slow and subtle process of accretion in, 193–94, 214–15
social norms and, 195, 201–3, 205–7, 209
social outsiders and, 205–7
vending machine experiment and, 194–95
infidelity, 244–45
“in good faith” notion, 219–20
insurance claims, 49–51
creativity vs., as predictor of dishonesty, 172–77
measures of, 173–75
IQ-like tests, cheating and self-deception on, 145–49
certificates emphasizing (false) achievement and, 153–54
increasing awareness of cheating and, 156–57
individuals’ tendency to turn a blind eye to their own failures and, 151
IRS, 47–49
Islam, 249
Israel, cheating in, 241
Italy, cheating in, 242
Jerome, Jerome K., 28
Jobs, Steve, 184
Jones, Bobby, 56
Jones, Marilee, 136
Judaism, 45, 249
judges, exhausted, parole decisions and, 102–3
junk food, exhaustion and consumption of, 97–98
Keiser, Kenneth, 135
Kelling, George, 214–15
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, D.C., 6–7
Kirk, Ulrich, 75
Kreisler, Jeff, 13–14
Kubrick, Stanley, 150–51
Landis, Floyd, 155
Larez, Thomas, 152
law firms, overstating of billable hours in, 35–37
lawyers, conflicts of interest and, 93
Lay, Kenneth, 2
left brain, 164–65
Levav, Jonathan, 102
lobbyists, governmental, 77–78, 94
locks, as protection from mostly honest people, 38
Loewenstein, George, 89
long-term relationships with service providers, 228–31
loyalty, in illegal businesses, 138–39
Luce, Mary Frances, 229, 259–60