ZetaTalk: Council of Foreign Relations

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ZetaTalk: Council of Foreign Relations

Note: written on Nov 15, 1996

Where MJ12 operations were intended to run in such a covert manner that the public would never even learn of their

existence, the interface with foreign nations pushed into the public realm. In the past, where the US and its allies and

multinational corporations agreed to suppress awareness of the alien presence, this was accomplished in the US by the

influence that federal agencies have over local governments and by the cooperation of those controlling major media

content. But what occurred in a Third World country if a sighting or contactee story got media coverage? It would

hardly do to have the US or its allies silent about these matters while other countries talked openly. Suppression only

succeeds when it is unilateral.

Thus, the MJ12 arm that reached out into the world at large, beyond its control, sought to influence nations to

cooperate by maintaining control over US foreign relations. US dollars to be invested, trade agreements, the placement

of military bases - all could be used as leverage to gain agreement with the aims of MJ12. Thus it has been that the

Council of Foreign Relations seems inordinately involved in matters that seem only faintly connected to foreign affairs.

Look to the larger picture and it starts to make sense. Now that the press to suppress has moved to controlled leaks and

information releases designed to awaken the populace, expect the Council of Foreign Relations to lean its influence in

this direction.

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ZetaTalk: Illuminati

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ZetaTalk: Illuminati

Note: written on Nov 15, 1996

Where MJ12 and its tentacles into intelligence agencies and governments throughout the world and multinational

corporations have tried to stay out of the public eye, the Illuminati have done the opposite. Their symbol, the single

eye, is discovered so frequently that interest is raised, rather than suppressed. this is exactly what the Illuminati want,

as they want the populace to feel manipulated, hopeless, left out of the loop, and that others more special and

privileged are in control, in the know, and able to manipulate events in their favor. If this sounds like a Service-to-Self

oriented organization, one designed to increase the hopelessness and fear that make emerging souls inclined toward the

Service-to-Self orientation, that's because that is the basis of the Illuminati mission and the motive behind everything

they do. The eye, a symbol taken from ancient times so as to imply an age-old organization, carries the implication of

being all-seeing, never blinking, and thus all-knowing.

The populace reads rumors about Illuminati, reads the names of powerful and well placed persons supposedly in the

Illuminati, finds these same persons increasingly in power and concludes, as was intended, that the rumors about the

clout the Illuminati holds must be true. This was a well thought out fear campaign, with the moves in the game being

played exactly as planned. Bear in mind that those in control of the Illuminati fear campaign are not those whose

names appear as members on the lists leaked to the populace. The names on the lists are individuals being guided into

power position by those able to manipulate such circumstances, and are individuals of great talent and promise so their

planned ascension meets with little resistance. Thus where these names appear as Illuminati members, these

individuals are not members of the Illuminati. Look at who is in a position to promote the ascention of these

individuals, and who is standing behind those individuals with a gun pointed at their heads, to see who is conducting

the Illuminati fear campaign.

Below written on Jul 29, 2005 for the bbsradio Radio show 'Who Runs the World'

Since we have described those who manipulate world events, based on their great wealth, as the Puppet Masters, does

this mean the Puppet Masters are the Illuminati? No, though the Illuminati virtually worships the Puppet Masters,

desires to be associated with this clout and influence, and thus often are used to further the Puppet Masters goals. The

Illuminati are an old society, centuries old, and emerging in Europe naturally were composed of royalty, members of

court in attendance to royalty, and organized religion which in those days were often so closely allied with royalty, as

state religions, to be one and the same. Do the royalty of Europe run the world? Do the heads of organized religions,

the Vatican, run the world? On what basis? It is wealth that runs the world, by the many means we have outlined, from

purchasing cooperation from corporations, which they own, to assisting their Puppets into political power via their

control of the media and assets to be used for bribery and coercion. The members of the Illuminati seek favors from

the Puppet Master, and offer services, and in this regards act as a supplicant, not a master.

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