? They were surprised at how little disturbed I was over the vampire issue. But if Carlisle and Rosalie, my angel, were vampires, how bad could it be?? I nodded, agreeing completely, as he continued. ?I had a bit more trouble with the rules…. ? He chuckled. ?You had your hands full with me at first, didn‘t you? Emmett‘s playful nudge to Edward‘s shoulder set us both rocking.

Edward snorted without looking away from the TV.

?So you see, hell‘s not so bad if you get to keep an angel with you,? he assured me mischievously. ?When he gets around to accepting the inevitable, you‘ll do fine.?

Edward‘s fist moved so swiftly that I didn‘t see what knocked Emmett sprawling over the back of the couch. Edward‘s eyes never left the screen.

?Edward!? I scolded, horrified.

?Don‘t worry about it, Bella.? Emmett was unruffled, back in his seat. ?I know where to find him.? He looked over me toward Edward‘s profile. ?You‘ll have to put her down sometime,? he threatened. Edward merely snarled in response, without looking up.

?Boys!? Esme‘s reproving voice called sharply down the stairs.

? Romeo and Juliet?

This quote was the original epigraph for New Moon. The quote actually used, also from Romeo and Juliet, foreshadows more of the danger and potential heartbreak in the book, while the original choice emphasized the romance of the story.

Come, gentle night; come, loving, black-browed night;

Give me my Romeo; and, when I shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine

That all the world will be in love with night….

— Romeo and Juliet, Act III scene ii


The following excerpt was the original first introduction to Old Quil. It takes place in chapter 12 in New Moon after Jacob tells Bella to stay away from him (in the rough draft, Jacob didn‘t come to her window that night).

Charlie was at the breakfast table with a plate of scrambled eggs in front of him. He looked up, seeming surprised to see me.

?You‘re up early,? he said, examining my face carefully.

I glanced at the clock; I was actually running late. ?I‘ve only got fifteen minutes,? I disagreed.

His face was wary. ?It‘s Saturday, honey. You don‘t have work for another hour.?

?Oh.? He was still scrutinizing my face. ?Well, that‘s good. I didn‘t want to go to school much anyway.?

I turned away from him, feeling his eyes on my back, and went to search in the fridge.

The pizza was right on top.

We ate in silence as I wondered what to do with my day. I regretted trading my Saturday hours at Newton‘s. It would have been a nice distraction.

But I knew that I wasn‘t giving up on Jacob, and I wondered what angle to approach him from.

?So you‘re really worried about this Sam thing, aren‘t you?? Charlie was done with his food before I was, and his thoughts were in the same place.

I swallowed. ?Yes, I really am.?

?Do you think he‘s involved with something bad? Drugs or crime or something??

?I don‘t know. I can‘t think of anything else, but I just can‘t see Jacob changing for something like that.? I shrugged.

?I‘m sorry I didn‘t listen to you before,? he said quietly.

?Don‘t worry about it. I‘m used to people thinking I‘m crazy.?

?Don‘t worry about it. I‘m used to people thinking I‘m crazy.? It slipped out before I could think, and Charlie‘s eyes flashed up to mine.

?I don‘t think you‘re crazy.?

?Yeah, I know. I was kidding.?

He nodded, but there was no agreement in the motion.

?Anyway, what were you supposed to think? Billy supports this.? I shook my head. ?It‘s too weird. It‘s like Quil said yesterday… something stinks.?

?Quil Ateara?? he asked quickly.

I nodded. ?He‘s not in the cult. He‘s scared, like Jacob was.?

?Cult?? Charlie repeated in a sharp tone.

?That‘s what Quil called it, and Jacob, too, before they beamed him up,? I said morosely.

?Jacob also said something about tribe pride and tribe lands…. ?

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