public eye.
They have for years denied the public direct Hubble images, been caught endlessly air brushing out UFO's, and are
suspected all around the world of a conspiracy regarding the Moon landing itself. Well of course they went to the
Moon, and landed, but they
blurting out the truth. Now, covered with the lint of decades of lies and deception, and the increasing pool of specific
information on just[2/5/2012 11:43:50 AM]
ZetaTalk: Moon Landing
announced new information regarding the Moon Landing, and then withdraw? There was a final rehearsal, and all the
many glitches that would only[2/5/2012 11:43:50 AM]
ZetaTalk: International Cooperation
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MJ12 has a reach that goes beyond US borders and in essence makes MJ12 operations international. This is due
primarily to a like mind set regarding the dangers of public panic, a threat which all governments intrinsically abhor.
Where there is a very small minority of corporate leaders who are aware of the potential for a pole shift, as this is a
very closely held secret, the rest of them, through being golfing buddies or having a glass of wine or scotch in their
elite resorts together, hear talk. Such exposure as the Bohemian Club on the West Coast of the US is an example of
how these elite multinationals rub elbows with politicians and world leaders and hear innuendo, hints, eyebrow lifting.
If one cannot communicate, as one is barred from this, one can communicate through body language, a hint that
something is around the corner. International cooperation thus happens naturally, emerging from any first meeting on
these issues, and can be counted on to be solid and unwavering.
The goal is to keep the masses quiescent, at least until the last minute, especially since the governments of the world
don't know what to do about the issues presented by the alien presence and the pending pole shift, and in most cases
are unable to carry out any plans or actualize any hopes they may have. Can't make it go away, can't influence the
outcome, can't politic into the inside track, so let's just not talk about it. In this way life goes on as before, with the
establishment on top and loving every minute of it. In the past such tactics as suppression of media coverage on
sightings was automatic, and for those who doubt that the media
the close link between governments or corporate interests and the media. The media dances to the piper, who in many
cases frankly
In like manner this international cooperation will take a turn toward revelation, as the establishment has come to view
this as the lesser of two evils. Since they cannot make the alien presence or the pending pole shift go away, they must
act to lessen panic as the populace gradually wakes up. MJ12 and its international buddies are now all running in the
other direction. An about face.[2/5/2012 11:43:50 AM]
ZetaTalk: Global Conspiracy
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Do the countries of the world cooperate with each other, because of the alien presence? Most certainly, as to do
otherwise would be a statement that the alien presence does not
Imagine yourself a ruler, whether an elected ruler or as a result of birthright. Whatever else this position of power
brings in the form of perks, it also produces anxiety. Those in power don't want to
presence thus threatens all who hold a position of power. The establishment is afraid that they will be seen as impotent,
and thus drop in stature in the eyes of those who look to them for protection and leadership. The military, in particular,
is prone to this worry, as this is their
don't attend to their duties, and those who live off the inflated value of paper money in all its many forms worry that
their house of cards will collapse if the future does not seem secure to the public.
Thus, a global conspiracy due to the threat of the alien presence occurs naturally. This innate conspiracy takes many
forms, but up until recently has most certainly included suppression of chatter about UFO sightings, suppression of
contactee reports to the point of eliminating them by eliminating the contactee, inserting a fear of cooperation with
aliens by spreading falsehoods about their motives, and claiming a false alliance with aliens where alien technology or