humor, 157

ICU psychosis, 118, 120

illusion, 80

Ingraham, Franc D., 51

insight, 49

interconnectedness, 150–51, 154–55, 171

irony, 157

Irreducible Mind (Division of Perceptual Studies), 153


    author’s trip to, 42, 44, 50, 89

    E. coli in, 43–44, 89

    Sourasky Medical Center in, 43–44

Jeans, Sir James, 154

John (pseud.), 145–46

Kelly, David L., Jr., 52

ketamine, 185–86

Kierkegaard, Soren, 129

kinetic learning, 35


    acquisition of, 49

    spiritual, 82–83

KPC (Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase), 43–44

Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth, On Life After Death, 168

language, limitations of, 132

lateral amygdala, 185

laughter, 157

letting go, 145–46

life, our role in, 84, 85

Life After Life (Moody), 133–34, 135

life everlasting, belief in, 36

life force, 156

limbic system, 141, 185

locality, 156

Loeffler, Jay, 91


    as center of universe, 48, 130, 170

    and compassion, 85

    as message to author, 41, 71

    unconditional, 71–72, 73, 83–84, 131, 148, 161, 170–71

LSD, 186

lumbar puncture, 19, 21–22, 183

Matson, Donald, 51

meditation, 158, 161

Melville, Herman, 136


    and brain, 115, 117, 141, 185, 188

    and NDE experiences, 139, 141, 185, 188

    need to share, 124–25, 126–28

    and reboot phenomenon, 142–43, 188

    recovery of, 122, 124


    author’s unique case of, 23–24, 89–92, 132, 186–87

    bacterial, 19–21, 23–24, 89, 91, 132–33, 144, 183

    causes of, 23–24

    and cerebrospinal fluid, 19

    gram-negative bacterial type, 25, 27, 92

    mortality rate in, 21, 25, 92, 183

    spontaneous E. coli bacterial type, 23, 91–92, 183

    and superficial cortex damage, 187

mescaline, 186

Midas Rex drill, 35

mind over matter, 155


    expectation of, 105

    medical, 184

    telling the story of, 144

Monroe, Robert A., 158

Moody, Raymond, Life After Life, 133–34, 135

MRI (magnetic resonance image), 36

mystical states, 158

mystical worldview, 154

NDE (near-death experience):

    author’s experience of, 9, 77–79, 89–92, 135, 141–44, 149, 161, 162–64, 170–71, 188

    believers of, 140

    and cardiac arrest, 133–34

    classic occurrences of, 77

    difficulty of conveying to others, 10, 72, 125, 135, 136, 144, 162

    earthly identity forgotten in, 162–64

    literature of, 78–79, 126–27, 131–32, 134, 162

    and memory, 139, 141, 185, 188

    moving toward the light in, 38–39

    neuroscientific hypotheses of, 141–44, 185–88

    openness to understanding of, 140–41, 146

    other people’s experiences of, 76–77, 131–32, 162, 168

    unbelievers of, 140, 141

    uniqueness of each experience of, 131, 162

    written account of, 127–28


    electrical activity of, 159

    functional column of, 187

    and reboot phenomenon, 188

    shut down in coma, 8, 9, 133, 141–42, 144, 186, 188

neurotransmitters, 142

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