Charlie‘s eyes narrowed. ?I wonder if that‘s why Billy and the others seem to approve? I talked to Billy yesterday—?

I nodded knowingly, and he broke off for a second, looking uncomfortable. He was probably trying to remember what all he‘d said about me.

?Anyway,? he started again, ?he was acting pretty strange himself. Billy‘s always been a straightforward person. Yesterday… well, it seemed like he was hiding something.? His voice was full of disbelief, as if this were the most ridiculous of theories.

?Dad, I think that‘s exactly what he‘s doing.?

Charlie looked at me unhappily. ?What are we going to do??

?I think I‘m going to La Push — Mrs. Newton traded shifts with me for today.?

He frowned. ?I don‘t know if I want you down there, Bella. This is a little bit disturbing.?

?It‘s a lot disturbing,? I told him. ?But I don‘t think it‘s dangerous disturbing — at least not for me. Maybe for Quil, though. By the way, I offered Quil our couch if he wants to get away. Is that all right??

He blinked twice. ?Um, sure.? He paused. ?Are you good friends with Quil Ateara??

?I think I‘ve talked to him twice,? I admitted.

Life was spinning out of Charlie‘s comfort zone.

?Okay.? Charlie pursed his lips. Life was spinning out of Charlie‘s comfort zone. I knew the feeling well.

I got up from the table.



?If anything looks… weird, don‘t stay. I‘ll be at the station. And call me, either way.?

?Sure, Dad.?

I felt sort of guilty as I retraced the familiar road to La Push. I was going to do something that I knew was wrong, and that maybe was a slight overreaction, too.

I was going to do my best to convince Quil Ateara to run away from home.

Jacob had thought Sam was after him, and he‘d been right. Now Quil felt the same way. I was going to trust Quil‘s gut instinct and assume that he was next in line for the brainwashing.

But if they wanted him, they were going to have to get through the Chief and me. Maybe Quil would be the key to finding out what was really happening to Jacob, and getting him out.

My mood was more hopeful, now that I had a goal.

La Push was empty. It was almost sultry out today, warm and close under the thick clouds. No rain to drive anyone indoors. The vacant yards and sidewalks seemed suspicious, but I was probably being paranoid. La Push was never a bustling hot spot.

I was glad that Quil‘s family lived on the opposite side of the village from the Blacks. I didn‘t want anyone to guess what I was up to and target Quil earlier than expected. I wished my truck were much quieter. It was the loudest thing in town — so much for stealth.

There was no sign of life outside the Ateara home. I couldn‘t tell if the lights were on inside the store in front of it.

I shut the truck off and hurried up the short dirt path to the front door. I couldn‘t help looking over my shoulder every other second, though it made me feel ridiculous. I rapped my knuckles hard and fast against the faded blue door, then listened, waiting for a response.

Nothing. I beat my fist against the wood twice again, this time generating a muffled thud that seemed to shiver in the walls.

As I waited — discouragement beginning to conquer hope — I was reminded of those movies on the sci-fi channel that I always flipped through quickly, the movies where someone finds herself all alone, the only person left on the planet. I shivered.

I raised my fist for one last, futile attempt, and the door swung open under my hand. I nearly punched the shriveled white-haired man in the face.

?Oh,? I gasped, quickly dropping my hand.

?Hey, you‘re Chief Swan‘s girl,? the little man accused.

?Yes,? I admitted.

?You hang out with Billy‘s kid.?

?Sometimes.? I wondered if he treated all visitors this way. Maybe just the ones who almost assaulted him.

?What do you want? He‘s not here.? He shut the door halfway.

?Um, Mr. Ateara?? I guessed, easing my foot surreptitiously around the doorjamb so he couldn‘t shut me out until I wanted him to.

?Yeah, that‘s right.? He seemed displeased that I knew his name.

?Is your grandson Quil here??


A few seconds passed.

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