beautiful and happy without losing the ability to live on earth. I will not and cannot believe that evil is the normal condition of people. And they all laugh merely at this belief of mine. But how can I not believe: I saw the truth—it’s not that my mind invented it, but I saw it, I saw it, and its
And I found that little girl… And I’ll go! I’ll go!
1. The Neva River divides into three main branches as it flows into the Gulf of Finland, marking out the three main areas of the city of St. Petersburg. On the left bank of the Neva is the city center, between the Neva and the Little Neva is Vasilievsky Island, and between the Little Neva and the Nevka is the so-called “Petersburg side,” which is thus some distance from the center.
2. These three gentlemen are all in the civil service, not the military. But civil service ranks had military equivalents, which were sometimes used in social address. The following is a list of the fourteen civil service ranks from highest to lowest, with their approximate military equivalents:
1. Chancellor
Field Marshal
2. Actual Privy Councillor
3. Actual State Councillor
Major General
5. State Councillor
6. Collegiate Councillor
Lieutenant Colonel
7. Court Councillor
8. Collegiate Assessor
9. Titular Councillor
Staff Captain
10. Collegiate Secretary
11. Secretary of Naval Constructions
12. Government Secretary
13. Provincial Secretary
14. Collegiate Registrar
The rank of titular councillor conferred personal nobility; the rank of actual state councillor made it hereditary. Wives of officials shared their husbands’ rank and were entitled to the same mode of address—“Your Honor,” “Your Excellency,” “Your Supreme Excellency.” Mention of an official’s rank automatically indicates the amount of deference he must be shown, and by whom.
3. The star was the decoration of a number of orders, among them the Polish-Russian Order of St. Stanislas (or Stanislav) and the Swedish Order of the North Star.
4. Certain Russian decorations had two degrees, being worn either on the breast or on a ribbon around the neck.
5. “Botched existence” or “failed life” (French).
6. “Talker” and “phrase-maker” (French).
7. A tax-farmer was a private person authorized by the government to collect taxes in exchange for a fixed fee. The practice was open to abuse, and tax-farmers could become extremely rich, though never quite respectable. Tax-farming was eventually abolished by the economic reforms of the emperor Alexander II in the 1860s, to which reference is made here.
8. A reference to Christ’s teaching: “Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved” (Matthew 9:17).
9. “That’s the word” (French).
10. “Good sense” (French).
11. Pralinsky is mulling over the “problem” of the abolition of corporal punishment with birch rods, then still allowed in the army and in the schools as well as with serfs.
12. The clerk’s name is absurdly close to the Russian
13. “Mlekopitaev” is also an absurd, though just plausible, name derived from the Russian word for “mammal.”
14. Clerks in the civil service had to have their superiors’ permission to change departments, to move elsewhere, and even to marry.
15. The leader of the romantic movement in Russian art, K. P. Briullov (1799–1852), was most famous for his enormous historical painting