China, cheating in, 241–42
Chloe accessories, studies with, 123–34
Civil War veterans, 152
classes, infectious nature of cheating in, 195–97
Coca-Cola, stealing money vs., 32–33
cognitive dissonance, 81
cognitive load:
ability to resist temptation and, 99–100
judges’ parole rulings and, 102–3
Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT), 173–74
coin logic, 167–68
collaborative cheating, 217–35
altruism and, 222–23, 225–26, 227–28, 232
being watched or monitored and, 223–25, 227–28, 234–35
emphasis on working as group or team and, 217–18
infectious nature of cheating in relation to, 221–22
social utility and, 222–23
being one step removed from money and, 34–37
irrationality of, 51
compliments, insincere, 159
conflicts of interest, 67–95, 238, 248
in academia, 82, 84–85
in dentistry, 67–71, 93, 94, 230
disclosure and, 88–92
dots task and, 129
eradication of, 92–95
exclusion of experimental data and, 86–88
expert witnesses and, 85–86
in financial services industry, 83–85, 93, 94
governmental lobbyists and, 77–78, 94
honesty threshold and, 130–31
inherent inclination to return favors and, 74–75
medical procedures and, 71–74, 92–94, 229
pharmaceutical companies’ influence in academia and, 82
pharma reps and, 78–82
what-the-hell effect and, 129–31
congressional staffers, cheating among, 243
Congress members, PAC money misused by, 208–10
contractors, 93
Conway, Alan, 150–51
Cooper, Cynthia, 215
Cornell University, 250–51
corpora callosa, 164–65
corporate dishonesty:
cheating a little bit and, 239–40
Enron collapse and, 1–3, 192, 207, 215, 234
recent spread of, 192, 207–8