brachial plexus had not been damaged by the two bullets that had entered his body,and so he'd suffer no permanent loss of use of his arm. The secondary damage to his chest was minor.

He'd recover fully, the British Army surgeon concluded, and so could enjoy full physical health during the lifelong prison term that surely awaited him.

The surgery had been performed under full general anesthesia, of course, using nitrous oxide, just as in American hospitals, coupled with the lingering effects of the barbiturates that had been used to begin his sedation. Bellow sat by the bed in the hospital's recovery room, watching the bio-monitors and waiting for him to awaken. It would not be an event so much as a process, probably a lengthy one.

There were police around now, both in uniform and out, watching with him. Clark and Chavez were there. too, standing and staring at the man who'd so brazenly a t tacked their men-and their women, Bellow reminded himself. Chavez especially had eyes like flint-hard, dark, and cold, though his face appeared placid enough. He thought he knew the senior Rainbow people pretty well. They were clearly professionals, and in the case of Clad, and Chavez, people who'd lived in the black world and done some very black things, most of which he didn't and would never know about. But Bellow knew that both men were people of order, like police officers in many ways. keepers of the rules. Maybe they broke them sometime. but it was only to sustain them. They were romantics, just as the terrorists were, but the difference was in their choice of cause. Their purpose was to protect. Grady's was to upset, and in the difference of mission was the difference between the men. It was that simple to them. Now, however angry they might feel at this sleeping man, they would not cause him physical harm. They'd leave his punishment to the society that Grady had so viciously attacked and whose rules they were sworn to protect, if not always uphold.

'Any time now,' Bellow said. Grady's vital sign were all coming up. The body moved a little as his brain started to come back to wakefulness, just minor flexes here and there. It would find that some parts were not responding as they should, then focus on them to see what the limitations were, looking for pain but not finding it yet.

Now the head started turning, slowly, left and right. and soon…The eyelids fluttered, also slowly. Bellow consulted the list of IDs that others had drawn up and hoped that the British police and the guys from 'Five' had provided him with good data.

'Sean?' he said. 'Sean, are you awake?'


'It's me, it's Jimmy Carr, Sean. You back with us now, Sean?'

'Where… am… I?' the voice croaked.

'University Hospital, Dublin, Sean. Dr. McCaskey just finished fixing your shoulder up. You're in the recovery room. You're going to be okay, Sean. But, my God, getting you here was the devil's own work. Does it hurt, your shoulder, Sean?'

'No, no hurt now, Jimmy. How many?…'

'How many of us? Ten, ten of us got away. They're off in the safe houses now, lad.'

'Good.' The eyes opened, and saw someone wearing a surgical mask and cap, but he couldn't focus well, and the image was a blur. The room… yes, it was a hospital… the ceiling, rectangular tiles held in a metal rack… the lighting, fluorescent. His throat was dry and a little sore from the intubation, but it didn't matter. He was living inside a dream, and none of this was actually happening. He was floating on a white, awkward cloud, but at least Jimmy Carr was here.

'Roddy, where's Roddy?'

'Roddy's dead, Sean,' Bellow answered. 'Sorry, but he didn't make it.'

'Oh, damn…' Grady breathed. 'Not Roddy…'

'Sean, we need some information, we need it quickly.'

'What… information?'

'The chap who got us the information, we need to contact him, but we don't know how to find him.'

'Iosef, you mean?'

Bingo, Paul Bellow thought. 'Yes. Sean, Iosef, we need to get in touch with him…'

'The money? I have that in my wallet, lad.'

Oh, Clark thought, turning. Bill Tawney had all of Grady's personal possessions sitting on a portable table. In the wallet, he saw, were two hundred and ten British pounds, one hundred seventy Irish pounds, and several slips of paper. On one yellow Post-it note were two numbers, six digits each, with no explanation. A Swiss or other numbered account? the spook wondered.

'How do we access it, Sean? We need to do that at once, you see, my friend.'

'Swiss Commercial Bank in Bern… call… account number and control number in… in my wallet.'

'Good, thank you, Sean… and Iosef, what's the rest of his name… how do we get in touch with him, Sean? Please, we need to do that right away, Sean.' Bellow's false Irish accent wasn't good enough to pass muster with a drunk, but Grady's current condition was far beyond anything alcohol could do to the human mind.

'Don't… know. He contacts us, remember. Iosef Andreyevich contacts me through Robert… through the network… never gave me a way to contact him.'

'His last name, Sean, what is it, you never told me.'

'Serov, Iosef Andreyevich Serov… Russian… KGB chap… Bekaa Valley… years ago.'

'Well, he gave us good information on this Rainbow mob. didn't he, Sean?'

'How many did we… how many…?'

'Ten, Sean, we killed ten of them, and we got away, but you were shot on the escape in your Jaguar, remember? But we hurt them, Sean, we hurt them badly,' Bellow assured him. 'Good… good… hurt them… kill them… kill them all,' Grady whispered from his gurney.

'Not quite, asshole,' Chavez observed quietly, from a few feet away.

'Did we get the two women?… Jimmy, did we get them?'

'Oh, yes, Sean, I shot them myself. Now, Sean, this Russian chap. I need to know more about him.'

'Iosef? Good man, KGB, got the money and the drugs for us. Lots of money… six million… six… and the cocaine,' Grady added for the TV Minicam that sat on a tripod next to the bed. 'Got it for us, at Shannon, remember? Flew in on the little jet, the money and the drugs from America… well, think it was America… must have been… the way he talks now, American accent like the television, funny thing for a Russian, Jimmy… '

'Iosef Andreyevich Serov?'

The figure on the bed tried to nod. 'That's how they do names, Jimmy. Joseph, son of Andrew.'

'What does he look like, Sean?'

'Tall as me… brown hair, eyes… round face, speaks many languages… Bekaa Valley… nineteen eighty-six… good man, helped us a lot…'

'How we doing, Bill?' Clark whispered to Tawney.

'Well, none of this can be used in court, but-'

'Fuck the courts, Bill! How good is this? Does it match with anything?'

'The name Serov doesn't ring a bell, but I can check with our files. We can run these numbers down, and there will be a paper trail of some sort, but'-he checked his watch= 'it will have to wait until tomorrow.'

Clark nodded. 'Hell of an interrogation method.'

'Never seen this before. Yes, it is.'

Just then Grady's eyes opened more. He saw the others around the bed, and his face twisted into a question. 'Who are you?' he asked groggily, finding a strange face in this dream.

'My name is Clark, John Clark, Sean.'

The eyes went wide for a second. 'But you're…'

'That's right, pal. That's who I am. And thanks for spilling your guts. We got all of you, Sean. All fifteen dead or captured. I hope you like it here in England, boy. You're going to be here a long, long time. Why don't you go back to sleep now, lad'?' he asked with grossly overdone courtesy. I've killed better men than you, punk, he thought, behind a supposedly impassive mien that in fact proclaimed his feelings.

Dr. Bellow pocketed his tape recorder and his notes. It rarely failed. The twilight state following general anesthesia made any mind vulnerable to suggestion. That was why people with high security clearances never went to the hospital without someone from their parent agencies nearby. In this case he'd had ten minutes or so to dive deep inside and come back out with information. It could never be used in a court of law, but then, Rainbow wasn't

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