capabilities could be taken on by association. It is widely rumored that wars have been waged to distract the populace

from the real action, and this is true. Since undeniable proof fell into the establishment's lap at Roswell, the focus on

the superpowers has not been on the issues that fill the newspapers, but on how to maintain control. Nevertheless, the

normal business of government and the normal priorities of the vast majority of mankind who is unaware of the real

drama continues, as before. Thus, the global conspiracy is an undercurrent, at most.

Black budgets have been fed by means that the populace would find disgusting and disappointing - drug running and

waging war so that the military industrial complex is flooded with funds, poorly audited. War has the added advantage

of distracting the populace, as families worry about loved ones in combat, and when death and maiming are the threat,

who looks for UFO stories in the news. Massive monitory scams have been perpetrated, such as the BCCI bank and its

predecessors, all of which had the hand of the CIA firmly at the helm. These moneys were collected to launch a

defense against the alien presence, to protect the elite from the effects of the pole shift they all knew was coming soon,

and due to the secret nature of the operations, for the pleasure of those who knew that no one could audit them.

The global conspiracy runs today as before, with a difference. Where before the focus was on suppression of chatter

about the alien presence, now this chatter is encouraged. Where before the focus was to deny that a pole shift was

pending, now the populace is being encouraged to think that something is around the corner, whether due to global

warming or a dropping jet stream or the possibility of meteors or simply holes in the ozone layer. Those in the know

have determined that they cannot escape the pole shift, or deflect the alien presence or prevent mankind's awakening to

the reality of either. Thus, they now fear panic in an unprepared public more than they fear an awakened public. Thus,

the global conspiracy is now a conspiracy of deliberate leaks, information channels supported, and pole shift

preparation by various segments of society. The establishment is well aware that a collapse of civilization will affect

them more than those they currently look down on. If they can't escape, then they must stand and prepare.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:43:51 AM]

ZetaTalk: Bilderberger Group

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ZetaTalk: Bilderberg Group

Note: written on Nov 15, 1996

Humans have a long standing tradition - when one doesn't know what to do about an issue, form a committee. Thus it

was that the Bilderberg Group formed. It is not hard to imagine the state of affairs after Roswell. The heads of state of

US allies and their close confidants, chairmen of major US or international companies and their confidants, and a

number of scientists from prestigious universities or institutes were aware of the alien presence but were unsure what

this meant for the future of the Earth. Were the aliens friendly as stated, or deceptive? The answer, as we have

explained, is both, but to humans who considered themselves leaders the answer was not at all clear, and many still do

not have it sorted out today. They tend to lump all alien visitors together and thus endlessly discuss all manner of

speculation on what might be unfolding.

The membership of the Bilderberg Group changes over time, but only slightly, as the original group was tasked with

sorting out the issues and coming forth with recommendations, and the mission is not yet accomplished. They meet

periodically, in secret, here and there around the face of the globe. They start up where they left off at the last meeting,

and churn the issues and possibilities until they again become exhausted. Like most committees that cannot come up

with an action plan, the only thing they accomplish is their self perpetuation.

Note: below written on June 10, 2006 on the GodlikeProduction Live ZetaTalk show.

The Bilderberg Group is meeting for 2006 in Ottowa. Per Alex Jones on Prison Planet there were 123

participants on the list for 2004. 32% were corporate, CEO or directors, 30% were political, heads of

state or ministers or in parliament, 16% represent institutes, foundations, or universities with a focus on

economics, 15% were financial, representing banks or investment firms, and 7% were media

representatives, editors and the like. What are they up to.

We have explained in the past that the Bilderberg Group was formed originally to deal with the issue of the alien

presence, its impact on the populations and economies of the world. Would the populace panic, bringing with it

economic devastation? How to control this? Perhaps with a gradual education program, but certainly with media

suppression when sightings and crop circles appeared. None of this is news. Once formed, this group of course

discussed other matters. They had inside information garnered from MJ12 not only on the alien presence but also on

the anticipated passage of Planet X. As concern about the public's reaction to the alien presence diminished, and the

time of the passage loomed close, this became their primary concern and now dominates their discussions. We have

mentioned that only Face to Face meetings on Planet X are occurring, among those in the know, for fear that

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