IDENTIFICATION: A large (3 foot tall) penguin with orange ear patches and a yellow-orange wash on the breast. DISTRIBUTION: Sub-Antarctic seas. HABITAT: Oceans; nests on islands and beaches. STUDY AREA: Edinburgh Zoo, Scotland; subspecies A.p. patagonicus.


IDENTIFICATION: A medium-sized penguin (up to 21/2 feet) with a white patch above the eye. DISTRIBUTION: Circumpolar in Southern Hemisphere. HABITAT: Oceans; nests on islands and coasts. STUDY AREAS: South Georgia, Falkland Islands; Edinburgh Zoo, Scotland; subspecies P.p. papua.

Social Organization

Humboldt Penguins form mated pairs during the breeding season and nest in small colonies; they travel and feed at sea in social groups of 10—60 birds. King Penguins are highly gregarious, breeding in enormous colonies— some numbering 300,000 pairs—and generally form monogamous pair-bonds. Gentoo Penguins have a similar social system, although their nesting colonies are not as large.


Behavioral Expression: Lifelong homosexual pair-bonds sometimes develop between male Humboldt Penguins. Like heterosexual pairs, same-sex partners remain together for many years: some male couples have stayed together for up to six years, until the death of one of the partners. Same-sex pairs (like opposite-sex pairs) spend much of their time close together, often touching. They also usually live together in a nest that they have built—either an underground burrow, a shallow bowl dug in the ground, or a rock niche lined with twigs. Unlike male pairs in other birds, though, homosexual pairs of Humboldt Penguins never acquire any eggs. Courtship and pair-bonding activities are also a prominent aspect of homosexual partnerships. This includes the ECSTATIC DISPLAY, in which a male stretches his head and neck upward, spreading his flippers wide and flapping them while emitting several long, very loud donkeylike brays. Sometimes this is performed mutually by both males standing side by side. Homosexual partners also ALLO-PREEN each other, affectionately running their bills through one another’s feathers. Occasional same-sex BOWING also occurs, in which one male points his beak down toward his partner and vibrates his head from side to side. As a prelude to copulation, one male approaches the other from behind, pressing against his body and vibrating his flippers against his partner; this distinctive display is known as the ARMS ACT. Homosexual copulation occurs when the bird in front lies down on his chest, allowing the other male to climb onto his back; genital contact may occur when the male being mounted holds his tail up or to the side and exposes his cloaca. Homosexual mountings are sometimes briefer than heterosexual ones, but often the two males take turns mounting each other. Not all same-sex courtship and sexual activity occurs between birds in homosexual pairs. Males who are paired to females also sometimes court and copulate with other heterosexually paired males (as well as with females other than their own mate).

In King Penguins, same-sex pairs also occur, in both males and females. These bonds are probably not as long-lasting as homosexual pairs in Humboldts, since same-sex partners sometimes divorce each other after being together for only one season (which also occurs commonly in heterosexual pairs in this species). Courtship activities are a part of King Penguin homosexual pair-bonds, especially between males. One such display is BOWING, in which one bird approaches the other while making courtly bows, often leading to mutual bowing. Another display is DABBLING, in which the birds face each other while rapidly clapping their bills and gently nibbling or preening one another’s feathers, sometimes accompanied by quivering of the flippers and tail. This may lead to homosexual copulation, in which one bird urges the other to lie down by pressing on its back, then mounts; this occurs among both males and females. In addition, female pairs sometimes lay an (infertile) egg, which they take turns incubating.

Homosexual courtship also occurs early in the breeding season among Gentoo Penguins. A male or a female brings an “offering” of pebbles or grass and lays it at the feet of another bird of the same sex, bowing and making slight hissing noises. The other bird, if interested, may respond with bowing or arranging the material into a nest. Females that pair with each other usually lay eggs in the nest that they tend together; because these birds do not typically mate with males, their eggs are infertile. However, female pairs can become successful foster parents in captivity, incubating and hatching fertile eggs when provided and successfully raising the resulting chicks.

A female King Penguin urging another female to lie down prior to mounting her

Frequency: In some zoo populations of Humboldt Penguins, at least 5 percent of all pairs are homosexual, and 12 percent of all copulations are between males. Among paired birds, 10 percent of mountings take place in male couples, while 15 percent of promiscuous matings (between nonmates) are homosexual. Of courtship displays performed by males to birds other than their partner, about a quarter of all arms acts are homosexual, and about 2 percent of courtship bows are same-sex. In one zoo colony consisting of five King Penguins, 2 out of 10 bonds that formed among the birds over a period of nine years were homosexual. Although same-sex matings have not yet been observed in these species in the wild, homosexual courtship has been seen in wild Gentoo Penguins: in one informal survey, 3 out of 13 courtships (23 percent) by Gentoos were same-sex.

Orientation: Some male Humboldt Penguins are exclusively homosexual, remaining with their male partners for their entire lives, or else re-pairing with another male should they lose their original partner. Other males are sequentially bisexual, pairing with a male after having lost one or more previous female mates. Still other males are simultaneously bisexual, engaging in both same-sex and opposite-sex courtship and copulation. Of these, some have a primary heterosexual bond but occasionally engage in homosexual activity with another breeding male: about 47 percent of all same-sex copulations are of this type (as opposed to occurring between bonded partners). In a few cases, the opposite occurs: a male with a primary homosexual pair-bond occasionally participates in a heterosexual copulation. Among King Penguins, birds in same- sex pairs are probably exclusively homosexual for the duration of their pair-bonds (since any eggs that are laid are infertile), and birds exhibit a “preference” for same-sex mates even when unpaired birds of the opposite sex are available. Over the course of their lives, however, most such birds are sequentially bisexual, since following the breakup of a homosexual pair they may go on to form heterosexual pair-bonds and even raise a family. Most Gentoo Penguins that participate in homosexual courtship are probably bisexual, since they court both males and females, albeit with a primary heterosexual orientation (since most go on to breed with birds of the opposite sex). Females that pair with each other are exclusively homosexual for the duration of their bond (which may last for one or both birds’ lives); some females pair with a heterosexual mate after the death of their female partner.

Nonreproductive and Alternative Heterosexualities

As noted above, promiscuous matings by heterosexually paired birds are common in Humboldt Penguins: one-third to one-half of all heterosexual copulations are between nonpair members, and courtship of birds other than one’s mate is also frequent. Promiscuous courtship and copulation occur in King and Gentoo Penguins as well. Even within pairs, sexual behavior may be nonprocreative. In Humboldts, copulation occurs both early and late in the breeding season, when the chances of fertilization are low or nonexistent, while heterosexual mounts (like homosexual ones) sometimes do not include genital contact or sperm transfer (in both Humboldts and Gentoos). Female Gentoo Penguins sometimes mount their mates (REVERSE mounting), while male Gentoos occasionally masturbate by mounting and copulating with clumps of grass. Males have also been observed trying to copulate with dead Penguins.

Several other variations on the lifetime monogamous pair-bond and nuclear family also occur. About a quarter of all Humboldt male-female pairs divorce, often when the female leaves her mate for another male. Divorce also occurs in 10—50 percent of Gentoo pairs, and in some years no pairs remain together. It is especially common in King Penguins, where only about 30 percent of birds retain the same mate from one season to the next. In addition, some King Penguins abandon their mates during the breeding season, and about 6 percent of chicks are reared by single parents (either abandoned or widowed). Humboldts occasionally form trios consisting of either one male and

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