GENERAL ROSCOE ROBINSON: My brigade commander, 82nd Airborne Division

GENERAL GEORGE BLANCHARD: Commanding General, 82nd Airborne Division

GENERAL EDWARD C. (SHY) MEYER: ADCO, 82nd Airborne Division; Chief of Staff, U.S. Army

GENERAL FREDERICK KROESEN: Commanding General, 82nd Airhorne Division

LIEUTENANT GENERAL DICK LAWRENCE: Project Manager, Saudi Arabian National Guard Modernization Program

GENERAL BILL LIVSEY: Commanding General, U.S. Army Infantry Center

GENERAL P. X. KELLEY: Commander, Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force

GENERAL BOB KINGSTON: Commander in Chief, U.S. Central Command

GENERAL Jim LINDSAY: Commanding General, 82nd Airborne Division; Commanding General, XVIII Airborne Corps; Commander in Chief, U.S. Special Operations Command

GENERAL JOHN Foss: Commanding General, XVIII Airborne Corps

GENERAL CARL VUONO: Chief of Staff, U.S. Army

GENERAL JACK VESSEY: Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

AMBASSADOR DONALD RUMSFELD: President's Special Envoy for Middle East Affairs

GENERAL COLIN POWELL: Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Over the last decade, the services have greatly improved their education systems by taking advantage of the talents and experience of the likes of those above — making them 'senior mentors in intermediate and senior-level service schools. Their talents are also used in the CAPSTONE Course and in senior-level joint warfighting exercises.

As I said at the beginning, I do not know of any institution that puts more into the training of its leaders, or any institution that produces better leaders. This is only fitting, considering that the responsibility for preserving our freedom rests squarely on the shoulders of our armed forces. It is indeed a most worthy and essential national investment.


Thanks to all the people of the SOF, who have performed such magnificent feats over the years, and whose work, in this age of new warfare, is far from done. Thanks especially to Carl Stiner, a quiet hero if there ever was one, and a man you definitely want on your side.

— Tom Clancy

This book would not have been possible without the help of many great people, and to them I owe so much. Above all, to Tom Clancy, a great American and longtime friend, for making the opportunity possible to tell this story. To Neil Nvren, editor extraordinaire, for keeping us on track and focused on the end-state objective throughout the process. To Tony Koltz, for whom I have the greatest respect as a friend and professional; he showed patience and perseverance in producing the information needed by knowing what questions to ask. Without his writing and editorial skills, this book would not have been possible. To Marty Greenberg, for his advice, counsel, and assistance. To our original agent at William Morris, Robert Gottlieb, for all his help in bringing the book to fruition.

Writing this book has been a demanding challenge, lasting almost two years… and not just for me — trying to remember all the details and put them in context — but for my wife, Sue, who has typed and retypcd so much material many times over. Without her help day and night, we would never have made it. I also thank my daughters, Carla and Laurie, for their encouragement and help. In the midst of all the demands of this period, there was a miraculous happening, the birth of our first grandchild — Jackson Wade Reel, a gift from the divine power that gives life and sustains us every day.

These people were also helpful in the development of the book:


Bigadier General FrankAkers, USA (Ret.)

Lieutenant General Clay Bailey, USAF

CW4 Richard 'Bulldog' Balwanz, USA (Ret.)

Lieutenant General Mark Cisneros, USA (Ret.)

Lieutenant Colonel Daniel D. Devlin, USA (Ret.)

Jim DeFelice

Colonel (P) John DeFritas, USA

General Wayne Downing, USA (Ret.)

Colonel Stan Florer, USA

Rudi Gresham

Major General James A. Guest, USA (Ret.)

Colonel Michael R. Kershner, USA

Colonel Chris Krueger, USA

Colonel Tony Normand, USA (Ret.)

Dr. John Partin, USSOCOM Command Historian

Colonel David B. Plummer II, USA (Ret.)

Major General Richard Potter, USA (Ret.)

Major General Richard A. Scholtes, USA (Ret.)

General Peter J. Schoomaker, USA (Ret.)

Lieutenant Colonel Bill Shaw, USA

Colonel Joseph R. Simino, USA (Ret.)

Major General John K. Singlaub, USA (Ret.)

Captain W. R. Spearman, USN (Ret.)

Lieutenant General William Yarborough, USA (Ret.)


Brigadier General Heinie Aderholt, USAF (Ret.)

Master Sergeant Sandy Atkinson, USAF

Brigadier General Michael W. Reasley, USA

Major General Ken Bowra, USA

Major General Jerry Boykin, USA

Master Sergeant Chris Crane, USA (Ret.)

Master Sergeant Jimmy Dean, USA (Ret.)

Lieutenant Colonel Francis Gabreski, USAF

Lieutenant Colonel Tony Gies, USA (Ret.)

Randy Gingrich

George Grimes, USSOCOM Public Affairs

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