The Chakras are related to the functions of the incarnated spirit, not to the human form. The spirit centers itself, and
thus the heart Chakra, and concerns itself with communicating to the mind, and thus the third eye, but the other organs
of the human body are incidental to the spirit, which is not concerned with digestion or locomotion or such functions.
Spirits that are more entranced with physical activities, such as sex or drug use, may be more diffuse within the
physical body, however. A central Chakra, both in the human body and in Chakra action, is the heart Chakra. There
are several reasons for this. First, the heart is centralized in the human body in order to serve the body well in its task as circulation central. Second, the heart responds to emotions, invariably, beating fast during fright or joy, being
regular or irregular in pace with the life situation. Third, the spiritual centering of the soul within the physical body of a human must for similar reasons be centered. As the soul fills the being of whatever it incarnates, it is distended into the human limbs and digits. To work as a unit, the soul indeed utilizes parts of itself to maintain unity and cohesive
action. The heart Chakra, while not circulating fluids, has a similar importance and function.[2/5/2012 1:27:45 PM]
ZetaTalk: Reincarnation
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Reincarnation occurs because special envoys from the Council of Worlds, loosely termed birthing envoys, gather up
disincarnate entities and discuss the entities progress and growth. You may think of this as a school conference if you
wish, where the young entity and its guides have a conference with the birthing envoys. The lessons to be learned are
formulated, with the most pressing lesson taking priority. In this the entity itself has little input, just as young school children have little input into their curriculum. Many call this karma, where what one did in a past life comes back to
haunt one. The entity cannot end an incarnation, except through death or the temporary vacating of the physical body
during Out-Of-Body experiences.
Some entities require fewer incarnations at certain points or planes of development than other entities. This variation in the number of incarnations required is based both on the nature of the entity, or soul, and the circumstances of the
incarnation. The key is whether the lesson to be learned has been sufficiently learned. In some cases an incarnation
will generate more lessons to be learned than it resolved. The entity moves backwards, so to speak.[2/5/2012 1:27:46 PM]
ZetaTalk: Past Lives
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Tapping past lives is much in vogue, especially in California. Since the proposition cannot be disproved, the claimant's
wax poetic. All the past lives are invariably romantic or impressive - they lived in interesting times, in elegant
surroundings, and were always hale and hearty, intelligent, and attractive. Although the vast number of past lives on
Earth were marked by struggle for health, with broken teeth, missing or maimed limbs, and the health problems that
plague mankind today present in the extreme - the past lives trotted forth all seem to involve health and even vibrant
health. Where all but perhaps 5% of the world's populace is of average or dull intelligence, the past lives claimed
invariably involve stations in life which would require a relatively high IQ. And where most of mankind's history has
gone down ignominiously and unrecorded, past lives published seem to all be placed smack in the center of either
momentous historical times or well-recorded historical times. What is going on here? Are these past lives remembered
simply fiction or are the memories selective?
Humans delving into their past lives face many hurtles. The human form has
the way is blocked. Past lives are a leap into history recorded nowhere on Earth - living conditions, cultures and
traditions, and physical appearance all beyond the imagination of humans alive today. A past life spent as a cave-man,
where the diet consisted of bugs and worms and even on desperate occasions of the feces of herbivores, would not be
remembered. Thus, past lives remembered
given center stage, and past lives that passed the minimum acceptance criteria are pruned and amended by humans
remembering them just as they have selective memory about their current incarnation.
Past lives are most often remembered by subtle message the soul gives to the current incarnation, the body. If the soul
is strongly into integrating, fixing past mistakes, it may be
But unless such a situation exists, mediating and begging the soul to play out in full color and sound and fury the
interesting past lives is
reconstruct their past lives are fighting an uphill battle, and will never get close to the hoary truth.