Tunisia, Tunis, 56, 349
Tupolev, Andrei N., 158
Turkestan–Siberian Railway, 174
Turkey, 42, 52, 56, 367
Type 30, 116
Type 56, 15–16, 217, 265
Type 58, 16
Type 68, 16
Uganda, 371–81
and AK and AK-type rifle distribution, 9, 13, 354, 356–58, 367, 371, 381
Amin’s coup in, 356
child soldiers in, 337, 372–73, 376–79
illegal weapons transfers to, 371
Karamojong tribe of, 357
LRA in, 337, 372–80
purchase prices of AK-47s in, 381
Sinia Brigade in, 372
Ukraine, 365, 412
weapons pilfering in, 368–71
weapons stockpiling in, 343–44, 368
in World War II, 157, 174–75
Ulundi, fighting at, 62–64, 83, 87, 124
Underwood, Herbert P., 300
Union Repeating Gun:
demonstrations of, 30, 35–37
design of, 28–30, 35, 420
patent of, 35, 420
Union Stock Yards, 231–33
United Nations, 14, 381
on human costs of AK rifles, 387
illegal-arms transfers and, 370
United States, 4–7, 12–15, 109, 132, 206, 352–56, 400–402, 417
in Afghanistan, 378
AK-46’s design and, 192
and AK-47’s design and development, 12, 151, 204, 402
and AK rifle’s production and distribution, 13–14, 251, 256–57, 349, 359, 363–64, 402, 411, 435
arms database of, 20
arms-design failures of, 6–7, 251, 254–55, 259, 268–69, 273–74, 363
Constitution of, 17–18
Hungarian revolution and, 226, 237
illegal-arms transfers and, 371
industrial revolution in, 6, 77
Iraqi Kurds and, 388
Kalashnikov on, 405–6, 444
in Korean War, 264, 406
laws on automatic and assault rifles in, 14–15, 18, 236
machine guns used by, 126–27, 255
Mahmoud’s medical treatment in, 397–98
Maxim gun produced in, 89
Maxim’s racism and, 105–6
nuclear weapons programs of, 1, 4–5, 144, 272
Philippines invaded by, 104, 111, 252
and purchase prices of AK rifles, 381, 383
rifle cartridges of, 161, 166–67, 169–70
Russo-Japanese War and, 116–17
in search for reliable automatic rifle, 6–7, 20, 253–54, 256, 270, 272–76, 280, 283–94, 360, 438
Soviet arms race with, 153, 169, 253–54, 256, 259, 272–73, 276, 353
Thompson submachine guns developed, produced, and distributed in, 139, 199, 233–34, 237
in Vietnam, 5, 9, 263–68, 270–72, 280–83, 285
weapons stockpiling and, 343–44, 410–11
in World War I, 251–52, 255
in World War II, 199, 253–54, 264, 270, 281, 295, 334, 344
United States Electric Lighting Company, 74–75
United States Infantry Board, 276
Ustinov, Dmitri F., 211–12, 358–59
Vance, Cyrus R., 272–73, 280, 283, 288–90
Vandenburgh, Origen, 28, 55, 160
Vandenburgh gun, 28, 43, 160
van der Steur, A. W., 258
Velvet Revolution, 365
Venezuela, 12, 355
Verdun, Battle of, 131
Versailles, Treaty of, 140, 162, 228, 246
Vickers, Albert, 76, 89, 129
Vickers gun, 126, 129, 138
Vien, Cao Van, 282
Vienna, 74
Gatling gun tests in, 40–44
Maxim gun tests in, 83, 86
Vietnam, Vietnam War, 5–6, 263–72, 294–336, 419
AK-47s in, 9, 13, 21, 265–67, 270, 272, 294–95, 308–9, 313, 317, 324, 332, 335–36, 340–41, 356, 363, 401, 406, 444
ammunition in, 264–65, 271, 285
AR-15s in, 270–71, 280–83, 285
bombing North Vietnam in, 294
casualties in, 264–66, 268, 282–83, 294, 300, 303, 311, 313–15, 317–18, 321–24, 330, 333, 335, 401, 439
Chervenak’s letter and, 321–24, 327–28, 442
Hill Fights in, 310–14, 319, 322
M-16s in, 263–64, 267–69, 271, 294, 296–308, 310–35, 353, 356, 415, 441
Marines in, 6, 9, 263–68, 271, 296, 306–7, 310–25, 327–29, 332–33, 335–36, 356
Operation Attleboro in, 302
Operation Bear Chain in, 264, 318, 329