strength, and inability to deal with stress. Man was not designed to live by vegetables alone, and must accommodate

their body with protein sources from living creatures other than plants, or suffer the consequences.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 1:27:43 PM]

ZetaTalk: Reverence for Life

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ZetaTalk: Reverence for Life

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Reverence for life is a concept promoted periodically, in various ways - Mahatma Ghandi, in his non- violence; Albert

Schweitzer, who coined the phrase; and the Hindus, in their treatment of cows and monkeys as sacred. Vegetarians in

general espouse this philosophy in some manner, as why else give up meat and suffer the almost invariable nutritional

deficiencies that result? We, the Zetas, have described ourselves as vegetarians, and have stated how we deplore the

abusive way humans domesticate animals destined for slaughter. What should a conscientious human do, then, to put a

reverence for life into practice? Done to an extreme, a reverence for life means starving oneself, as even plants have

some sensibilities. What to do?

All this should be balanced with some common sense. If one starts at the bottom of the food chain, with algae and

plants, and then moves up through the insect and worm world, one need scarcely apologize, especially if death is dealt

quickly and cleanly. Even an insect can die a cruel death if one sticks a pin in it and lets it struggle until death

overtakes it. Crush them quickly and cleanly. Following are fish and foul, who have the instinct to escape but truly

don't ponder their possible outcomes. Here also, death should come quickly and cleanly. In a reverence for life

philosophy, sensate mammals such as horses and dogs should be spared when possible, but if necessary for food

should be killed without forewarning of their impending fate, as they experience agony.

A reverence for life philosophy goes beyond whom should eat whom. It also involves practices of medicine, behavior

toward wounded animals, treatment of other humans, and whether one keeps pets or not and under what

circumstances. In sum, it involves putting oneself in the shoes of the creature in question, and treating it accordingly.

Do unto others, even if not human as the self.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 1:27:44 PM]

ZetaTalk: Indestructible Soul

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ZetaTalk: Indestructible Soul

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

What you call a soul is composed of substances, just as your physical body is. These substances are just as complex as

the molecules and cell structure your physical body is composed of - in their own way. However, these substances

cannot be destroyed by such things as atomic explosions or even entry into a black hole. The soul is durable and

indestructible. Souls are born, and evolve and grow, just as in your physical world you find plants and animals

springing up from seed, from a single cell. This does not happen haphazardly, and only happens on worlds in 3rd

Density. When an entity is incarnate, what you call the soul suffuses with the physical body, spreading throughout all

the parts of the physical body.

The existence of the soul, that part of a human remaining after the physical body expires, has been measured as a tiny

adjustment in the weight of the dead body, happening at the moment of death in most cases. We say in most cases, as

the soul may depart earlier, seeing the trend. For instance, where individuals go Out-Of-Body during trauma, the soul

has already left. Nevertheless, there is some small scientific aspect to support the general human perception that they

have a soul. In fact, so prevalent is this feeling or belief in humans, that one stating the opposite comes in for some

heat. Religions invariably espouse the soul and an afterlife as a reality.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 1:27:44 PM]

ZetaTalk: Chakras

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ZetaTalk: Chakras

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Chakras do indeed exist. There are many human names for what is perceived to be a biophysical connection to the

spirit. These connections exist in that the soul, or spirit, is immersed in the physical body and mingles throughout. An

incarnation is not a superficial matter. During an Out-Of-Body experience the soul separates from the physical body,

and the human left behind is quiescent, as though without emotion or much thought. This is a time spent quietly

contemplating or doing mundane tasks. As the soul, during incarnation, is diffused throughout the body, it aligns itself

to embrace the world. The soul communicates with its extensions, the human arms and legs, as this is not a natural

position for the soul. Incarnations in life forms that do not have arms and legs would, understandably, have different


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