of the brush of Ayvazovsky.

MARINA. I wish I'd never laid eyes on them. [A pause] Now we'll have things as they were again: breakfast at eight, dinner at one, and supper in the evening; everything in order as decent folks, as Christians like to have it. [Sighs] It's a long time since I have eaten noodles, old sinner that I am.

TELEGIN. Yes, we haven't had noodles for ages. [A pause] Not for ages. As I was going through the village this morning, Marina, one of the shop-keepers called after me, 'Hi! you hanger-on!' I felt it bitterly, I can tell you.

MARINA. Don't pay the least attention to them, my dear; we're all 'hangers-on' in God's eyes. You and Sonya and all of us. Everyone must work, no one can sit idle. Where is Sonya?

TELEGIN. In the garden with the doctor, looking for Ivan. They fear he may lay violent hands on himself.

MARINA. Where's his pistol?

TELEGIN. [Whispers] I hid it in the cellar.

MARINA. [With a grin] What a sinful business!

VOYNITSKY and ASTROV come in from outside.

VOYNITSKY. Leave me alone! [To MARINA and TELEGIN] Go away! Go away and leave me to myself, at least for an hour. I won't have you watching me like this!

TELEGIN. Yes, yes, Vanya. [He goes out on tiptoe.]

MARINA. The gander cackles; ho! ho! ho!

[She gathers up her wool and goes out.]

VOYNITSKY. Leave me alone!

ASTROV. I would, with the greatest pleasure. I ought to have gone long ago, but I won't leave you until you have returned what you took from me.

VOYNITSKY. I took nothing from you.

ASTROV. I'm not jesting, don't detain me, I really must go.

VOYNITSKY. I took nothing of yours. [Both sit down]

ASTROV. You didn't? Very well, I'll have to wait a little longer, and then you'll have to forgive me if I resort to force. We'll have to bind you and search you. I mean what I say, I tell you.

VOYNITSKY. Do as you please. [A pause] Oh, to make such a fool of myself! To shoot twice and miss him both times! I'll never forgive myself.

ASTROV. When the impulse came to shoot, it would have been better if you had put a bullet through your own head.

VOYNITSKY. [Shrugging his shoulders] Strange! I attempted murder, and am not going to be arrested or brought to trial. That means they think me mad. [With a bitter laugh] Me! I'm mad, and those who hide their worthlessness, their dullness, their blatant heartlessness behind a professor's mask, are sane! Those who marry old men and then deceive them under the noses of all, are sane! I saw you kiss her; I saw you in each other's arms!

ASTROV. Yes, sir, I did kiss her, sir; so there. [He puts his thumb to his nose.]

VOYNITSKY. [His eyes on the door] No, it's the earth that is mad, because she still lets you exist.

ASTROV. That's nonsense.

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