Sine Parl: The Story of Army Special Operations, Fort Bragg, NC, 1997.

U.S. Army Special Operations Command, Directory of History, Archives, Library, and Museums, To Free from Oppression: A Concise History of U.S. Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, Psychological Operations, and the John F Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School. Fort Bragg, NC, 1996.

Walker, Creg, At the Hurricane's Eye: U.S. Special Operations forces from Vietnam to Desert Storm. New York: Ballantine Books, 1994.

Waller, Doulas, The Commandos. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994.

Woodward, Bob, The Commanders. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991.

Yarborough, Lieutenant General William P. (Ret.), Selections from his published papers, speeches, and interviews.

XVIII Airborne Corps Public Affairs Office, A Compendium of Articles Appearing in Various Publications, 20 December 1989-13 January 1990 Detailing Fort Bragg's Participation in Operation Just Cause.

XVIII Airborne Corps, Organizational History Files, 1989—90. Operation Just Cause. Corps Historian's Notes. Notebook #1.




At one time, CA was thought of as an adjunct to military police — useful once the battle was over and order was being restored. After a war, more than police protection was needed. Later it was realized that CA could be useful during a conflict (Carl Stiner used his CA resources to great effect during the Panama invasion) or even before a conflict begins, to prevent it.


Another well-known Philippine guerrilla, Colonel Wendell Fertig, who had gallantly fought the Japanese on Mindanao, later joined Bank and Volckmann's staff. A pretty good movie was made in the 1950s about Fertig, and you can read about him in our friend W. E. B. Griffin's novel Behind the Lines.


On December 10, 1955, Brigadier General McClure's Psychological Warfare Center had become the Special Warfare Center and School.


An unexpected but gratifying endorsement came from the Soviet censors, who banned 'The Ballad of the Green Beret' in the USSR.


Because of his background, some of his Army friends later came to call him 'Country Carl': a friendly nickname, not a derisive one. Stiner has always loved his origins, and anyone mistaking Stiner for a rube is likely to discover his own mistake with rich embarrassment.


My brother Tom served in the army for twenty-nine years, retiring as a colonel. He was elected County Executive six years ago, and still serves in that position. A second brother, Glen, died at age forty-one. My third brother, Emory, is an executive with Burlington Industries. My sister, JoAnn, the youngest, is a registered nurse.


Over the years, Ranger School has changed to meet the needs and challenges of the times. Long before the Gulf War, a desert phase, conducted at Fort Bliss, Texas, was added to the program of instruction. It greatly benefited the young leaders who fought in Operation DESERT STORM.


The French Army continued to advise the Laotian Army even after Laotian independence — though unenthusiastically. The absence of serious French interest in the enterprise led to U.S. Special Forces involvement.


One of his most legendary missions occurred in November 1970, when Simons led a secret commando attack on a North Vietnamese prisoner-of-war camp called Son Tay Prison, deep within North Vietnam a few miles west of Hanoi, with the aim of rescuing better than a hundred American POWs. Fifty-six volunteer SF operators had been gathered from the 6th and 7th Special Forces Groups and from the Special Warfare Center to take part in the raid. They prepared and trained intensively for six months (on, for example, actual-scale mock-ups of the prison), flew into Udorn Air Base in Thailand, and then helicoptered into North Vietnam on the night of November 20th and 21st. The raid went off beautifully, but for one thing: The POWs had been moved some time before. In spite of the failure to achieve its overall aim, however, the Son Tay Raid has joined the very select list of Special Forces defining moments. It's there because it shows what they can do. It also shows the cost of bad intelligence. SF troops would pay that cost many other times.

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