al-Gamei’a, Muhammad, 265
al-Khwarizmi, Muhammad, 32
Adams, Sam, 201
al-Qaeda, 42–43, 162, 263
addiction, 20, 22, 36, 256
al-Zawahiri, Ayman, 162
Addonizio, Kim, 140
Adkins, Lucy, 140
Aldrin, Buzz, 28–29
adolescence, 129, 172, 181
Alesina, Alberto, 237–38
“adultescence” phenomenon, 181
Ali, Ayaan Hirsi, 297
“affirmative action,” 151–53, 165, 238
Almaleki, Noor, 303–4
Affleck, Ben, 141
“Alpha male,” 176
“after man,” 306–10
Alterman, Eric, 67
“age of chivalry,” 186
“age of empathy,” 158,160
Agodon, Kelli Russell, 140
chance for, 22–23, 279–324
agricultural labor, 211–12
cushion for, 16
debt of, 2–23
decay of, 21–22
Amis, Martin, 293
decline of, 12–13, 17-18, 32, 43, Aniston, Jennifer, 176–78
Europeanization of, 120–22
Antitrust Division, 46–47, 49
fall of, 13–14, 211–67
Anwar, Mus’id, 135–36
hope for, 279–324
apartheid, 152, 245, 263–65
post-American world, 279–324
apocalypse, 1–2
undreaming, 45–102
Apple, 32
vulnerability of, 19–20, 230, 259, Arbogast, Jessie, 260
Archuleta, Deanna, 34
world after, 279–324
Armageddon, 20–22
118, 129, 189
Arum, Richard, 340
“America the Beautiful,” 40
Associated Press, 165, 167, 290
American Dream
Astaire, Fred, 41, 166
beneficiaries of, 131
Astor, Mary, 65
desire for, 244–45, 253–54, 331–
atheists, 321
loss of, 15, 22–23, 326, 331–32
Athens, drowning of, 103–25
requirement of, 35
Atta, Mohammed, 283
American idea, 16, 21, 38, 70, 102, 267, audacity, hope of, 325–49
306, 326, 342, 348–49
automobile industry, 47, 101, 217–20
American idyll, 127–87
Ayers, William, 42, 145, 147
American, meaning of, 141–42
Babylon, 7, 14
American Nightmare, 22
Bacca, Pippa, 265–66
bailouts, 64, 109, 218, 346
“American Recovery and Reinvest-
Baker, Dean, 93
ment Plan,” 33
Balls, Ed, 192
Banting, Frederick, 27–28
index 409
Barnett, Thomas P. M., 318
father of, 33–34
Bast, Andrew, 168
funding, 72, 109, 129
Bastiat, Frederic, 45
future of, 75, 329, 333
Bates, Katharine Lee, 40, 41