acceptable rate of, 28–29
dressing above one’s station as, 120–21
to ourselves, 141–61;
pathological, brain structure and, 168–70
publicly, capacity for self-deception and, 153–54
white lies and, 159–61
Madoff, Bernie, 173, 192
Maharabani, Eynav, 21, 24–26, 258
Marvel, William, 152
Marx, Groucho, 1
matrix task, 15–23
aggressive cheaters and, 239
cheating one step removed from money in (token condition), 33–34
with close supervision, 226–27
with collaborative element, 225–28
concerns about standing out and, 22–23
control and shredder conditions in, 17–18
cultural differences and, 240–43
ego depletion and, 106
fake products and, 125–26
honor codes and, 41–44
infectious nature of cheating and, 197–204
with moral reminders, 39–44, 46–47
self-paying condition in, 20, 21
sign-at-the-top vs. sign-at-the-bottom conditions in, 46–47
task in, 15–16
tax reporting and, 45–47
varying amount of money in, 18–20
varying probability of getting caught in, 20–22
Mazar, Nina, 15, 18, 31–32, 39, 45, 194, 261
McGwire, Mark, 156
McKenzie, Scott, 57, 263
Mead, Nicole, 104, 261
medical device reps, 80
medical schools, pharmaceutical companies’ influence in, 82
medicine, conflicts of interest in, 71–74, 78–82, 92–94
see also pharma reps
Middle Tennessee State University, 44–45
Charm School at, 153
honor code study at, 41–42, 43
matrix task study at, 15–21
directly stealing, 32–33
distance between our actions and, 34–37
monitoring or watching, as disincentive to cheating, 223–25, 227–28, 234–35
Montague, Read, 75
Moore, Don, 89