hundred maids.'

Next, he displayed a small purse. He upended it and a handful of rare gems poured out. With the proper spell, Majesty, he said, these gems can become many. I mentioned their existence to Lord Timura, saying they would help solve your financial difficulties, but he declared them black magic, evil magic, and commanded me to say nothing.'

Then he picked up a skull with the unmistakable shape of a wolf. This is a shape-changer's amulet, Majesty, he said. Used wisely it could give you amazing powers. Magical powers, Majesty. Which I hesitate to suggest, is the only thing Your Majesty lacks.

'Why, with magical powers, Majesty, you would have no need for wizards, other than to perform rote duties.'

'Than I'd be like Alisarrian, Protarus murmured.

'Yes, Majesty, Fari said. You would be master of both worlds. Temporal and spiritual.'

'And I'd have no need for Safar, Iraj said.

Fari shrugged. I hadn't thought of that, he said. Lord Timura is such a mighty wizard it prevents such thinking.

'But I suppose it's true. You would have no need for him. He chuckled. Or me either, for that matter. Except, of course, I'm more than willing to tutor Your Majesty in the magical arts.'

'And Safar wouldn't?'

Another shrug. You would be the best judge of that, Majesty, he said. After all, you have been friends for many years.'

Iraj pressed the point. If that were the case, he said, I could declare the Age of Great Blessings.'

All three conspirators showed surprise.

Then, I suppose you could, Majesty, Fari said.

'Indeed, said Luka.

'Why not? posed Kalasariz.

'I must think on this, Protarus said. I don't want to react too swiftly. That way leads to errors and disappointment.'

'That is a truth that should be engraved on stone, Your Majesty, Kalasariz said. A pause, well used, is what separates the good from the great.'

At that moment a shrill noise sounded. All four heads, two human, two demon, swiveled to the source of the sound. It came from a small alembic, made of jewel encrusted crystal, which sat upon an ebony stand. The alembic had a large bulbous stopper which was flashing a purplish light.

Luka displayed his fangs in a most lascivious grin.

'Wait until you see this, Majesty! he said.

Iraj was puzzled. See what?'

'We had a small entertainment planned for you, Majesty, Fari said.

'Actually, it was completely unscheduled, Kalasariz added. Everything depended upon luck. We prayed it would happen when you were here to see.'

'I hate to repeat myself, Iraj said. But… see what?'

Chuckling, the three conspirators guided the king over to the alembic. As soon as he came close the noise stopped and the flashing light became a steady glow.

'Look into it, Majesty, Fari said. I guarantee you'll be delighted at what you see.'

Iraj stared at the alembic, an expectant smile playing on his lips.

Then an image formed.

The king gasped. By the gods, he said, she is beautiful!'


Nerisa thought she heard voices. She stirred in her tub, head rising from the languorous waters. She looked around and saw nothing unusual in the huge marble bath chamber. It was hazy with perfumed steam rising from the sunken tublarge enough for four Nerisas to splay their limbs comfortably and wriggle them about to feel the water's gentle massage.

When she was certain there was no one aroundand the voices were the product of her languid imaginationshe eased back into her bath, breathing a long luxurious sigh.

The Lady Fatinah might have been a woman of immeasurable wealth, but she'd spent the short years of that nobility on the dusty caravan track gathering her wealth. Before she'd merely been Nerisaa dirty orphan child who'd snatched a bath in cold rain barrels set beneath tenement gutters.

Abubensu had boasted of her mansion's view, praised the nursery he'd had remodeled to her exacting specifications, but he'd never said anything about the bath. When Nerisa had discovered it she'd whispered a fervent prayer of thanks to whatever god had sent such splendor her way.

Nerisa captured the huge sponge floating on the water. She reached over to the ledge and picked up the ornate bottle of bathing oilsone of many gifts she'd received from the guests who'd attended her welcoming banquet. The liquid inside was a deep purple, so rich in oily texture that it nearly glowed.

She withdrew the bulbous stopper, dribbled oil on the sponge, replaced the top, then smoothed the delicious, perfumed liquid over her body. Nerisa breathed another long sigh. She'd never felt so clean, so pampered, so

The thought broke off as once again she thought she heard voices.

She let the sponge float away and looked up. Once again there was nothing and no one to be seen.

Then she heard a high-piping voice and smiled.

A moment later Scani came in, Palimak perched on her hip.

'Lord Timura is here, My Lady, the nurse announced.

'Thank you, Scani, Nerisa. Tell him I'll be with him when I've done with my bath.'

Scani bobbed a curtsy. Yes, My Lady.'

Nerisa smiled up at the child.

'And how is my darling Palimak? she said.

The child's finger jabbed outpointing directly at her.

'Shut up! he said.

Scani was shocked. Don't speak to your mother like that, she scolded.

Again, Palimak pointed, but his finger was at a lower level.

'Shut up! he said again. He sounded angry.

'Hush, child! Scani said. Young lord or not, old Scani will peel your hide if you keep talking like that.'

'Pay him no mind, Nerisa said. He's just trying to get attention. If we ignore him he'll stop.'

But Scani was upset. This was a blow to her skills as a nursemaid. I don't know where he got such language, My Lady! she said. Those are words I most certainly never use.'

'Shut up! Palimak broke in.

Then he wriggled and kicked so fiercely Scani was forced to lower him to the floor and let him go.

'Stop that, Palimak! Scani cried.

But the child paid no attention. On his hands and knees, he skittered across the wet marble floor. He stopped at the edge of the bath.

His eyes glowed yellow as he regarded the bottle of bath oils.

'Shut up! he demanded.

He slapped at the bottle, rocking it.

'Shut up, shut up, shuutt uppp!'

And then, to the shocked amazement of the two women, he gave the bottle such a blow that it slammed against the edge of the tub.

Glass shattered in every direction.


Iraj reeled back as the image exploded in his face.

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