi, “Antichrist and Antichrists,” in McGinn, Apocalypticism, 311 (“[T]he true Antichrist…”), 312 (“I do not know…”).

82. “Against Hanswurst,” quoted in Ronald B. Bond, “Whore of Babylon,” in Drane, Revelation, 54.

83. Jean-Robert Armogathe, “Interpretations of the Revelation of John: 1500–1800,” in Apocalypticism, 187–88.

84. Rev. 19:13, 15 (KJV).

85. Quoted in Boyer, When Time Shall Be, 50.

86. McGinn, Visions of the End, 89.

87. Quoted in McGinn, Visions of the End, 92–93 (adapted).

88. Boyer, When Time Shall Be, 51.

89. Quoted in Boyer, When Time Shall Be, 55.

90. Quoted in Cohn, 237, 239, 247 (adapted).

91. Robin Barnes, “Images of Hope and Despair: Western Apocalypticism: ca. 1500–1800,” in Apocalypticism, 163.

92. Cohn, Pursuit of the Millennium, 271.

93. Cohn, Pursuit of the Millennium, 268 (adapted).

94. Quoted in Cohn, Pursuit of the Millennium, 272.

95. Cohn, Pursuit of the Millennium, 275.

96. Quoted in Cohn, Pursuit of the Millennium, 274.

97. Cohn, Pursuit of the Millennium, 278.

98. Gian Luca Potesta, “Radical Apocalyptic Movements in the Late Middle Ages,” in Apocalypticism, 133.

99. Tizio, “the Sienese chronicler,” quoted in Thompson, End of Time, 80.

100. Quoted in Van Paassen, Crown of Fire, 50.

101. Rev. 18:12–13 (RSV).

102. Quoted in de la Bedoyere, Meddlesome Friar, 28.

103. Robin Barnes, “Images of Hope and Despair: Western Apocalypticism: ca. 1500–1800,” in Apocalypticism, 145.

104. Quoted in Van Paassen, Crown of Fire, 63.

105. Quoted in Van Paassen, Crown of Fire, 114.

106. Quoted in Van Paassen, Crown of Fire, 178.

107. Quoted in Van Paassen, Crown of Fire, 180.

108. Quoted in de la Bedoyere, Meddlesome Friar, 34.

109. Van Paassen, Crown of Fire, 230.

110. Van Paassen, Crown of Fire, 230.

111. Van Paassen insists that only illustrated copies of Petrarch and Boccacio, featuring “miniatures of a salacious character,” were burned. Van Paassen, Crown of Fire, 234.

112. Quoted in de la Bedoyere, Meddlesome Friar, 170.

113. Quoted in de la Bedoyere, Meddlesome Friar, 176. Another version of the same account attributes to Savonarola a slightly different remark: “A cardinal’s purple will not be bestowed on us, but of a martyr’s gown drenched in blood I am absolutely certain.” Quoted in van Paassen, 214.

114. Quoted in Van Paassen, Crown of Fire, 98.

115. Quoted in de la Bedoyere, Meddlesome Friar, 245–46.

116. Bernard McGinn, quoted in Thompson, End of Time, 80

117. Quoted in de la Bedoyere, Meddlesome Friar, 246.

118. Rev. 21:5 (KJV).

119. Robin Barnes, “Images of Hope and Despair: Western Apocalypticism: ca. 1500–1800,” in Apocalypticism, 144.

120. McGinn, Visions of the End, 88.

121. Quoted in McGinn, “Apocalypticism and Church Reform: 1100–1500,” in McGinn, 102.

122. Bernard McGinn, “The Last Judgment in Christian Tradition,” in Apocalypticism, 378.

123. Quoted in Boyer, When Time Shall Be, 225 (adapted).

124. Rev. 21:1 (KJV). (The phrase is rendered in the Vulgate, a Latin translation of the Bible, in the objective case—that is, terram novam.)


1. David L. Jeffrey and Marjorie Reeves, “Millennium,” in Drane, Revelation, 46.

2. The Day of Trouble Is Near, quoted in David L. Jeffrey and Marjorie Reeves, “Millennium,” in Drane, Revelation, 46.

3. William Blake, “Jerusalem” (1804), quoted in Boyer, When Time Shall Be, 184.

4. Blake, “Jerusalem” (1804), quoted in Boyer, When Time Shall Be, 184.

5. Not every historian is quite so convinced, however. “Whether or not English Puritans justified their removal to the New World in eschatological terms is an issue that has divided the scholarly community since the 1980s.” Reiner Smolinski, “Apocalypticism in Colonial North America,” in Stein, Apocalypticism, 36.

6. Quoted in Boyer, When Time Shall Be, 68.

7. Cotton Mather, quoted in Boyer, When Time Shall Be, 69 (“Flying from the Depravations…”); http://www.mytholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/winthrop.htm (“a City Upon a Hill…”); Perry Miller, quoted in Wagar, Terminal Visions, 59 (“the first bestseller…”).

8. Quoted in Boyer, When Time Shall Be, 64.

9. Quoted in Robin Barnes, “Images of Hope and Despair: Western Apocalypticism: ca. 1500–1800,” in Apocalypticism, 163.

10. Quoted in Thompson, End of Time, 92 (adapted).

11. Quoted in Boyer, When Time Shall Be, 64.

12. Bartholomew Fair (1614), quoted in Boyer, When Time Shall Be, 64.

13. Quoted in McGinn, in Alter and Kermode, Literary Guide, 537.

14. Paraphrased in Boyer, When Time Shall Be, 65.

15. Boyer, When Time Shall Be, 67.

16. Perry Miller, “The End of the World” (1950), paraphrased in (and adapted from) Boyer, When Time Shall Be, 67.

17. Cotton Mather, Memorable Providences, Relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions (1689), http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/salem/ASA_MATH.HTM.

18. Quoted in Wendell, Cotton Mather, 207.

19. Thompson, End of Time, 96.

20. Magnalia Christi Americana, quoted in David L. Jeffrey and Marjorie Reeves, “Millennium,” in Drane, Revelation, 46.

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