Vasilevsky, Marshal Alexander Mikahilovich, 26, 85-86, 88, 117, 161-162, 173, 183, 203, 217, 228, 231-232, 233-234, 241

Vassilevska, 250, 258, 266, 273, 274, 279

Vatutin, Gen., 161, 183, 300, 301

Verkhne-Kumski, 237, 239, 240, 241, 243, 250, 253, 254

Verkhne-Tsaritsyn, 231

Vertaichy, 112, 388

Victor Emmanuel, King, 305

Viersen, xi

Vinnitsa, Nazi headquarters at, 17, 21, 79, 85, 110

Viskov, Constantin, 54, 59, 97

Vitebsk, 211

Vladimir prison camp, 390

vodka, rations of, 168-169, 324, 325

Vodolagin, Mikhail, 60, 68-69, 97

Volga River, xi, xv, 3, 8, 28, 36, 55-56 61; crossed by Mongols, 28; crossing points, 34, 69, 124-125; described, 32, 38; ferry landing on, 89, 91, 110; German moves toward, 20, 21, 24, 52, 91, 92, 111, 119, 141; ice bridge over, 220, 307; replacements ferried over, 112, 124, 125, 128; Russian defenses of, 9. See also ice packs

Volgograd Defense Museum, xii, 406

Volsky, Gen. Viktor T., 173-174, 191, 202

Voporonovo, 355

Voronezh, 154, 388, 422; battle at, 18-19, 24, 121, 155

Voronov, Gen. N. N., 315-316, 333,

Wagemann Capt. Eberhard, 354

Wagner, Gustav, 270, 271

war crimes, Germans accused of, 400, 436

Warsaw, 15

weapons, 14, 36, 95. See also artillery

weather, effect of on battle, 28, 33, 163-164, 183-184, 186, 194, 217, 222, 291, 303

Weichs, Gen. Freiherr von, 192, 200

Wenck, Col. Walter, 214, 228

Wendt, Siegfried, 198, 406

Werth, Alexander, 336

West Germany, 396, 399, 402, 403, 435; army of, 401. See also names of towns

wheat: harvest, 32; and Nazi objectives, 119; supplies, 102, 142

White Army, Russian, 20, 30

Wiedemann, Sgt., 195-196

Wiesbaden, 46

Willig, Capt., 325

Wirkner, Sgt. Hubert, 210, 224-225, 324, 338, 357-359, 365, 381, 403, 406

Wohlfahrt, Sgt. Ernst, 138-139, 156, 338, 351-352, 406

Wolf’s Lair, see Rastenburg

workers, mobilization of, see militia

World War I, xiv, 15, 29, 212; veterans of, 12, 13, 130

wounds, self-inflicted, 353-354

Yamy, 80, 83, 84, 88

Yelchenko, Lt. Fyodor, 377-378, 379n

Yelin, Col., 92, 93, 102-103, 119

Yelshanka, 54, 60

Yeremenko, Gen. Andrei Ivanovich, 25-27, 30, 53, 151, 187, 192, 222, 403; demoted, 301-302, 320; given supreme responsibility for defense of Stalingrad, 48; orders given by, 54, 74, 75, 134; plan of defense, 32-38, 45, 47-48, 73-74; Stalin and, 61, 83, 88; visit to Chuikov command post, 135-136. See also Khrushchev

Young Fascist League, 15

Yugoslavia, 4

Zabolotnov, Lt., 119

Zaitsev, Vassili, 121-122, 127-130, 145-146, 236, 386, 397, 403-404

Zaitsevski Island, 243

Zeitzler, Gen. Kurt, 163, 199, 206-207, 210, 217, 232, 246, 271, 274, 277, 333, 356, 381-386

Zholudev, Gen. Victor, 123, 134, 136, 150, 285

Zhukov, Marshal Georgi Konstantinovich, x, 70-71, 77-78, 85, 86, 88, 117, 158, 217, 218, 228, 301-302,

404; plan for counterattack, 161-162, 171, 173-174, 404

Zitzewitz, Maj. Coelestin von, 210-211, 303-304, 354, 356-357, 404

Zybenko, 286, 334, 335

About the Author

William Craig (1929-97), a native of Concord, Massachusetts, was educated at Columbia University. His first book, The Fall of Japan, was a documentary account of the last weeks of the Second World War in the Pacific. His first novel, The Tashkent Crisis, a thriller about espionage and international politics, was published in 1971. Enemy at the Gates is the culmination of five years of research, during which he travelled extensively on three continents, studying documents and interviewing hundreds of survivors of Stalingrad.



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