Sullivan, David, 26–27
Sullivan, Jean Alexander (sister), 26–27, 53
closeness of author and, 89–90
at the hospital, 108
Sullivan, Michael:
conducting a church service, 147
at the hospital, 26, 42, 93–94
and onset of coma, 26, 27
prayers of, 42, 94, 103
Sullivan, Page, 93, 103
supernatural beliefs, 35
superstition, 140
Susanna (patient), 137–39, 144
Tatter, Steve, 91
telepathic communication, 88, 143, 153
terminal lucidity, 146
thalamus, 159, 187
theory of everything (TOE), 150, 153–54
time and space, locality in, 156
trans-earthly voyagers, 133–34
true thought, 84–85
ultra-reality, 78, 117, 185, 186, 187, 188
unconditional love, 71–72, 73, 83–84, 131, 148, 161, 170–71
on a different frequency, 156
becoming, 160
dark matter/energy in, 82, 155
God’s presence in, 156–57
higher dimensions of, 48–49
interconnectedness in, 151
love as center of, 48, 130, 170
no beginning or end to, 156–57
perfection of, 85
punctuation marks in, 157
purposeful nature of, 81
space and time in, 156
Vaughan, Henry, 48
viewing, remote, 153
Wade, Scott, 105–7, 108, 111, 112–13, 115
statement by, 183–84
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, 50
Webster, Ann (birth mother), 61–65, 66
Webster, Betsy (biological sister), 66, 165, 168–69
Webster, Bob (biological uncle), 65–66
Webster, David (biological brother), 61
Webster, Kathy (biological sister), 61, 66, 165, 168
Webster, Richard (biological father), 61, 62, 63, 65–66
“When Tomorrow Starts Without Me” (Romano), 165–68
White, Sylvia, 26, 87, 97, 100, 105, 108, 111–12
Wilson, Bill and Patty, 12
Seventy percent is “dark energy,” that most mysterious force discovered by astronomers in the mid-1990s as they found incontrovertible proof based on Type Ia supernovas that for the last five billion years the universe has been falling