growth of, 9–10, 15, 21–22
Baucus, Max, 63
ineptitude of, 34, 56, 63–64,
Bawer, Bruce, 141
85–86, 92, 102–3, 204–6, 213–
Bayer, Henry, 108
14, 217–18, 230–36, 255–56
Beamer, Todd, 296
monopoly by, 20, 22, 48–53, 236,
Beecham, Thomas, 39
Bellil, Samira, 299, 300, 302
results of, 75, 106, 204–6, 213–14,
Belshazzar, King, 7, 14–15, 18–19,
217–18, 230–36, 244, 255–56
rolling back, 333–47
Bennet, Michael, 2
secularism of, 305–6
Bentham, Jeremy, 257
seduction by, 70–72
Berg, Nick, 321
small government and, 90–91,
Berger, David, 161
335, 346–48
Berkowitz, Peter, 63
as technocracy, 53–55, 67–68
Berle, Milton, 26–27
unemployment and, 48
Berlin, Irving, 166
vote for, 214, 228
Berlin Wall, 159, 237
Biggs, Andrew, 332
Berlinski, Claire, 300
bin Laden, Osama, 39, 41, 162, 164,
Berman, Paul, 165
Bernanke, Ben, 97–98, 326
bin Rashid, Maktoum, 275
Beschloss, Michael, 55
bin Zayed, Mohammed, 275
Bethea, Ty’Sheoma, 325–26, 329–30
Bing, Dave, 222
Beveridge, William, 204
Black-Eyed Peas, 30
Bevin, Ernie, 58
Bharuchi, Shayna, 319
Blair, Tony, 57–58, 63, 182, 203
Biden, Joe, 147
Bloomberg, Michael, 40, 59–60, 80,
Bieber, Justin, 35
164–65, 168, 208
Big Government
Bobb, Robert, 220
“Brains Trust,” 53–54, 57
Bogart, Humphrey, 65
controlling price, 48–49
Bokassa, Emperor, 222
curse of, 47–49
Bolden, Charles, 31–32
after america
Bolkestein, Frits, 298
deficits, 3–16, 110–11, 117–18,
Bolkestein, Minheer, 298
228–29, 245, 345–46
Bolton, John, 145
health-care budget, 294
Bolton, Judge, 80
military budget, 5–6
bond markets, 9–10
outlook on, 4–5
Bono, 131, 146
school budgets, 148–49
bonobos, 230–34
welfare state and, 228–30
Border Patrol, 324
Burchill, Julie, 199
Boston Tea Party, 91
Bureau of Compliance, 80–87, 93–94,
Bradbury, Ray, 133
“Brains Trust,” 53–54, 57
Bureau of the Public Debt (BPD), 75
Brandeis, Louis, 47–48
Bureaucratic Expeditiousness Regula-
Brann, Ty, 90–91
tion, 83–84
Burgess, Anthony, 206, 207
Brecht, Bertolt, 180, 241
Bush, George H., 58
Britannia, depravity of, 189–209
Bush, George W., 38, 56, 58, 101, 197,
British elites, 197, 208.
Brokaw, Tom, 187
“businessmen,” 2, 272, 280–81
broke, stupidity of, 1–23