47. Lindsey Hilsum, “Iraq’s Christians plan a simple Christmas in the shadow of violence,”
48. Tim Graham, “Katie Couric: ‘Maybe We Need a Muslim Version of The Cosby Show’,” NewsBusters.org, December 30, 2010; available online at http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2010/12/30/katie- couric-maybe-we-need-muslim-version-cosby-show.
49. Remarks made during speech in Cairo, Egypt, June 4, 2009; available online at http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/0 4/us/politics/04obama.text.html.
50. Nadya Labi, “An American Honor Killing: One Victim’s Story,”
51. Joshua Rhett Miller, “Beheading in New York Appears to Be Honor Killing, Experts Say,” FOX News, February 17, 2009; available online at http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,494785,00. html.
52. CBC, “Canal victims killed by family: police,” July 23, 2009; available online at http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2009/07/23/canal-arrests023.html.
53. Guner Balci, “Taboos and Fear among Muslim Girls,”
54. Lee Harris,
55. Nick Foulke, “The king’s in town,”
57. Andrew C. McCarthy, “AG Eric Holder Refuses to Say ‘Radical Islam’ Is a Cause of Terrorism Committed by Muslims,” National Review Online, May 13, 2010; available online at http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/199355/ag-eric-holder-refuses-say- radical-islam-cause-terrorism-committed-muslims-andrew-c-mc.
58. Ian Rowley, “Japan’s population decline is gathering momentum,”
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61. Gary Wolf, “Futurist Ray Kurzweil Pulls Out All the Stops (and Pills) to Live to Witness the Singularity,” Wired.com, March 24, 2008; available online at http://www.wired.com/medtech/drugs/magazine/16-04/ff_kurzweil.
62. Samuel P. Huntington,
63. Thomas L. Friedman, “Time to Reboot America,”
64. Thomas L. Friedman, “Who will tell the people?”
65. Thomas L. Friedman, “We don’t need another 9/11 president,”
66. Thomas L. Friedman, “A word from the wise,”
67. Thomas L. Friedman, “Cracks in the rubble,”
68. Andrew Johnson, “Taliban make ‘undetectable’ bombs out of wood,”
69. The Blog Prof, “Gunnar Heinsohn on Germay’s cultural suicide: 1,000 German men get 480 sons–1,000 Afghans get 4,000,” January 18, 2011; available online at http://theblogprof.blogspot.com/2011/01/gunnar-heinsohn-on-germays-cultural.html.
70. Charles Onyango-Obbo, “Stop the War, And Maybe I Won’t Eat You,”
71. Michael Dynes, “Pygmies beg UN for aid to save them from Congo cannibals,”