everything I was looking for, such as condom-compatibility, FDA-approval and a smooth, no-sticky formula.

Are you among the many women who have a sensitivity to certain ingredients found in lubes, such as Nonoxynol-9 (an ingredient in spermicide), and sugar derivatives? If a lube is irritating you or your partner, discontinue use and look at the ingredient list to see if it contains anything that could be the culprit. Try different lubes until you find the right one for you.

Lube Application & Etiquette

There’s an art to applying lube that makes it even sexier. Try this:

Warm it! Lube that sits out on your nightstand might as well have been sitting in your fridge when you apply it directly to hot body parts. The solution? Pour some into your palms first, then rub it around till the friction heats it up. Or place the bottle of lube into a bowl of hot water you’ve thoughtfully placed at bedside.

Wipe it! What do you do with all that excess lube on your fingers and hands? Wipe it on his back? The dust ruffle? Your peeled-off clothes? Why not just keep a clean towel within arm’s reach?

Pour it! How much lube should you use? The rule of thumb is you can never use too much, but if you feel you’re not getting enough friction, you may be over-pouring.


Most guys will tell you that receiving a handjob is one of life’s greatest pleasures. But getting one that’s truly erotic and exotic is a first-class upgrade to Cloud 9.

Your guy is surely an old hand at satisfying himself. But he’ll be the first to admit that nothing compares to the thrill of your soft, warm, lubricated digits on his penis. It’s the best skin-on-skin pleasure you can give him without thinking about birth control and safer sex. And he’ll jump for joy at the chance to skip those sensation-dulling condoms.

Just think of your hands as creative sex toys with lots of moving pleasure parts. And because your fingertips are flush with sensitive nerve endings, you can actually feel his excitement, too. For starters, be sure your fingernails are trimmed smooth and hangnail-free, and your hands are moisturized and naked of all rings and jewelry that can snag and scratch.And if your hands are cold, warm them under running hot water or by tucking them between your thighs.

Imagine. By the time you finish this chapter, you’ll know more about pleasuring his penis than he’s learned in his entire life!

The Basics

Let’s start with a few general pointers:

Rhythm. Good hand technique is like good music. When you find the right rhythm, you’re on your way to creating a masterpiece.

Pressure. A feather-touch can be too soft; a firm grip can be too much. But the instant you mimic real vaginal snugness, he’ll be putty in your hands. Try inserting a finger or two inside yourself to get a feel for your own snugness. Now you know how tight he may like it.

Angle. Do you only stroke your guy northward toward the belly button, never to points west, or even south? The angle changes the sensation, but be careful: some guys are strictly northerners.

Wetness. While soft, dry teasing can feel good for starters, a handjob really gets going the moment you pour on the slippery lube.

Triggers. No matter how well you master everything else, your big finish will come only when you glide your hand over his trigger points: the ridge, the V-spot and the head.

Listen. Tune in to your guy. His oohhhs and aaaahs speak volumes—just like his body language. So will his mouth, if you just ask!

Sadie Sez:

Learn from the master. Who knows better what your guy likes—than your guy? Ask him seductively for a first-hand demonstration.As you watch him show you his favorite techniques, just wrap your hand around his and take it from there.

Revealing the Prize

Want to tease him mercilessly? Your sexy torture can begin right through his clothes. The light pressure of your fingertips pressing soft cotton against his growing penis will drive him crary. Just be sure there’s expansion room in his pants—it’s about to get crowded down there!

Now, for his grand entrance. Reveal his penis slowly, even if you’ve seen it a million times—he still loves when you first take it out. But be gentle. A scrape against a jagged open zipper can cost him his erection. So can an accidental ‘snap’ of his briefs’ elastic waistband. Oops!

Now trace one fingertip up and down the shaft. Or tap and tickle. Or lightly bounce it up and down. Every living cell in his penis is now screaming out for more of your touch.

Get Slippery!

He’s past light and teasing. He’s ready for hot and heavy. What better time than to bring out the lube?

Lube starter. To use your own natural lube, pool-up some saliva inside your mouth. Now cup your hand over your lips and quietly, gracefully, deposit it onto your fingertips.Then spread it all around the head of his penis for incredible sensations from the first touches of your slippery fingers.

Lube booster. For long-lasting slipperiness, have a good sex lube at-hand. You can drizzle some right onto his penis, or be a considerate lover and warm it up by rubbing it in your palms first.

Head’s Up

Just a few more pointers will turn a good handjob into a virtuoso performance:

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